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0.5 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
It's very fun to fly around in a futuristic city, that does a good job of feeling a bit alive, with radio chatter, music and other vehicles. The rain droplets on the cockpit helps make it feel very real as well.

It's 500MB of awesome-looking free stuff.
Posted April 26, 2020.
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42.7 hrs on record
TL:DR A great game with a very interesting story and some good and creative thoughts behind it. It looks and sounds gorgeous.

It took me a long time to start playing this game because it just seemed like a daunting game to me, because I pretty much suck at using a controller in games. Sure enough it was pretty damn hectic for a controller amoeba like me to get through certain things at times, but after a few hours I started to get the hang of it. Especially the unruly camera controls, that took me a while to master.

Despite the problems I had in the beginning, the rest of the game had me hooked, gameplay wise. The graphics and music was also pretty nice.

The story was good and for somebody more emotionally inclined than me it might also bring a few tears here and there -And some laughs as well from some android observational humor.
With regards to the story, I'll quote The Stanley Parable: The End Is Never The End Is Never The End Is Never The End.
Where I thought the ending was at first: "Nope not there. Spend twice that amount of time and you might get there!".
In fact there is not just one possible ending but several and you get to experience the story from the perspective of different characters.

The last ending I got had me laughing hard because it forced me to make a hard choice: Help a random player out there in the world, with the character you've spent hours and hours gearing up BUT delete your save file (I hoped for an achievement for that kind of sacrifice). You never get to see the result of your sacrifice. OR just carry on with the ending and do nothing.
Posted May 20, 2018.
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28.1 hrs on record (17.0 hrs at review time)
Basically the game feels like a discount version of Sniper Elite, which isn't a game series I'd consider top of the line game development either. It doesn't feel like it's worth the full amount of money it asks of you. If you get it on sale it might be worth it as some light entertainment, with no real depth to it.

To start with: I haven't played the multiplayer game. The single player game itself is alright and seems to be stable for me so far (except that it crashes every time I exit it) but it honestly feels like I'm beta-testing it, with a good number of glitches and the game just having a "half done" feel to it, with the story skipping in weird places, as if they ran out of time before they could fill in the gaps.

The story and characters are on the level of a B-movie, which makes you not care about the characters at all and the AI is pretty numb skull as well (maybe it's better on higher difficulties than normal).

The sniping itself is the fun part of the game, but combined with the no-so-bright AI, it mostly feels like an arcady shooting gallery. Even the slow motion head shots feel "discounty", where it just seems like the devs made the decision to line up the bullet 20 meters from the victim and then do a slow motion move into their heads, regardless of where you actually were aiming, in a box near and around their heads.

The game has a lot of "points of interest" spread throughout the map, but mostly they turn out to contain pretty uninteresting content, that even an achievement ♥♥♥♥♥ like myself can't be bothered with, even though the game spreads achievements around generously for pretty much just doing expected gameplay, like flying your drone or running and sneaking.

The economy in the game, of you collecting loads of stuff off dead enemies and "points of interest" is also uninteresting. You just get an overwhelming amount of ressources that you'll never use. The ressources mainly seem to be for completionists that want to buy all available weapons and gadgets, regardless of whether or not they're any good.

The glitches and/or poor design decisions I encountered include:

- Climbing down from a railroad car and somehow getting glitched down beneath it (thankfully I could glitch myself out of it again).
- I ran into an anti personel mine that exploded in my face, apparently at the exact same time as I triggered a cut scene, that would show me to the next part of the game, but after the cut scene was done, I died.
- Having the sniper rifle rest in a spot that was marked as a prone sniper rifle support spot, but my rifle would shoot into the support that the rifle was resting on.
- Scaring off some wolves at a point of interest, that had kept some villagers trapped inside their hut, but dispersing the wolves wasn't enough to trigger a "solved" response by the game. I now had to chase down wolves that had run in all directions, before the hut was unlocked and the villagers were "free".

