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15.9 hrs on record (12.8 hrs at review time)
Conclusion: Wait for a 20% or better sale

I was one of the 4 people left on the planet who had never played the game or seen gameplay clips, but had heard about how great it was for years.   I waited patiently for a PC port because I'm not buying a console for one or two games. After the bad release I decided to wait for a sale to finally dive in. Not paying full price for buggy games.

 I did see the HBO show in the meantime, so I knew the main plot points going into my first play-through.

My anticipation was pretty high considering the acclaim I have seen over the years combined with the years long wait for a port.  This set the bar fairly high admittedly. 

Overall I enjoyed the game, but boy is it short. Only took me 11 hours for a full play-through on survival difficulty, and done. I feel like i only played half a game, and then I realize this is "part 1", so it is...!  

Outside of short story/play time its much more of a linear game and experience than I was expecting.  You are basically on rails. Not that the game is touted as an open world game or I expected to be able to tackle missions in my own order, but I really expected to be able to explore a little bit, but you were lucky if one house or room off the beaten path could be explored.

As for performance I didn't have any serious issues (hardware being a 6800xt & a 12th gen I9).  In the 12 hours of logged time upon my completion (1 of which was waiting for shaders to compile) I had one crash to desktop.  No stutter or lag and I was playing on ultra settings. So all in all not bad. I was expecting much worse going on how the game launched for most.

The world looks beautiful, which is why its that much more a shame you cant explore it.

Worth a buy on sale, and a good story but 60-70$ for a 13 hour story that is just a port of a 10 year old console game is a bit much.
Posted October 29, 2023. Last edited October 29, 2023.
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0.2 hrs on record
You only get 60 minutes to play this demo. Half of which you will most likely waste trying to adjust the mouse/control settings if you are using keyboard/mouse and not a control... After 5-10 minutes of realizing these settings did absolutely nothing I tossed in the towel as I found zero difference in the mouse sensitivity settings when toggling between both extremes, making these options/settings pretty useless... In order to turn around I needed to move my mouse halfway across my entire desk twice.... It's pretty ridiculous and this made it pretty much unplayable.

Outside of the control issues the gamma/brightness options are also poorly set for calibration. Unless they expect you to play in pitch black even when calibrating per their on screen instructions I found it simply way too dark unless I ignored the suggestion settings of "Barely see the box" and instead just cranked it up so the test box was just one bright white light... even so it was still dark as midnight anywhere but standing outside looking at the sky.

From what I "did" see, the game visually looks absolutely stunning through my 6800xt with all settings cranked. It's just a shame this port is extremely sloppy providing a pretty crappy experience right out of the gate. Not going to even bother any further.

One example of a demo turning me off from a game I actually originally was planing to buy at full price - as I did enjoy 7 which I did not have half the set up issues with and actually had fun with the demo...oh and it had no time limit...

Will only buy on sale if I get extremely bored with the plethora of other new and even old titles in my current periphery.
Posted November 20, 2021. Last edited November 20, 2021.
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0.4 hrs on record
Epic game that will always be a favorite of mine, however still to this day it runs like complete ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on PC. Even with high end systems the poor optimization forces you to use average settings just to keep a stable frame rate. Even if your CPU and GPU's are well more than capable of much further performance you will have to settle for the average experience if you want consistent performance without the aid of optimization mods made by the community.

With an i9/6800XT the Frames would jump all over the place, from 200 down to 40 and back up to 200 every other second just standing still. As soon as I lowered the settings down to match original console defaults the game became properly playable and stable.

Still a classic game worthy of adding to a collection, just understand the poor pc optimization is still very much an issue, and one that simply tossing more powerful hardware at wont solve.
Posted August 26, 2021.
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179.4 hrs on record (99.0 hrs at review time)
This is a great little application that doesnt need steam to be running in order to work. It also offers the ability to manage multiple monitors with different wallpapers at once which is very handy...

For those with a low end system it even has a pause feature so you can free up some resources while doing something else, without having to close and reopen the application. My crappier lower end system currently only has 8 GB ram and it can get a little choppy while in some games if this is running in the background, but if I simply pause the animations the chop vanishes...

Cheap Price, very useful.
Posted August 3, 2021. Last edited August 3, 2021.
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257.1 hrs on record (152.0 hrs at review time)
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Bad
☐ Blah
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Average
☐ Meh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t...

☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Human
☐ Monkeys

☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Average
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boiiiiii!
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press ‚A‘
☐ Easy
☑ Average
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master or expect a learning curve
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Dark Souls While Drunk and Upside Down

☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☑ Isnt really necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☐ Story- What's that?
☐ Failed Attempt
☐ Average
☐ Great
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If you have some spare cash
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☐ Minimal
☑ Minor bugs (average)
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ Bugzilla
Posted June 26, 2021.
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2.0 hrs on record
By the first night I had already earned a tidy profit and dope surplus as I ran around tagging the buildings with over priced spray paint cans, then passed out free speed to passers by. To finish the day off I was searched by patrolling piggies who called me over 10 seconds after I sold the last baggie in my backpack. Good thing cash isnt illegal.

