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2.8 hrs on record
This is pretty good. Took me about 4.5 hours, steam's saying 2.8 now and I'm not sure why but I checked before and commented about it so someone so it used to be 4.5

You're playing a tentacle-y murder monster that eats people and tries very hard to eat robots. Controls are straight-forward - click to move in direction, right click to grab people and pull them in (or throw them around), various other abilities are unlocked as you play.

A unique aspect of the game is that your size and health bar are one and the same, and your current size determines the abilities you have available. Puzzle solving often revolves around working how to get yourself to a different size in the right part of the level, so that you can use that size's abilities.

The rate at which you're introduced to new abilities is well-paced, with the application of the ability becoming apparent a short while before actually getting access to it, so you get this new thing and immediately know what to do with it. The puzzle solving clearly takes into account what abilities you'll have access to, and sets you up to employ them all in a fashion that makes you feel clever.

Main issues I had:
- You move so quickly through some parts of the map that I had a hard time building up a mental image of my surroundings for the first hour or 2.
- In your larger forms, in tight spaces, pieces of your body can get kinda stuck around a corner. Easily resolved by backing up, just a bit annoying.

I haven't looked at them, but there are modded levels to play on.
Posted May 4, 2023. Last edited May 4, 2023.
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4.2 hrs on record
The AI doesn't even try to keep up with you, but will declare war on you anyway, so toss any chance of diplomacy. There's a bunch of arbitrary restrictions on how large you can grow your base on one planet. It's not only possible, but *easy* to win the game without ever leaving your planet, and I never encountered anything on the space layer that made it interesting enough to go to. Overall a disappointment, wish I could get my money back.
Posted June 22, 2021.
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39.2 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
The Quack Button: When laughing at your opponent's death is not enough.
Posted August 8, 2020.
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9.6 hrs on record
Clever game that simplifies usually complex empire management into usable but still deep slider systems. Good to play for a bit, and also free; give it a shot. Lasers are imba.
Posted November 28, 2019.
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125.2 hrs on record
Really clever sidescrolling shooter. All weapons are projectiles and can be reflected via a variety of different defenses; explosives can be punched or shot away, bullets can be reflected off the top of your head, just overall cool.

Multiplayer scene is, unfortunately, very small. The primary gameplay you'll get out of it is the campaign, which was the original core of the game and is well worth the price by itself.
Posted June 28, 2019.
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34.6 hrs on record (26.4 hrs at review time)
Copy of game received free from friend. Not that it's in any way affected what I'm going to say.

Playing the base game, no expansions. Expansion mechanics sound great, but I ain't putting up the money for them given the game in its current state.

You'll note that I only have ~35 hours played. I played most of 3 games in that time - at some point in each I realized that my victory was utterly uncontested, but also 100+ turns away, so I stopped playing them and upped the difficulty, eventually reaching deity. More on that later.

This game's EULA is absolute trash. Other reviews here cover it. Basically, all of your information is theirs to do with as they please with your name attached. Wish I'd noticed that before picking it up 2 days ago.

So, I'm basically single player only in this style of game. Very few of my friends actually want to play this genre. Which is why the fact that the AI is absolute garbage stands out for me so much.

  • City settling clearly follows a set of rules, but those rules do not reflect the requirements of the game, resulting in all AI cities being an absolute waste of time. It's not worth taking them, they can't keep up with you despite cheating, and the game holds no challenge.
  • The AI will always declare war on you, even if you haven't done anything. Tried full pacifist runs, they don't work; one of the AIs will decide that you've aggressed on them somehow, and go after you. At least Ghandi doesn't go *full* agro on you this time around.
  • The AI never builds enough military units
  • When the AI inevitably declares war on you, it fails to take into account any reasonable evaluation of whether it can actually fight you. Entire planet away with no water access? Sure! Catapults vs artillery? Sounds great! No defensive structures in half our cities bordering your empire? Count me in!
  • In my first game, they got one of my cities down to half health. My units were unupgraded and out of position. Given walls, the city might have been able to hold off the entire attack by itself. I have never gotten that close to losing a city again, and I still don't built walls in half of them.
  • Diplomacy spam. If the AI doesn't like you, but wants to trade, its calculations say "well, I'll just ask for that thing and not offer anything back. Let's call it a demand!" Since the AI *will* end up hating you, get ready for those messages to start popping up in droves every few turns as the arbitrary "wait before asking again" timer runs out.

