
Wigbert FriggleShit の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:26.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:15.8時間)
I was skeptical whether Creeper World 4 had anything to offer after how great Creeper World 3 was, but I have definitely come to find that enjoy this iteration far more than 3.

- Introducing the game to full 3D was a great move, it is way more immersive to be able to observe the battlefield from any angle. In fact, Creeper World 3 didn't even have the ability to rotate the view at all as far as I remember, making some levels feel awkward to orient yourself in. For those that dislike the 3D view, there is a top down view that is close enough to the Creeper World 3 aesthetic to work well; all of the entities and buildings have distinct sihlouttes both in 3D and"2D".

- The campaign is a superb introduction for new and old players alike, introducing all the features in a way that encourages the player to take advantage of the newly-introduced mechanic to succeed while also testing their abilities learned from previous missions. Definitely play this first before playing the more difficult missions outside of the campaign, you won't regret it!

- Most importantly, most of the core of CW3 that made it great remains unchanged; the creeper is creeping, but so are you. However, there are also some great changes that some may not appreciate, but I certainly do, and I will talk about a few of them here.
- The old reactors are out, which means no more amassing a giant array of reactors to win the day through sheer energy output. However, mines now fill the gap as a limited means of increasing your power output, but also the flexibility to change your energy output into blueite output at any time.
- Those circles of power that appeared when you nullified (or more accurately, destroyed) an enemy is CW3 are a thing of the past, and replaced with the new ERN system. This is also another one of those "flexibility" improvements where you can now choose between augmenting any unit or even building you wish the way the circles used to do WITHOUT giving up mobility, or improving one of six stats that benefit your entire base, such as increased rate of fire for all units or doubled energy production.
- Speaking of ERN's, gone are the Forges of old that allowed you to grind for base improvements until you became an unstoppable juggernaut, replaced by the ERNs which encourage a balance between limited overall improvements to your base, or overpowering one of your units where that extra "nudge" is needed most.

I have only finished the campaign and completed a couple missions outside of the campaign, but there is so much content already from both the developer and the community, I'm not sure when I'm going to stop! It truly is one of those games that I am genuinely worried will take up my evenings, but I'm not complaining!

If you liked CW3, GET THIS. If you never played a Creeper World 4, AT LEAST TRY THE DEMO, there is a ton of content there to get your feet wet; I think it took me over an hour to beat the demo alone, and I enjoyed every minute of it!
投稿日 2020年12月18日.
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総プレイ時間:2.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.3時間)
I watched a video of someone playing through an early demo of this game many years ago and was immediately gripped by the concept of viewing "snapshots" of the crewmembers' deaths, as well as the indescribable atmosphere created by excellent combination of a very unique and nostalgic graphical style, an extraordinary sound design and soundtrack, and above average voicework, especially for a nearly one-man indie game.

I somehow managed to forget this game existed until now, and I am STILL somehow gripped by those same exact impressions and feelings I had all those years ago just in the first few hours of the game.

As someone who:
A) Mainly plays shooters and construction/management games,
B) Doesn't have a great brain for remembering names and faces, and
C) Usually has a hard time connecting with fictional people in general,
I can't WAIT to find out what happened to the rest of the crew, and solve the overarching mystery. What a fantastic game.
投稿日 2020年7月4日.
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総プレイ時間:235.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:70.0時間)
This game is my all time favorite timekiller right now. It takes the EUIV formula and simplifies and changes some of those mechanics to make it's own unique approach to grand strategy. If you like absolute customization of almost every aspect of the game, then buy this. You can create your own nations and leaders from scratch, build your own scenarios or edit the existing ones to your heart's content.