It's just that half-done feel of the game, with some poor design decisions that makes it so I can't recommend it at full price. On sale: Probably for some light entertainment.
Posted February 15, 2018.
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8.8 hrs on record
At least now I have a sense of how it is like to live in a dictatorship hellhole. $£@%¤"# propaganda radio truck with loud speakers destroyed my hearing.

Over all I enjoyed this game, even though it was very frustrating at times, even on trainee mode (easy), wanting to be the do-gooder that I tend to try to be in games.
It just felt impossible, with the brutal objectives the game gives you pretty early on, which forced me to be the government ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that the game seemed to want me to be.

If nothing else it gave me a good excuse to roleplay being an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ landlord! You can probably be a do-gooder and please almost everybody, but you'd have to min/max like crazy and know the game inside out, and what objects you should save for later use.

The UI feels a bit clunky, though it may have been an intentional design, to make you fumble more when you're in a tight spot and/or short on time to finish objectives and fill out bureaucratic bs forms.

A word of advice: Don't start too many quests up at once or you'll feel like you're spinning plates, with a pulse of 160, to try to keep up with all the deadlines! To be honest I don't know if the quests can expire and disappear before you start them, but at least pace yourself!

Oh and the artwork is lovely and even though the characters are black blobs, you get to empathize with the characters, because the animation is pretty good. Martha <3.
Posted January 12, 2018.
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0.1 hrs on record
Edited for emblems

The graphics are dated and the ported controls are wonky, but I still enjoy replaying Thief 3 from time to time (the low played time is due to me using an installation CD instead of Steam).

It takes place in a medieval steampunky world that also has a bit of magic sprinkled in. There are 3 factions that have a tug of war for power and in the middle is the protagonist Garrett, that basically just wants to be left alone to do some nice and quiet thievery, but keeps on being pestered and pulled into the frey, by these factions.

This game is worth it for one particular level: The Shalebridge Cradle.

Play it in the dark, around midnight, for maximum effect, like I did back in the day!

Ok... now I may have hyped up the level a bit too much. You'll get the best experience if you don't expect anything going into it. Suffice it to say that if you have a good imagination and can fill in the gaps of information and easily pick up cues, then it should be a treat!

Who knows... I've also seen people unaffected by it. It all depends on your personality!

Anyway I hope you like to sneak around and grab shiny loot and blackjack silly taffers in the back of their heads. It takes patience to wait for the opportune moments to strike and loot, but it's well worth it in my humble opinion!
Posted November 28, 2017. Last edited November 24, 2018.
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57.0 hrs on record (43.7 hrs at review time)
First of all: I like the game.

Even though I played Deus Ex: Human Revolution a ton, it took me a little while to adjust to the UI and controls although they are virtually the same as in the old one. Once you learn the parameters of what you can do and when and where to do it in this game, then it becomes easy again.

Second of all: I think it's a showcase for exceptional greed that there's already a DLC out even though the game has only been out for 1 month at the time of me writing this. They must've held back the release of this content to earn extra money. - The "once per save" purchase of praxis kits is another sign of this greed that screams to the heavens that Square Enix is infected with greedy business men, instead of primarily gaming minded individuals.

- I liked that the controls were pretty much the same as they were in Human Revolution.

- The main mission(s) and story was alright, though they didn't feel as epic as they did in Human Revolution.

- The side missions (that I found) are pretty interesting. One in particular blew my mind, since I could've so easily missed it if I hadn't bumped into something accidently, stopping me in my tracks and noticed it, instead of doing what I usually do and sprint around between objectives that are already active.

- There's a ton to explore and it seems to me to be the main meat of this game, to get excited about finding new paths, hidden areas and figuring out the mini puzzles of how to get to them.

- How many different ways there are to do objectives. Sometimes it's almost a bit too much how many different ways there are to complete them. One thing in particular that I liked was that I had seemingly failed some side missions, when looking at when other people on my friendlist had completed them in their playthroughs, but in some of the cases you get a second chance to rectify things.

- Great music!(!!!!)

