JenterJ   Japan
おかえり / Welcome
Νεχ ποσσυμ τεχυμ ωιωερε , νεχ σινε τε .
"I can neither live with you, nor without you"
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Path of Exile
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Hakkımda / About Me
About Me
Alias: JenterJ
Current Job: Graphic Designer
Games That I Like: Overwatch, Fallout 76, Horizon Zero Dawn, War Thunder
Personality: Melancholic Misanthrope
My Anime List []

Contact Info
Discord: JenterJ#0138
SteamID: auto-medicine

Favorite Quotes
"The bird of Hermes is my name eating my wings to make me tame" -The Ripley Scroll
"Deus lo vult" -Youjo Senki
"Manners maketh man..." - William Horman
"Yalnızlığımı kendi haline bırakın." -Edgar Allen Poe
"En kayıtsız insanların bile içinde hassas noktalar vardır. Yaşamla da ölümle de dalga geçen, tamamen kaybolmuş ruhların bile dalga geçemeyeceği şeyler vardır." -Edgar Allen Poe
"...Time has no end, no beginning, no purpose...
...I live in a prison of my own demise
I am lost.. in Time"
-Halo 2: Destroyer's Invocation
"Where do you think we go after odds?
Where do we go? When do we die you mean?
Oh... Well we all go to go to heaven"
- Burgos: Where do we go
“Living alone is fine with me. I’m alone anyway.” - Shinji Ikari -Neon Genesis Evangelion-
“Man cannot erase this sadness, because all men are fundamentally alone.” - Kaworu Nagisa -Neon Genesis Evangelion-
''Bize hiç bir şey yapılmadı, yalnızca tam bir hiçliğin içine koyulduk, çünkü bilindiği gibi dünyada hiçbir şey insan ruhunu hiçlik kadar baskı altına alamaz.'' - Stefan Zweig
“Was muss, das muss.” - Random German
“...I'm not going there to die, I am going to found out if I'm really alive.” - Cowboy Bebop
"The burden of memory is too heavy to handle. Everything I held dear has been changed, corrupted, vanished or died with time and now only exist in my mind. I live to carry these echoes within me into the future. Call it nostalgia, but I know in my heart that it must be more than that." -Anonym

"Olmayan insanlar arasında ne var olduk, ne de yok olduk... Olan tek şey bizdik ama onuda unuttuk." -Auto-Medicine
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911 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
378 hrs on record
last played on Jun 7
838 hrs on record
last played on Jun 6