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47 Hours played
Bad combat ✔
Weird Dialogue ✔
Questionable English voice acting ✔
3 Factions with different views of the world ✔
Drug addicts ✔
Get your ass handed to you by every at low levels ✔
Grinding quest in town because the world is too scary and you suck ✔
Continue to get your ass handed to you at high levels ✔
Same PB formula from Gothic and Risen ✔
Great open world atmosphere ✔

this game isn't recommended for someone who isn't a fan of PB and their games, punish yourself else where.
But if you're looking for a difficult game that is mostly unfair, go on ahead play and hate yourself, the fun is waiting for you.
There's noting more satisfying than beating this game at its own game.

if you love Gothic and Risen series and wanting to scratch that itch that those games left, then this might be the game for you (unless if you hated Risen 3 because this is closer to Risen 3 than Gothic in terms of gameplay and how the world is set up)

Update: After finishing the game, I can most certainly say that ELEX follows the frame of Gothic 3 and Risen 3, so take that as you may. With a slight spoiler, the plot of ELEX is actually pretty "short" much like Gothic 3 and Risen 3, as soon as you finish your faction stuff and have become a suitable level/decent equipment, the story practically snowballs if you have nothing else left to do in any city/faction/companion.

There are some plot holes/unfinished plot lines. Overall, I still stand by my rating. It may not be the best game from PB or even a good RPG game by popularity standards, but it is EURO-jank, and it is a decent one at that.
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WillC2018 Nov 20, 2020 @ 6:05pm 
Makes good porno movies