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9 people found this review helpful
18.5 hrs on record (13.7 hrs at review time)
I am a citizen and after 20yrs of playing across gaming development generations I declare the best games of all times don't need fancy graphics and donations. Gothic has soul, people. Just like Morrowind
Posted April 8, 2022.
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119.2 hrs on record (7.5 hrs at review time)
my 2002 is back <3
Posted December 6, 2021.
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125.9 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
I first played it 15 years ago. Finding DLC CDs was a miracle at a CD store. So little for so much joy.
Posted October 22, 2021.
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210.3 hrs on record (68.9 hrs at review time)
Могу забраться повыше и на что угодно, чтобы гиена не сделала за жопку кусь.
Могу забраться на вершину сосны чтобы следить за ничего не подозревающими игроками.
Могу отлавливать рабов и устраивать личный гарем, где у каждого фамилия Сек Сраб.

Мою пантеру зовут С'Котина, а коня - С'Какун, и на этой ноте мы покакАли отсюда!
Posted September 7, 2021. Last edited November 26, 2021.
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11.1 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
In Russian// English below

В мире где происходит такая чешуета, ну нет места такому поведению. В этом мире Амнезии есть первобытный страх и любопытство. Я поражаюсь что при таком ужасе остаются места еще какому-либо чувству, которое многие бы восприняли как слабость. Но если хочется спасти свою жизнь, в которой не видно смысла - возможно это и есть то самое поведение и те самые чувства что необходимы идти дальше. Не мне судить. И потому я прихожу к следующему выводу.
В общем-то темы поднимаются такие, которые многие люди просто не понимают. Как те что тупо смотрят в экран и холодно с тупой рациональностью на все реагируют. В мире чувств никогда не было и нет рациональности. Именно поэтому здесь нельзя холодно сказать "ну дебилы..". Хотя очень хотелось бы. Это и делает нас людьми, а не машинами.

А что касательно Сфер из предыдущей части, как и поводов погрузиться в загадочность, то их показалось мало. Но я буду проходить еще. Просто потому что не наелась тем, зачем ждала новую Амнезию все эти годы.

Remember, there is no rationality beyond feelings. There is no rationality in love, in compassion, in anything that is of value to a human being. Evaluate your life and think if it is really true, and try to evaluate the story here afterwards. Whatever you may think of as weakness, may be the only motivation to move on with the life. "Weaknesses" can make us humans. This is our strongest part!

In Amnesia, Tasi's value is obvious and it's a difficult subject to judge at the first glimpse.
I am not agree with her at many points throughout the game and therefore I object. I was angry, not in a way you are angry about her decisions or way of thinking, but angry of how hollywood-style it is. Which is trivial at all instances.
Now, several gameplay points. So many undeveloped areas, like when you have strange numbers and codes that actually have no application at all. I fed on mysteries in previous games, and had some response I could have finally used to realize. This time curiosity was not satisfied. I am still hungry for puzzle, for some curiosity from Tasi. But she's completely inert, aside from constantly soothing herself. So many points at which I would have interacted, questioned the surroundings. Looked somewhat closer and immersed, had arrived at some finishing point. But I got nothing aside from depiction of burdens of loss, which is not bad to see after all.

There IS a great connection to Dark Descent however, but it is something you will not figure out quite easily. Not after the first walkthrough.
Posted October 21, 2020. Last edited November 27, 2020.
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23.9 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
The Best Canada simulator