This is NOT a game you can just dive into and learn all the ropes immediately, there will definitely be some awkwardness dealing with the UI and the unpredictable AI, but it has a lot of potential to grow and there is so much already present that keeps me coming back almost every night for just one more turn.
投稿日 2018年12月27日.
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総プレイ時間:43.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:31.0時間)
"Bup, buppity buh"
- Indian Soldier
投稿日 2016年7月15日.
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総プレイ時間:195.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.7時間)
Very remniscent of Left 4 Dead, in a great way.
投稿日 2015年12月15日.
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総プレイ時間:272.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:45.8時間)
I am writing this review after 25 hours of gameplay.
+ I like the graphics, the guns feel great, VATS feels great, I love modifying weapons now, power armor now feels like both a important and precious asset, and the settlement system
-Melee combat is meh, dialogue and UI is oversimplified, shops are stingy, the inventory is clunkier than I remember, graphical and gameplay glitches abound (lets not forget who developed this game though)

Notable Improvements:
- Less homogenous and improved graphics, although others will argue that it is a major downgrade
- Improved gunplay; this includes classic hip-firing (clearly affected by movement, stance, perks, etc), ironsighting (thanks to a more "snappy feel" and large number of sights to choose from on most weapons), and VATS integration
- VATS itself now forces the player to be more snappy with their decisions with a super-slowmo time modifer instead of time freezing indefinitely
- Modifiying equipment is enhanced and extremely satisfying, whether you make it yourself or a find a great mod out in the wastes.
- Power armor is now treated like both a "vehicle" of sorts and a costly but powerful asset. This is actually a good thing, because it now gives you more reason to use normal armor if you are low on the precious fusion cores the suits now need to run. You feel like an absolute tank when running around early to mid game in a suit, and it becomes much more economical in the late game once you have more fusion cores saved up
- The totally optional (after a certain point) but decently intuitive settlement feature. A great outlet for the more creative Fallout players

Things I disliked:
- Melee combat is still very basic and unintuitive, despite a wide variety of (modifiable) weapons
- The "dialogue wheel" can lead to some limited and really amiguous speech options; I have ended up replying with a response that gave me a frustratingly unintended response on more than one occasion, leading to a petty quickload
- Shops initially have very little caps to spare for your goods, so you end up either hoarding a lot of sellable goods or having to arduously travel to multiple locations just for 1000 caps or so
- There are a lot of numerical values for things that I wish were displayed (or at least an option to toggle them). Things like showing how much weight a companion is carrying, how many hitpoints/radpoints/AP points you have at a glance, etc.
- Bethesda went backwards when it comes to sorting notes, keys, and similar items. They are now stored in the Miscellaneous section. What was wrong with the key ring and Notes section from New Vegas? And I can't seem to remove the bobbleheads from the Misc. section either, but there might be a way that I'm not aware of. TL;DR, the Misc. section of the inventory is nonsense.
- Who thought it was a good idea to arm the Children of Atom with guns that shoot massive concentrated amounts of pure radiation in a Fallout game where radiation now directly affects your max health?! Luckily these jerks are rare, at least for me

There are also many noteworthy (and some gambreaking) glitches in this game that you probably have heard of a thousand times, but most of them are fixable to some extent. My advice in regards to peformance improvements would be to limit your FPS to about 90, disable VSync and mouse smoothing, and turn down the settings on the "God Rays" in the graphical settings on hardware manufactured in 2012 and earlier.
投稿日 2015年11月15日.
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総プレイ時間:28.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:21.6時間)
I am recommending this game to balance out the negative ratings that people are giving due to their impatience. They are very clearly still updating the game, however slow it may be, but I really enjoy the game already even in it's admiteddly buggy and choppy current state, it can only get better from here.
投稿日 2015年11月2日.
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総プレイ時間:165.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:157.0時間)
Yeah you know what, maybe a lot of the community may be jackoffs, maybe half the weapons of the game are hilariously OP and overrused (much to the denial of those that use them, you know who you are), but all you need to do is git gud, ♥♥♥♥ talk if you must, and practice practice practice. It's really a swell game that I'm sad to see is disappearing due to the toxicity of the community and the indifference of the the developers.
投稿日 2015年10月27日.
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総プレイ時間:4.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.5時間)
Dawn of Discovery is one of those games that you start playing and you go, "oh man, this is really complicated, it's going to take me forever to learn how to play"
Fourteen hundred hours later, you have the basics down pat. Then homeless people overrun your town and you start to wish you went to trade school instead of playing this game.
3,492 rioting beggars out of 10
投稿日 2015年10月27日.
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the second most immersive bread simulator out there, i give it thirteen rye breads out of a bakers dozen
投稿日 2015年10月27日.
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