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Nylige anmeldelser av Adanos

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13.0 timer totalt
Very fun little action adventure game that makes up for its short length with some very polished and balanced design:
  • Challenging enough to add some excitement and easy enough to be generally relaxing to play.
  • Fun, quick-paced combat with a kit versatile enough to keep things feeling fresh for the duration.
  • A charming story with unexpected depth and gentleness towards the universality of death and loss.
  • World design complex enough to require some creative thinking while simple enough to not get tedious.
  • A reasonable number of collectibles that add a little extra post-clear content with enough hints to avoid having to look things up online.
It also has a really solid soundtrack. Check it out!
Publisert 21. mars 2023. Sist endret 21. mars 2023.
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78.6 timer totalt
The good:
  • Scenery so beautifully picturesque it makes you want to experience it firsthand.
  • A fascinating post-apocalyptic story with plenty of background lore to slowly piece together through detective work and exploration, which I love.
  • Very cool and imaginative machine designs.
  • Fun combat that encourages creative use of weapons and methods of engagement. I was generally drawn towards the predictably reliable "stealth archer" approach, but there are situations when that isn't the most effective strategy.
  • Just about every skill on the tree is actually useful, which is kind of rare.
The meh:
  • The side characters (other than Nil) aren't particularly memorable.
  • The final battles aren't particularly challenging or interesting.
  • The enemy target focus tends be fixed on the player even when getting help from friendly machines or NPCs.
  • The hunter bow is redundant, especially later in the game. The tearblast arrow is clearly better than its hardpoint counterpart, and harvest arrows are pretty much pointless. A snapshot bow with fire arrows would have been the preferred option.
  • Combat balancing in the DLC area isn't great. The tougher enemies - namely Scorchers - are so aggressive and resilient that brute forcing myself through fights using explosives ended up being the most viable strategy.

Horizon is a game that shines in many areas: the gameplay, story, world building, visuals, and art design are all impressively well done. Most of my complaints are fairly minor and specific in scope. Honestly one of the best open world RPGs I have played. I look forward to playing the sequels once they get to PC.
Publisert 28. februar 2023. Sist endret 7. november 2023.
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17.8 timer totalt
Fun stealth survival with decent action elements. The story is an engaging period piece taking place in 1300's France. The grim ambiance is well depicted and complimented by beautiful scenery. The voice acting is solid with many endearing interactions, and the real-time coop between the characters (especially Amicia and Hugo) is interesting. In fact it would have been nice if they'd incorporated more of that into solving more complex puzzles and adding flair to enemy encounters.

On the other hand, autosaves are sometimes poorly timed, triggering after points of no return or not triggering after exploring side paths and looting chests. Guards are generally very dim but extremely punishing in combat. I don't know why there's a dodge function when getting caught means immediate death.

Would recommended to anyone who enjoys story-driven adventures like Tomb Raider and Last of Us.
Publisert 4. februar 2023. Sist endret 30. august 2023.
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36.5 timer totalt (17.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Tunic looks and feels simple but is actually very complex beneath the surface. It intentionally conceals much and expects you to figure things out on your own. Being given info gradually in the form of pages from a guide book is something I've never seen done before, and its meta appearance complete with hand-written notes was a very novel idea. But that's just scratching the surface of the intricacies this game has to offer.

Despite its apparent action/adventure appeal Tunic's combat - while generally polished - isn't particularly impressive. You use the same basic sword through the course of the game and the sub-weapons don't contribute a whole lot to the experience. Indeed, Tunic is at its core a puzzle game - the majority of which are well-designed and require a good deal of spacial awareness and attention to detail to solve. I'd argue that some are actually a bit too obscure, but even looking up the solutions to a few was satisfying given how creative they are.

As incredible as it is that the glyphs you see throughout the game make up a unique script that can apparently be translated, for the average player this makes the guide book mostly indecipherable apart from a few English keywords. I don't think it was a good decision to leave so much story-building content inaccessible to those who don't look it up online. It also makes for a frustrating lack of clarity when trying to figure out the locations of some objectives. I was looking forward to being given some sort of translation tool eventually and was disappointed when it never arrived.