TL;DR: The AI is playing a different game and hoping the same rules apply here. Not that I can figure out what the other game's rules were.

On top of how utterly worthless the AI is, the game has a substantial number of bugs stacked on top of a fairly unintuitive AI. Some of these are taken from the bug megathread on reddit, though a fair number of them I'd noticed myself before even going there.

  • Military units can sometimes end up stacking on top of eachother in highly illegal fashion when attacking military districts
  • Movement preview indicator lies. Hands down, it has no idea what it's talking about. It doesn't know where the unit can go, can't go, or how far it can move. It's accurate as far as getting the unit to move in a straight line across even terrain; otherwise, just ignore it.
  • Capturing civilian units on the shore using boats replaces the boat's icon with the civilian unit, and changes control of the unit on the shore, instead of taking control of the unit on the shore and moving it under the boat. This change appears permanent.
  • Some UI element hover-areas (for the context menus) aren't aligned with the graphic properly.
  • Some graphics settings prevent scrolling the map using the mouse.
  • Many UI elements, including just about all of the city UI, fail to update until the end of the turn, despite status having changed dramatically in that time
  • Half the menus don't support use of the scroll wheel for scroll bars
  • Action buttons for units do not display hotkeys
  • Straight up buffer overflow errors, leading to massive positive and negative numbers in place of some UI elements.

UI elements were clearly never tested on any kind of focus group. Your units have an XP bar ~2 pixels tall at the bottom of their panel. Escape only works to exit some menus, others you have to go hunt down the tiny x button on.

Those are the ones I've encountered. I never got to mess with lategame units, so no idea if there's problems there. And really, none of them would be *that* bad of a problem if the game was at least a challenge.

The game looks amazing, beautiful music (seriously, the by-era variants of scarborough faire are really wonderful), interesting mechanics (when they work).

It basically never explains any of these new mechanics to you (I still can't understand how the hell the culture victory is supposed to work), and the wiki is a better resource than the civilopedia.

Don't buy. I'm glad I didn't have to.

Edit: Why am I bad at bullet points...
Posted June 3, 2018. Last edited June 3, 2018.
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18 people found this review helpful
1,363.5 hrs on record (885.2 hrs at review time)
As of 12/3/16 this review has been modified. At the time, it was at 94% helpful. I hope that only goes up!

You can see how many hours I have in this. It's only going to keep rising. I love this game. It may well be the best strategy game I've ever played. It's heavily combat focused, and that combat never gets old for me. I'm still learning all the time. The highest level AI remains a challenge for me, though that is largely due to its construction; it cheats on the same order as SCII's AI cheats, gaining massive resource bonuses, morale bonuses, etc. It's a challenge, but not a fair one. I still enjoy it!

So, what's it about? War. The entire game is focused around going to war. Do not get it for empire building, there isn't any. The biggest decision you have to make with cities is when it's worthwhile to stop producing units in favor of a building of some sort. All of the buildings either unlock new units, upgrade units produced from the city, increase research output (used to research more WEAPONS), or make the city harder to take. The only victory conditions are war related.

Is that a problem? No. Because the war is so good. The strategic map is for faking out your enemy, destroying their economy, causing their cities to rebel, and striking their armies with spells. The tactical map, entered for battles, is for destroying their armies, and no other purpose. And it is so good. Most of your time will be spent on the tactical map, trying to keep your units alive while inflicting as much damage as possible on the enemy. The tactical AI may be the best I've ever encountered at providing a challenge. You have to be careful, or even the weakest group of enemies can deal serious damage to you. It does have mild flaws, largely centered around valuing damage over keeping its own units alive, in many cases. Which makes it extremely dangerous, if not quite as viable in the long run. Harder difficulty settings easily counter this shortfall by giving it resource bonuses.

Everything has a counter, but no counter is hard. You aren't going to be crushed because your opponent chose a "better" setup at the beginning of the game. You will always be able to find a way around it.

