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2 people found this review helpful
7.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
deepglugs does a wonderful job of retelling mythical events with entirely possible twists. Tragedy of Medusa tells of the Gorgon Medusa, but from a different perspective, it becomes an almost completely different story, in a beautiful way.

While this game does contain choices, most are slightly altered dialogue. And, while this game does have adult content, it's not a fap fest, but a story with sex and such occurring.
Posted March 11, 2023.
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45.1 hrs on record
Phenomenal game. Loved every second. Highly recommended.

The description is pretty accurate. It's a stealth puzzle game with a significant combat groove, and it's really well done. I love the characters and their development, the story is based on history/legend, the cultural feel is spot on (most of the design team are from Japan and Korea, so makes sense). Beautifully done.
Posted November 30, 2019.
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83.8 hrs on record (36.4 hrs at review time)
Great when on sale. I wouldn't pay full price for this game, but on sale, it's worth the adventure.

If you're familiar with the Far Cry series, this feels like 3 and 2 had a baby. Cool story, some fun new mechanics, open world, but lots of repetitive quests along the way.
Posted November 30, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
42.3 hrs on record
First, caveat: Got the game on sale. Thank you, Steam <3

I really enjoyed the game. Good story, which was always progressing and changing. Almost no grinding, though spawns are fairly quick, so there's still a bit of fighting just in traveling. Decent graphics, well scripted/dialogued/voice acted, several complex characters, and a fun world to be in. I'd would absolutely buy Technomancer 2, if it were ever made.

Unique story
Fun gameplay
Decent length
Never felt like I was waiting for the story to progress! It kept me excited (hard to quit playing).

Very linear at its core, not open world, but more amusement park (decent sized maps, but only a few of them).
Choices didn't really feel like they had major consequences, other than the epilogue/conclusion story.

Great game, really hoping they make another.
Posted November 30, 2019.
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592.6 hrs on record (65.6 hrs at review time)
This game is well done, very enjoyable, and more forgiving than I would have expected.

Additionally, the progression of power is amazing, and constantly has me wondering what new gear, mech, etc., is next, and I'm not even very far into the first campaign.

Having played the FPS MechWarrior game for quite a while, it's both awesome and rewarding to see most of those mechs in this game.

Overall, 8/10, loving it.
Posted July 6, 2019.
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6 people found this review helpful
199.1 hrs on record (31.6 hrs at review time)
This game is difficult and unforgiving. A bit Icewind Dale meets Dark Souls. It can be especially tough starting out, and like Game of Thrones, anyone can die, so don't get too attached to your people or gear.

However, it is fun. You are rewarded for smart tactics, there is growth and progression that keeps me intrigued, winning is even sweeter because of the difficulty, and I can't stop playing.
Posted May 23, 2019.
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47.2 hrs on record
I honestly give this a 9/10. There were a few tiny glitches that were a little annoying, but everything else about this game was either as expected, or far better.

The story is gripping, the scenery is phenomenal, and other than seraching for a few missing collectables here and there, I had a blast from beginnin to end. Highly recommended for anyone that likes this sort of adventure game.
Posted November 25, 2017.
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140 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
58.3 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
***UPDATE below the original review, 23+ hours in the game***

I currently have close to 9.4 hours in the game, and I'm at the current 'end.' As such, I'll provide my thoughts thus far:

1st question most ask, is it worth buying? In its current state, at 10 hours of gameplay, that's a tough sell, but having a chance to perhaps have some input on how the final product turns out may be the tipping point for some.

I've had fun. I've thought about this game between sessions, which is usually a good indicator that it's interesting enough, even in its current Alpha state, to keep me guessing. I really hope this winds up as a completed project (have seen a few Alphas sputter and die, let this not be one!)

Gameplay: Nothing amazing yet, but nothing to complain about, either. Feels a bit like it could become an MMO, though I am kind of torn about whether it should be or not.

Caveat: If there's a project plan/roadmap, I haven't seen it or read it. It may answer some of this.

