Xenotor   Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
If you want to know what i am like check the link out:
Its the most accurate Description of my personality i have seen from those types of tests.

Into Co-op games, MMORGPs as well, but its kinda hard to find good once.
I am open to both PvE and PVP small and large scale games.

Just note: I dont say something just to speak, i speak becourse i have something to say.
So dont expect small talk from me. I am the silent support type :crusader_helmet:
Atualmente offline
Xeno 23 jan. 2018 às 8:40 
ignore whats red. Thats it.
Agmar 6 jan. 2018 às 10:38 
How do you shut down chat for the other team in Foxhole