While straying into the arcane at times Tunic offers impressively challenging puzzles and imparts info to its players in cleverly sneaky ways. While the combat is a bit unremarkable in contrast, it's still fun as an adventure game with some challenging encounters as well.
Publisert 28. januar 2023. Sist endret 4. februar 2023.
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42.7 timer totalt (35.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Kena has the aesthetic and storycrafting beauty of Ori, world exploration and progression the likes of Tomb Raider, and the finely tuned combat one would expect from a Souls game blended with the pleasant and less punishing simplicity of Breath of the Wild. These influences are woven together almost masterfully to make an impressive and memorable experience. I could tell this was a game I would enjoy, and it did not let me down.

A couple points of criticism: For one, few of the charm stone buffs seem to be particularly helpful. I rotated between just 3 of them for the majority of the game. Secondly, during boss encounters they often barrage players with repeatedly respawning adds, making for an irritatingly harried experience when there are better ways to turn up the challenge. For example, at one point you have to contend with a Sprout Captain and a Wood Knight simultaneously, which is one of the more challenging fights in the game. Thankfully they leave the adds out of this one and let you focus on the more rewarding challenge of making well-timed strikes, parries, and dodges (See: Ornstein and Smough).
Publisert 3. desember 2022. Sist endret 8. februar 2023.
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50.0 timer totalt
Beautifully imagined aquatic ecosystem that is both exciting and at times terrifying to explore. I enjoyed uncovering pieces of history scattered across the world and slowly putting together the details of what brought you here, what went wrong, and why.

Habitat building is fun and cozy, but I wish the construction kit had even more to offer. Similar to Valheim, another great game where building a haven of warmth and order in a dangerous world is both necessary and satisfying.

The lack of a topographical map makes the world feel noticeably bigger and more threatening, which is probably by design. Navigation never really becomes easy when all you have is a compass and beacon markers on the HUD. I think having a map-making device that fills in the world bit by bit as you explore - perhaps an added utility of the scanner room - would have been a cool addition.

On a side note, I got so accustomed to the speed and maneuverability of the SeaMoth that I was disappointed to have to give it up at greater depths. The Cyclops is (understandably) cumbersome and the Prawn's grappling arm isn't easy to use gracefully.

Overall a great game that shares similarities with another one of my favorites: Outer Wilds. Both tell a compelling sci-fi story though archaeological discovery and exploration, create visually stunning worlds, are rooted in scientific curiosity, and pose some interesting questions about existence, mortality, and our relationship to the universe.
Publisert 23. desember 2021. Sist endret 4. februar 2023.
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52.7 timer totalt
Dawn of the final day: 22 minutes remain. Your goal is to not to save the world, but to make use of what time you have to understand why it is coming to an end and what led up to this point.

I love games that combine exploration, great visuals, simple gameplay, and a thoughtful, complex story that is revealed as you uncover mysteries of the past. This game has all of that. The developers clearly have a passion for science, which is reflected in how much they play around with physics. Each planet has its own curious physical phenomena for you to be initially be thrown off by and then learn to harness in order to access new areas and information.

Outer Wilds presents a lot of complexity in a pleasantly simple format that makes it widely accessible. 3D space navigation is a little disorienting at first, but isn't annoyingly complicated. There is plenty to explore, but no vast world map with tediously long distances to contend with. Advancement in the story requires some critical thought, but the puzzles aren't needlessly complex or punishing. The mysteries of the galaxy are revealed to you almost entirely in writing, but you aren't given page upon page of content to read and digest in order to progress. The time loop cycle presents some urgency, but isn't unreasonably restrictive. In my opinion, Outer Wilds is a well balanced game in terms of how much it asks of you and how much you get out of it. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys sci-fi, exploration, puzzle solving, and stories told through detective work.
Publisert 19. november 2021. Sist endret 24. desember 2021.
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293.1 timer totalt (111.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Being the first game I've picked up during early access I was cautiously optimistic of Valheim. Exploring a vast randomly generated Viking world sounded fun, but I wasn't expecting to enjoy the construction and crafting elements as much as I did. Having played through the game twice now with the Mistlands release I have returned with renewed excitement and appreciation for the game, but also some constructive criticism.

The survival elements in Valheim serve to reward rather than punish. Being well fed and well rested is critical to your ability to explore and defend yourself, but there is no death by starvation or thirst or lack of sleep. I think this strikes a good balance and offers an experience free from the distraction and annoyance of having to constantly monitor your hunger and thirst meters.

