
Recensioni recenti di Slayster

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2.3 ore in totale
This is a really great modern update to a classic series. I enjoyed the original three immensely and this brings back the same feeling. Graphics, music, sound, gameplay, all still have the same feeling while also being updated. What I don't remember is it being quite so hard. But I don't think that's the game's fault, more likely I'm a bit rusty at beat-em-ups as it's been 26 years since Streets of Rage 3.
Pubblicata in data 28 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 28 novembre 2020.
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7.8 ore in totale
An example of why Steam could do with a middle "meh" option. I played Wolfenstein, Doom and Hexen when I was younger, but for some reason missed this one. Going back now it's not terrible, it plays will but it does get a bit repetitive. There are only a few monsters types and once you know the tactic to defeat them then that's about it. Well for the original three episodes that is. The jump in difficulty from those to the two expansion episodes is bananas. It stopped being fun at that point. Worth playing for nostalgia or historical FPS research, but not much beyond that.
Pubblicata in data 29 giugno 2019.
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136.2 ore in totale (21.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Not just a classic D&D role playing game, one of my personal favourites. Great stories and most importantly many alternative path through those stories. And on top of that, player created modules and multiplayer persistent worlds. Now this may not appear to be particularly "Enhanced" at the moment but it is under active development and receiving regular patches. First it has to run on modern systems (64bit etc), then comes the graphics updates. Think of it more like an early access game. You are investing in the future of an online roleplaying platform for many years to come. Which for me is well worth it. Still waiting on the new renderer, but I'm a patient gamer!
Edit to add: still love it, and while the updates don't get much fanfare these days, it IS still getting updates and now we have official HD models and textures.
Pubblicata in data 26 novembre 2018. Ultima modifica in data 24 novembre 2023.
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29.2 ore in totale
As far as I'm concerned, this is the greatest game of all time (so far). Bioware at its peak! Fantastic worlds, interesting characters and a brilliant story including the single greatest moment in video game storytelling. If you're still spoiler free on that after all these years you should go and experience it now!
Pubblicata in data 24 novembre 2016.
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65.2 ore in totale
Often after completing an RPG I feel the need to immediately start again with a new character to explore alternative paths or skills. That did not happen with this game. It’s pretty good but not great. There were good parts and bad parts and overall the good won out. The world is interesting and the graphics are nice enough. After a while though you start to notice caves repeating themselves. But this was nowhere near as bad as Dragon Age 2, there were a lot more combinations. The combat flows well and feels like you’re in control although it took a little getting used to after hours of Skyrim. I was playing as a warrior/rogue combo so I don’t have much experience with the spell system. For the size of the world there was not quite enough enemy variety. At higher levels you just fought the same foes but with more strength and armour. Also by the time I’d reached the max level (way before I was close to the end of the story thanks to DLC areas) I was way overpowered. Combat no longer had any risk. The main quest was great but it felt very spread out. In order to fill the large world there were just so many side quests. At times it felt endless and the problem was they were very generic compared to the main storyline. Go here, kill this. Save this person. Bring me 10 things. By the end I wasn’t really listening to what people were saying anymore, just waiting for the map marker to show up letting me know what I needed to kill. I’m glad I played through it but once was enough. If you’re an RPG fan with a gap to fill it might be worth a look.
Pubblicata in data 4 ottobre 2014.
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18.4 ore in totale
In my 25+ years gaming I've never actually played a Tomb Raider game. Of course the series has only been around for 17 of those years but that's besides the point. So seeing as the new 2013 Tomb Raider is complete reboot storywise it seemed like a reasonable place to start and a great start it was too. First let mention the graphics which are top quality and run smoothly even on my aging GTX260. However there is of course a lot more to a good game than great graphics. This is the story of Lara Croft's first adventure after being shipwrecked on a strange island filled with a bunch of crazy culists and ancient artifacts. It's an interesting story as you discover more and more along with Lara, but I think what really sells it is the great voice acting. The whole thing just progresses really nicely. After starting with nothing you slowly learn new skills and gather new equipment and just a Lara would you're learning to control them at same time. All until the end when you have put everything together to save the day. It's almost perfectly paced and even clothing gets damaged and major wounds persist over time. Although the amount of damage Lara can take is pretty unrealistic if you think about it too much. There were a couple of quicktime events with frustrating timing which annoyed me a little but not enough to ruin the game. Also there was one jump near the end which nearly made me quit after dying over and over again. That was until I realised I was being and idiot and doing it wrong! Overall an awesome game which I really enjoyed, even to the point of going back and making sure I found all the collectables which was fun rather than tedious. I doubt I'll ever go back and play the original games but I'll be striaght on the next one if Crystal Dynamics are still involved.
Pubblicata in data 7 dicembre 2013.
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12.4 ore in totale
Bloody brilliant. Yes it's only a basic point and click adventure with quick time events, but it's got a fantasic story with great characters and makes you care about the decisions you have to make.
Pubblicata in data 22 luglio 2013.
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13.1 ore in totale (11.8 ore al momento della recensione)
Picked up in a sale at some point but never played. Actually a nice adventure game with a rhythm game for combat. Fun story, some good music and quite addictive at some points. However having now been through it once I doubt I'd ever want to go back to it.
Pubblicata in data 14 giugno 2013.
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9.5 ore in totale
With its place in gaming history I wanted to be able to say I'd completed this and I have finally done so. Over 10 years in the making and Steam says I only played for 9 hours! Yet such a frustrating game it took me nearly 2 years to bother putting those hours in. Rollercoaster difficulty curve, pointless gimmicks and linear level design. JUST DON'T!
Pubblicata in data 4 aprile 2013. Ultima modifica in data 26 novembre 2013.
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0.0 ore in totale
Civ 5 changed a lot from Civ 4 and it was not all for the better. It took some getting used to. The Gods & Kings expansion makes some much needed fixes and improvements along with interesting new features such as a new spy mechanic. With the expansion the game feels fresh again and even more enjoyable. Just one more turn!
Pubblicata in data 12 luglio 2012.
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