  • Inventory/Gathering - First, for the reader, this game is still very much alpha. It seems that currently, inventory is unlimited, but you can sell almost nothing. I would guess/hope/assume that this will change significantly as the game develops. Note for the developers - stopping for 4 seconds to shove a melon in your face, or 1 second to pick up every single item from the ground, feels a bit tedious. While I understand for realism, one can't grab on the run, something, perhaps the animation or mechanic, needs to be tweaked to make the pleasure of finding a 'field' of melons less overshadowed by the dread of the time it will take to pluck each one.
  • 'Guns' - They aren't too impressive yet, but they are showing an interesting diversity in both traditional firearms and new/alien tech. (Fun note, the projectiles are still a bit on the slow side).
  • Armor - Currently available armor, up to 20 chest and 20 pants , while a bit expensive, renders the player almost invulnerable. As the game expands, I would hope that this would scale a bit more, and better armor wouldn't become available until later.
  • Leveling - Currently very limited. I'm hoping this will eventually expand into a skill tree of some sort. This ties in with my next point.
  • "Survival" - Currently, there's nothing truly survival about this game. Within 10 minutes, I had more water and food then I used the rest of the game. Most gatherable items that were sellable simply became another, albeit slow, way to make money. Again, hoping that as the game expands, the survival aspect may increase (if you put the tag on it, people want the threat of death to be, or least to feel, imminent).
  • Critters - So far, I like the diversity. Much of the creatures feel similar enough, but varied as one might expect on an Earth-like planet. Hoping to see many more species as time goes on (the loading screen promises quite the variety!).
  • Quests - Honestly, these need a lot of work. Some of it was not intuitive at all, and there was a bit of frustrating wandering. As above, if this is a survival game, I'm not looking for a shiny beam of light to guide me to everything, but 'look for drag marks' on cracked desert with no discernable drag marks was a bit aggrivating.
  • Crafting is also still very Alpha, but the fact that it exists at all gives me hope. There are a myriad of crafting games developing right now, and I hope this one doesn't skimp on this aspect.
  • Sounds/Soundtrack - Isn't bad, doesn't detract from the game at all, and feels 'Westerny'. Some of the random ambient noises are a bit odd, and sometimes make you think a bitebug is about to attack, but again, not bad.
  • Visuals - So far, I'll say this is probably the most promising aspect of the game. The floating crystals that actually cast their colors on the ground below as the sun moves is great, and much of the flora and water is awesome, especially considering this is an alpha. It honestly looks better than a couple of 'finished' games I've played.
  • Last, a burning question: Does the scope of this game ever intend to leave the planet?

Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know/feel free to add.

The game has definitely had some work done. The world is larger than I remember, and I feel like it was much harder in the beginning this go round. I found new mountain paths I'd never found before, whether because I got lucky or they weren't accessible yet, I'm not sure. Still had fun, especially after getting some new guns and really being able to fight at range.

All of that said, though, and there's not really anything significantly different than my first review. Still fun, still needs lots of work, but the devs just put out a new dev blog, and do respond to these reviews and comments quickly (Thanks devs!).
Posted June 10, 2017. Last edited January 16, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
163.5 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
I only played this game briefly, but it was fun. It did, however, have a steep learnin curve, and not much was explained, so it left a beginning player a bit confused and wandering around a bit. I have not played it in many months, however, so patching and the like may have fixed many of those problems. If you like the post apoc or survival genres, it's definitely worth checking out, especially with its (free) pricetag.
Posted October 1, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
19.9 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
The game is absolutely beautiful, though it does have a slight cartoonish element. The steampunk designs are always fun to look at, and the weapons make sense. The main character(player), thought not completely original in his reticent bad ass routine, is well written, and the 'damsel in distress' is heart-wrenchingly lovable, even as the story progresses. The rail system is cool and one of the more unique things about the game. I'd give this game a 9/10...everything was well done, audio, visuals, story, etc., but there's something missing that would make have knocked it over the top. Or maybe I'm just overly critical. Great game!
Posted March 22, 2014.
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