- Great work by the dev team, that seemed to be held back by their greedy publishers. ->

- The greed of Square Enix. I really hate that those money grubbing individuals that first came up with the tiered pre-order scheme, then this "praxis kit"-one use thing and now this early DLC, are having $$$$$-$ign$ in their eyes, to the point where they ruin the game. Btw you don't need to buy those praxis points at all, but the way Square Enix seems to be going, they'll probably tighten the noose in future releases, so you can only barely get through games without buying extra things in their online store.
I can understand that Square Enix want money for their products, but when the game itself, that is fairly short unless you dig into every nook and cranny, costs 50€, then a 12€ DLC 1 month after the release is just greedy.

- It feels a bit "consolly" to me, with a sometimes bit clunky and big UI and the way you can make Jensen move from his hidding places via a path-line. The hacking minigame also feels a bit clunky and big in the same way, but it can be excused I guess. The map was also not the best. All in all it's a not that bad, but weighed on the negative side for me.

- Lipsynching was subpar. The lips and speech simply didn't fit eachother. Perhaps it's a 2029 augmentation that makes speech-impaired people able to clearly sound out words, even though their mouth movement is all over the place. And a few animations were not that good as well. The new "wallpunch" was a bit "meh" for instance, where the rubble would stay in the hole and Jensen's punch didn't feel quite as "1-inch death punchy" as it was in Human Revolution.

- Just one city hub, Prague, that is reused in different ways as events unfold. You do get to visit other places, but only as closed instances.

- A few bugs, some annoying ones, like one I had where I would stay in zoom in mode after every hack I did. I could be helped by unholstering items, but was annoying none-the-less. I think I crashed once during one of the first days after release, so the game is otherwise stable though, for me at least.

Conclusion: All in all I will recommend this game, but I certainly don't have the same urge to replay it any time soon, as I did with Human Revolution. I obviously don't want to support Square Enix's greed by buying any DLC any time soon. I'll wait for a future steamsale, if it's ever going to happen.
Posted September 25, 2016. Last edited September 25, 2016.
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18.6 hrs on record
A great puzzle game, that has an excellent learning curve, so you feel like Einstein. It's mostly intuitive and I only got really stuck a few times when new mechanics were introduced that I didn't quite understand, or when the brain was locked in a certain behavioural pattern that wasn't optimal.

The world and the music, together, makes it feel relaxing, like you're listening to calm music on a sunny day. To me it was like meditation, where I sometimes just wanted to look at the beautiful world and let things calm down.

It also introduces a lot of philosophy, but you don't have to dive into that if you don't want to.
Posted July 25, 2015.
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5.1 hrs on record
Do NOT buy this piece of crap mobile device port! It's filled with bugs and is a very poor port as well. The developers of this game must've hibernated from the moment they released this on mobiles last summer, until now. There are so many bugs that they certainly don't seem to have had any testers on it. Personally I experienced:

Sound holes: Often I wasn't able to hear dialogue, even in cut scenes. Weapon noises would disappear from time to time and the music would clip weirdly.

Cover mechanics: So very buggy. Often I'd shoot into the cover itself, even with my cross hairs well clear of the cover itself. I also managed to fall through the world one time, because I clipped through the cover somehow.

The game has an awful awful AWFUL mouse acceleration that makes you do weird twists and turns very often, disorienting you thoroughly.

The textures look OLD. Of course that's due to it being a mobile port, but they've had 9 months to do something about that. They could even have used some Deus Ex: Human Revolution material to make it easier for themselves.

Over all it feels like a super lazy job by the devs. I guess they try to make us swallow this crap by giving us the original Deus Ex for free.
Posted March 19, 2014.
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47.2 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
Addictive and brutal is how I'd describe this game.

You don't seem to be meant to be able to go through this game in one go, or even fifty, since you slowly seem to have to amass more and more recipies and clues on how to get farther next time you reincarnate. RNG is also brutal and you seem to get dealt a bad hand one way or another, each time you play. Either you run out of food or ammo or your armor is chewed up by monsters. You just have to keep on going and try to discover new things that will make your next incarnation have a bit more of an easy time, compared to the previous one.

It's still a lot of fun though IMHO, though it requires a lot of patience for the reasons mentioned above. I suggest that you play it on "below normal" difficulty to begin with!
Posted December 21, 2013.
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