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Évaluations récentes de Neifirst

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
34.4 h en tout (11.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
It's like a modernised Sins 1 with a few small changes and additions, which is great because that game was awesome and I wanted more with better graphics.. and the graphics are definitely far better for sure. Really like how they kept the same voice actors as the first game, they are incredible and fit the game perfectly, the game would have been worse if the voices were too different because they inevitably wouldn't have been as good.

Definitely get this if you were disappointed by Homeworld 3 or looking for good ol pew pew laser beam pew pew action.

There are criticisms however!

*Still no campaign for anyone that is into those. It's 100% just skirmish maps. I do wish they got on with the times and atleast gave us a Roguelike thing something... but one can dream.

*The game on certain maps feels like it ramps up way too quickly and resources get out of control so you have trouble spending it all and zoom through the research, but luckily game lets you slow things down when setting up a match. The AI on Hard is a bit too easy but luckily there are two more steps above that. Does feel like there could be more parameters though, so may feel barebones on that end.

*The music IS A HUGE STEP DOWN from the first game, which was quite surprising to me. It feels like they ran out of budget for a soundtrack, because there is far less music in this game, and the music in it is of a much more generic style and quality compared to the incredible scores we got in the first. Probably my biggest disappointment with Sins 2.. game feels way less epic because of it. But thankfully the game is still fine.. but omg.. the downgraded soundtrack..
Évaluation publiée le 16 aout.
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12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
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0.1 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 5 aout. Dernière modification le 5 aout.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
51.5 h en tout (36.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Cute and funny girls in some really imaginative outfits and a board game.. count me in! The tutorial isn't as good as Mahjong Soul's but I love how this game has voice emotes and the characters are much more alive and animated.

As a gacha game, its definitely trying to hook you into spending hundreds of dollars for potentially receiving nothing, or something you don't want.. but the good news is that the default girl you start with is fantastic so unless you're a rich whale there is no need to spend money.
Évaluation publiée le 24 juillet. Dernière modification le 24 juillet.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
75.1 h en tout (34.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I've been trying to get into fighting games for a very long time. Alongside SF6 this feels like one of the few that 's a complete package with full ease of play. There's no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ difficult combos and crazy special moves you have to spend a year figuring out, in a week you'll already be good enough to get into some epic matches.

TLDR if fighting games always frustrated you GET THIS!! Accessible, flashy, and amazing presentation and polish.
Évaluation publiée le 4 janvier.
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51.9 h en tout
I'm a big Gundam fan and this is the only game ever made that comes to close to making you feel like you're piloting one.. EVEN THOUGH the IP isn't that at all! I hope Sunrise takes notes and copies the way they did the combat in this, because it is spectacular, the best mech action game ever made.

If you're a Fromsoft aficionado expecting a Soulslike game this is not it, don't come in expecting one. The game is mostly fairly easy by design and plays completely different. There are however some amazing bosses in this, so that part of the Souls DNA is mostly there.

Also if the game might seem very short, but it's meant to be completed THREE TIMES because there are three endings, with the third playthrough unlocking the chance to get the third elusive ending.
Évaluation publiée le 23 octobre 2023.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
138.9 h en tout (136.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
One of those rare sort of games where you really feel the devs put in a lot of love and care to create something special. Tons of content, crazy enemies, tons of creativity on display. I'd be very surprised if the team managed to create something on the scale of this again.
Évaluation publiée le 17 juillet 2023.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3.9 h en tout
original devs good, new devs bad
Évaluation publiée le 28 juin 2023.
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38.9 h en tout (27.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Wow. This game oozes charm and never lets up with it start to finish. The writers, animators and designers must have worked in absolute perfect cohesion and it really shows. Worth it for presentation alone.

The gameplay is also very fun. It does suffer a lot from an interface that lacks a listing and sorting function however. Be prepared to manually have to write shopping lists in notepad a swell as other notes to keep track of everything you'll need to succeed. Apart from that though, incredibly heartwarming and enjoyable game 9.5/10. Can't wait to see what these devs do next.
Évaluation publiée le 19 octobre 2022.
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80.2 h en tout
The deflection and stagger mechanics in this game are genuinely innovative and make combat super engaging. So much so I wish every new game would copy those mechanics because its something that feels missing to me when I play other games. If you play this like a Dark Souls game you will have an incredibly ♥♥♥♥♥♥ time. Spam tapping the block button and discovering the intuitive deflection system and you'll have a great one.
Évaluation publiée le 12 octobre 2022.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1.5 h en tout
As a long time Gundam fan, this game is insanely mediocre. It takes absolutely zero advantage of its IP and merely functions as an Overwatch clone with smaller maps, shorter matches and even more shallow gameplay, which is insane considering I already consider Blizzard's Overwatch shallow and uninteresting.

None of the MS feel like their anime counterparts. The devs cherry picked 2-3 abilities/weapons for a unit, and made it unique to that one (Only one MS is able to use vulcan head-guns, which is insane considering its a staple for 80% of MS). In the shows a Mobile Suit has atleast eight arnaments and systems, all of which would make for an interesting game, but this game abandons all of that to create a somehow *even more* casualized version of Overwatch, which makes no sense considering that game came out years ago and it's no longer a novel concept.

So there it is. Tiny battlefields with a handful of MS that barely feel true to their source material, and you CAN'T EVEN FLY - in a Gundam game. Some MS can transform into mobile-armor mode to fly for a WHOLE THREE SECONDS. More wasted potential for Gundam. They should have made a massive Battlefield style game where every unit feels detailed with all the functions of their anime-versions, but instead we get this slapdash low effort game that feels like it belongs on mobile phones.
Évaluation publiée le 21 septembre 2022. Dernière modification le 21 septembre 2022.
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