In the beginning land exploration and sea travel are thrilling and it's natural to set out with the intention of revealing the entire map. The truth is the world is too empty to warrant exploring completely. I'd like to see more unique NPCs and sites of interest added to all zones to give players a reason to continue exploring. I'd also really like to see an update that expands upon the Ocean biome adding boat upgrades and customization, new crafting materials, and making sea travel more rewarding in general: reinforced chitin hulls, rowing oars, mounted harpoons, fishing nets, etc.

The physics of construction is lenient enough to be fun and complex enough to require some thought and creativity. I have spent hours at a time designing, modifying, and obsessing over getting a section of roof to look just how I want it. I'm eager to see what new content they will add to the building kit in the coming updates. On the other hand, the hoe is still crude and hard to use. I hope they do some refining to make it easier to recreate natural looking slopes and transitions.

Valheim's crafting system is fun and rewarding. Finding a new material and seeing what you've unlocked with it is a satisfying form of progression in a world where tiering up is key. Adding a salvage function to work stations would be a useful addition. So would an improved portal that allows the transfer of metals later in the game (the current restriction only serves to make resource gathering more tedious than it already is at that point in the game). Lastly, the blast furnace should act as a true upgrade and be able to smelt any metal.

Combat is simple and for the most part works. Weapons could use some balance tweaks and stealth seems like an afterthought with little functionality. Timing blocks and dodges is engaging enough to keep things from getting boring, but there are some glaring issues. When fighting on a slope it is nearly impossible to land a strike at an upward or downward angle. To make matters worse enemies can hit you from any angle they like, so kiting them to even ground becomes a necessary chore. Enemies also shouldn't be able to attack while swimming.

Regarding the Mistlands:The combination of the limited field of view and the excessively mountainous terrain make this zone very frustrating to explore. Reducing the number of sheer cliffs and extending the field of view using the wisp would make this zone more enjoyable. The scenery is beautiful but you rarely get to see much of it.

The mod community has unlocked even more potential for Valheim and I hope the devs adopt some of the brilliant additions people have made. Though still clearly a work in progress Valheim is a great game with a lot to offer and I can't wait to jump in again when new content arrives.
Publisert 25. mars 2021. Sist endret 21. januar 2023.
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69.6 timer totalt
Very fun and satisfyingly polished game. I experienced very few situations where the movement or even the combat mechanics felt clunky or unfair.

With the expansive weapon modding, skill trees that enhance lethality in all types of engagement, and a modest arsenal of "novel" ammunition to spice things up the combat continues to be enjoyable through the end of the game and beyond into the DLCs - themselves adding some surprisingly fun spins on horde and wilderness survival respectively. Being purely exploratory Croft Manor is an interactive narrative into Lara's past that ties things together with the previous game. Score Attack is probably my 'least favorite' game type, but I still managed to enjoy perfecting scored re-runs on a few of the levels.

The plot is suspenseful and the parallels to real-word mythology intriguing - something the other games do just as well. Exploration is of course heavily encouraged and the game is flush with challenges and achievements to chase after. If you are as completion-oriented as I am you can easily put in 50+ hours of gameplay before feeling like you've accomplished everything you set out to.
Publisert 2. februar 2021.
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37.2 timer totalt
I feel pretty confident in saying that Black Mesa is in several ways a better game than the original Half-Life and is in no way a lesser game. Most chapters are faithful graphical updates to the original while the remapping of Surface Tension makes the progression feel smoother and more purposeful.

From the moment we set foot in Xen we see vast improvements in complexity, creativity, and visuals that made the wait well worth it. The vibrant alien ecosystem the designers created is quite beautiful and fun to traverse: something that Half-Life was tragically unable to offer, possibly due to a combination of limitations in budget and technology at the time. While I would say parts of Interloper are (still) a bit tedious it does offer far more variety than it had before, and the Nihilanth fight — while still not particularly complex or challenging — is definitely more epic and enjoyable.

If you're looking for a (mostly) faithful re-make of Valve's classic debut, this is it. It took over a decade to arrive, but it's everything I had hoped to see and more. All the changes and additions fit well with the original content and do not take away from the immersion whatsoever.
Publisert 7. januar 2021. Sist endret 7. januar 2021.
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