No, in fact the controls and the way the gameplay stretched out is AWFUL. Nothing pissed me off this much yet. If you want to know the story just read the book.
I generally wouldn't recommend, 5/10.
Choosing out of 'yes/no' it's rather a 'yes'
Posted June 15, 2020. Last edited June 15, 2020.
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0.8 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
There is no one way to critique, since we may look at Teaser and compare with Gothic, or discuss it as an independent game, on its own. There is a method of any project evaluation called 'Using Personas', and let us do a small semi-academic semi-casual Persona analysis.
How is it compared to Gothic?
It is what disappointed in the first instance. What we observe as key characters are 'mainstream boys', and let me humbly elaborate: Diego was experienced fighter with load of respect from the others. While being helpful, he was also serious and quite remote. Pardon me, but he had more 'manhood' in his manners, as well as actions. Rookie has changed in quite a similar way - since when he became so much more talkative and cynical? We had a quiet but determined and confident newbie that kept to his business without taking risks of verbal fight. The very first fight's cutscenes were ridiculous because of that, and I don't blame anyone who'd want to kill him. This makes game funny. This kind of funny doesn't make it in any way better.
I could also point at "what's up with my face" but as an oldie player I get used to not having much fuss about it. But the face is different. Wrong way different.
I saw people having argument about "game not being dark". It may be so, but it looks alive, and I loved it. It is vibrant indeed, in some locations for sure. I do propose for lowering saturation or however it is called in image processing. Or let us do the thing! I love it alive, I also love it dark. Take "Dying Light" for example - we can choose our own colour scheme which I noted as quite interesting decision.
Yes, I do find combat in Original more interesting. While we "hit right", a consecutive "hit left" will create continuous swing from left to right assuming there were no interruptions. This may also be achieved with left-right mouse clicks. Automated block in Teaser is a good option. It does work while being focused on an enemy. But the problem (to me, personally) is that we have focused combat. I never liked any focused-combat style, and luckily I could disable it so that I can fight in any way I want, without thinking too much of what I hit next. That is, I do find it great to fight the closest target, and do it freely with as less navigational issues as possible. But now we do have these obstacles.
How is it if you forget you know it?
(sorry, we have to disengage for the sake of analysis!).
They are great, with their own unique memorable personalities, especially the guards. Guards are not the key NPC, however they have enough soul to themselves to convince me about their fate and life in general. Guards are brilliant, and the more of those I see - the more it adds up to the feeling. I can't forget this innocent looking guard with his lute, bothering the other one with headache. So memorable! Perfection is in details.
I do find it alive. Many details to every corners I keep looking into. I am extremely excited to get to know the full game, some day. The locations' visit sequence is non-linear which also adds up to the exploration and immersion.
There is not much to say since I do like atmosphere that way. Worthy adventure and experience, and screenshots too, await.
Not much difference in opinion in the 'Compare to Original Gothic' section above. Does spoil experience even if you imagine you never played Gothic. Or haven't played for real.

I do want this game to exist in full, and I surely see no need to dump the project and absolutely respect your attention to our insight.
Posted December 14, 2019. Last edited December 14, 2019.
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9.0 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I hate to start with neutral-negative observation but here we go.
It was mentioned before that game lacks menu. Other than this, the game itself restarts every time when character revives instead of having smooth change of scene. Feels like legit crashing.
No enemy NPC names is neither bad or good, but could add to the lore if there is any.

No clear description of structures except names. You learn yourself by trial and error (I mean, trial and dying) which might be the purpose and is also neutral to me, but having that could be great and interesting, too.
Why mines? Why mage? Who are these guys? I may omit all my questions as no answer doesn't make the game worse.
But I need to be precise: so far it feels like playing just the engine, and not the game.

I believe in future updates and recommend everyone to get familiar with this nicely done pixel game engine. I will stay tuned.
Posted September 25, 2019.
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2.7 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
haha, I love my glitter! *O*
Posted September 20, 2019. Last edited November 28, 2019.
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36.8 hrs on record (6.7 hrs at review time)
- У всех детей в игре один отец.
- Дочь можно перепутать с сыном.
- Самое жуткое - дневные зомби-истерички.
- Самое милое - "Лучшая Мама в Мире"
Вердикт: ну такое, мне больше нравятся парни с мозгами.

Если без юмора - на большом уровне сложности мало материалов, и оттого развитие идет медленно - приходится ждать пока те возобновятся или бегать за миллион дохрениллионов км вокруг. В том числе ночью. Вы не хотите бегать ночью.
Posted August 10, 2019.
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