Gets a bit tedious running back and forth so often to refill/pay your tab, but what do you expect in this type of sim.... Still a fun little game, and for free you can't complain. Should be much more fun with more than just Weed/Speed/Xtasy to play with.

Will eventually purchase the main game...
Posted November 10, 2020. Last edited November 10, 2020.
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476.0 hrs on record (402.9 hrs at review time)
"It does exactly what it says on the tin"

For those new to building and tweaking a pc you wont be overclocking your actual computers using the methods employed in the sim, but you will most likely walk away understand the key principles a bit more. As well as get a better understanding of the difference between different components or systems that you have never had a chance to play with. It's heavily watered down and simplified but you get the point...

A lot of brands and plenty to play around with. Outside of a few minor tasks and case interface glitches I experienced, all worked as intended... Just make a save each day if using the career mode as to not get ♥♥♥♥♥♥ by the rare yet still existing broken tasks/jobs.

I have yet to try the latest ESports expansion. So I am speaking of the original core content.

Posted November 7, 2020.
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2,928.0 hrs on record (37.1 hrs at review time)
I have been playing since the first few months.  I didn't listen to the hate train or come with expectations. I decide for myself. So, I simply played the game. I tolerated the bugs and enjoyed what I could. I didn't complain.

I stopped playing for about 6 or so months to play other favorite games and when I returned I saw the same bugs still existed, as well as some new ones. As if no progress was made whatsoever, yet according to the public "its so much better!"   I'm not sure what game they were playing.

  While the Atom shop expanded the single player content was still bare and dross.   Nevertheless as a fallout fan I tried to ignore the blatant cash grab budget built microtransaction game that was Fallout 76 and the fact they were adding useless content nobody cared about and ignoring everything people did want.  

When they finally announced a "scrap box", it was almost NOT a shock it was for fallout first members only. Regardless this was when I no longer would recommend the game. Maybe for free, but to have to buy a base game in this state, then to ask for monthly dues for the most basic of required items that is really nearly required to properly play said game is just unacceptable.  What us early players begged for for all those months to their reddit slaves was finally given to us, but of course only for extra money. I won't even get into repair kits fiasco or the "no pay to win option exists, it's only a cosmetics" lie.

Now I have a few friends who are finally playing so I have returned to the wasteland. As I'm not running around unable to collect junk due to nowhere to store it, and the quests offered can be completed in nearly one weeks playtime. Now I can at least redo these same quick boring quests with some friends! 

As I prepared to play with said friends I discovered that if you are installing through steam that all the ATOM's you have previously earned using the Bethesda Launcher are untouchable. You start with zero. Regardless the fact you are logging into the same exact bethesda account.

I have 6,000 or so atoms I earned through grinding challenges that now to access I must install the same game yet again, but through the bethesda launcher.  Derp much?

Even though you are using the same "account" they were too lazy to connect their Atom purchase gateway, with the one set here on steam.    It would be a relative easy thing to do, yet the geniuses at Bethesda didn't care or even take into consideration those who played before the pre-steam option, would want to use their balance through the same launcher they use for the other 95% of their games... Without requiring two separate installations of the same game files.....

This game is simply taking advantage of players to feed the Bethesda greed quota.  It is everything wrong with the world and the industry itself.
Posted August 17, 2020. Last edited August 17, 2020.
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16.6 hrs on record (7.0 hrs at review time)
I've put in about 6 hours at time of this review. Enough to comfortably say it's a solid game in an insanely well crafted atmosphere.

While its clear many of the puzzles are designed to make you run back and forth quiet often just to progress further in an attempt to lengthen the experience, it feels rewarding when you do finally get there. A few times you will no doubt start to get a little frustrated however as its not about being clever but about attention to detail.

I wish it was a little less scavenger hunt and a little more shoot 'em up, but that's just my personal tastes in a game and not a problem with the game itself considering it is advertised as survival horror and not a shooter.

The combat mechanics work. Nothing spectacular, nothing horrible. What you would expect for this type of game. The inventory is not keyboard friendly which can get extremely annoying when trying to cycle through items quickly, but nothing that wrecks the experience - it will just make you wish you had a pad hooked up for smoother navigation/use.

I picked it up on sale for $15 and even if the story ends in one more hour, I still feel I got my moneys worth. Will most likely replay at some point to see what else I missed or gather a few more achievs.
Posted December 30, 2019. Last edited December 30, 2019.
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32.6 hrs on record (32.3 hrs at review time)
First Far Cry game I do not recommend. (Unless you can grab it at actual DLC prices 20$ or less)

If you already have completed Far Cry 5 and have some money to burn, go for it. New to the series then get literally any other Far Cry first.... You will get more for your money with Far Cry 5 as this is literally the definition of selling DLC/Mod content as a stand alone game. The story is very short, and in order to make it appear to have more content they added the most basic and hollow resource gathering system in, as a time sink to upgrade or do just about anything. Even the items you can upgrade are extremely hollow and limited.

It's a fun quick romp in old stomping grounds but unless you are really hungry for more Far Cry after 5, you simply are not getting much for your money.

The story is just crap... I don't know who they find to write these scripts but they need to be put in the unemployment line because I have read better content from middle school students.

Overall 3/10
Posted February 20, 2019.
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