While I myself do not play MP much, the community is alive, both in PBEM and live games, and there are periodic community run tournaments.

Man, I've rewritten this review so many times, trying to keep it short. Too much to talk about, and I'm going to cut myself off here. This game is wonderful. I will be playing it, minimum, until Triumph puts out their next game. My metric for value on a game is that it's worthwhile at 3 hours per dollar paid. I'd say that it falls well beyond that benchmark.

Want a game focused on tactical war? Get this. Full price, all DLC included, I recommend it.

A note: The above said, this game will often go 75% off for base game, 50% off for the complete pack, and 40% for DLCs. If you're not going to buy it unless it goes on sale, that's the best you're going to get in the near future. I still say get it full price, support the company, it'll still be well worth the price.
Posted June 20, 2016. Last edited December 3, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
33.0 hrs on record (31.9 hrs at review time)
Apparently I haven't written a review about this game yet. Well, here I go.

The game is fantastic. That's simply it. The story is wonderfully done, and told in an engaging, uninteruptive fashion. The combat system has such a great deal of potential variation, switching up the ability sets and weapons between a good number of choices keeps it constantly interesting. When you beat it the first time through, there's a new game plus which makes the game more challenging, and gives you more toys to play with.

I've played it twice all the way through (~15 hours each) and still listen to the soundtrack on a regular basis. Fully recommended.
Posted May 30, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
It's free, so why not? Base game has been well worth the money, and free expansion packs can only be good
Posted October 8, 2014.
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585.1 hrs on record (544.8 hrs at review time)
I wrote this review a while ago. There's a big sale on, and it's finally time for me to update it.

At this point in time, I have not played Civ 5 in almost a year. I got bored, and that's it. Let's talk about why I got bored, shall we?

First off, the game is worthless without the expansions. Worthless, absolute waste of time and money, one of the worst strategy games out there. The DLCs which make it more playable are overpriced and should have been the base game. And then the DLCs have their own problems. Religion is a sideline to the other victory conditions, giving minor bonuses to all of them which you could probably do just as well without. In fact, religion ends up being an impediment to the Tourism victory (gets bonuses if you share religion with another empire), because it's easier to mass absorb other people's religions as you need them than to make your own and force it upon the opponents. And speaking of the tourism victory, it's basically a science victory that's much more difficult to stop by war.

Secondly, the game is boring. It's an awful lot of sitting around, micromanaging your cities, and playing toy soldier with the simplistic combat system. At the point in the game where decisions start to really matter, you're either steamrolling so much that you won't have to make mutually exclusive decisions, or you've already lost. The combat is awful. You right click on an enemy unit, and it takes damage, and there's never really more than 20 units on the field for a side at a given time. Air power is either overpowering, or useless, depending on whether or not your opponent has anti-aircraft guns.

And then you come to the ultimate endgame. Ready for this? It comes down, entirely, to Nukes and a unit they put in which is just shameless promotion for another game: The XCOM troopers. They're just beefed up paratroopers. And whoever got one specific wonder, earlier on, will now win the game. I've forgotten the name, but it doesn't matter. It gives one specific upgrade, which gives them just enough of a push that with starting XP bonuses from buildings you can give them the ability to attack after paratrooping. One player will get to do this, and that played has now won the game. They can nuke every other city into the ground, have paratroopers drop next to them, and take them in one turn. Any opposing units are now dead, the nukes killed them. The land itself is useless, yes, but that means the attacker still has the advantage, and can keep doing this until the game is over.

And, finally, the death knell: The AI is stupid. Downright, indisputably, stupid. It will make poor tactical choices, poor economic choices, poor policy choices, and poor alliance choices. It becomes extremely easy to bait its units out into the open, kill them, and then take the AI cities without opposition. The only reason higher level AI is remotely challenging is because it cheats to an insane degree, but that still isn't enough to overcome its sheer idiocy. The only valid opponents are other humans, and... well, see the above paragraph, because that always happens.

I can no longer recommend this game. I used to find it tolerable, I do not any longer. There are better strategy games out there to spend your money on, and many of them are on a perfectly good sale right now. I suggest you go buy those instead.
Posted July 23, 2013. Last edited June 28, 2016.
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