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47.4 hrs on record
Fun little mini-game that can be as hard as you want it to be. Don't expect a huge amount of replayability if you play a lot of games back-to-back. This game is best enjoyed in short sessions played somewhat infrequently. I find it a good palate cleanser when switching between games.
Posted November 1, 2023.
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92.5 hrs on record (86.7 hrs at review time)
If this game were still in early access, I would probably leave a positive review. There's a lot of early access jank and bugs that are totally appropriate for an early access title, and they don't tend to get in the way of the gameplay too much.

There's also not a whole lot of content yet. I would like to see -- at a minimum -- chases and deadly situations where you need to use your firearm before I'd consider there to be enough content for a full release.

As it stands, this game released way too early, and the developers are really dragging their heels to fix some of the most basic bugs related to NPVs. In fact, the latest DLC offers a way to manually tow vehicles that are obstructing traffic enough that the NPV tow trucks can't reach them. In my mind, they are effectively selling a workaround to an issue that's existed for a very long time.

On a positive note, the core gameplay and the graphics are both quite good, and workshop support (while limited) is nice to have.

I'd pass until they can at least fix some of the particularly bad bugs that have lingered for a long time, unless you are willing to put up with them.
Posted November 1, 2023.
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0.7 hrs on record
Played on Linux in the beta with no issues. They removed Linux support for launch and I was never able to get a match as a result.

Refunded as there's no point keeping a game I cannot play.
Posted August 27, 2023.
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3.7 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
This game evokes memories of Portal and Antichamber. It's significantly shorter than both, but still worth playing, especially if you pick it up during a Steam sale. The story and writing are nothing extraordinary, but they do fit the game and serve their purpose.
Posted April 27, 2021.
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196.8 hrs on record (81.8 hrs at review time)
If you enjoy puzzle games, buy this game now and play it.

DON'T EVEN WATCH THE TRAILER FIRST. Discovering the game with a clean slate is well worth it. There are dozens and dozens of hours of head-scratching, hair-pulling, epiphany-having gameplay.

And don't stop when the credits roll. You didn't find everything. You didn't even find half of everything.
Posted January 27, 2021.
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252.0 hrs on record (158.8 hrs at review time)
An absolutely fantastic survival experience that is as beautiful as it is terrifying.

The gamer in me is always looking for mechanics: where is the hitbox, how can I exploit the enemy AI, what is the shortest path to victory, etc.

This is the first game in years to pull me out of that mindset. The very first dip into the water and all of the "let's game" instincts faded and I felt this overpowering sense of wonder and discovery. I didn't really care how the game functioned anymore; I wanted to see, to learn, to find, to wander. The mechanics almost didn't matter anymore, which is a bit surprising since the mechanics are very polished -- but unlike in other games, they aren't the focus. They're a means to explore further.

The story, while not unique, is interesting enough to keep you engaged and adds a purpose to the survival mechanics. In other games, the survival mechanics are all there is, and there is little incentive to keep playing once you have an established base. In Subnautica, the story drives you to go deeper and keep looking.

My only criticism of the game is performance: on a fairly beefy system with a GTX 980, frame drops and pop-in should not be happening. There's parts of the game where I can barely manage 40FPS. Unfortunately, the game's physics engine is tied to the framerate, which means that sudden frame dips can cause objects in the world to pass through walls and do other strange things. This breaks immersion, but it isn't a deal-breaker either.
Posted March 23, 2019. Last edited March 23, 2019.
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5.6 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Well worth playing. The art style and execution are fantastic. Combine that with a novel puzzle mechanic and beautifully conveyed story, this game deserves to be played by anyone who even slightly enjoys puzzle games.

My only complaints are that it felt a bit short, and the puzzles -- while fun -- were not very challenging. However, these are minor in light of how many things this game gets spectacularly right.
Posted May 10, 2018.
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3 people found this review helpful
30.7 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
I heard very good things about this game, which I guess was part of the problem for me (high expectations).

Full disclosure: I can't stand JRPGs and the things that come along with them, primarily menu-driven combat -- it feels like a slog to me. It'll probably be no surprise to anyone that this game fell flat for me.

In this game, the gameplay seems to be about 90% menu-driven combat and 10% easy puzzles. The subversive element that tries to turn the combat on its head just serves to make it more annoying: figure out what sequence of commands will end each encounter peacefully. Adding a subversive element to an already tedious mechanic just makes the pace agonizingly glacial. Correctly "solving" an encounter doesn't feel rewarding, the same way that it doesn't feel rewarding to roll snake eyes after trying for a few minutes.

With every random encounter on the map I found myself internally screaming. If we ever needed a game with max repels, it's this one.

Yes, yes... I know: Writing. Story. Cleverness.

If I want writing and story at the expense of gameplay, I will watch a movie or read a book. If your excuse for boring gameplay is "but the story is good" then you don't really want to play games.

The cleverness felt like that one friend you have (you know the one) who thinks he is funny but really isn't. Sometimes he is actually clever, but it's kind of by accident. Most of the time he just seems full of himself and pretentious.


This might be a fun game to watch someone else play. Maybe you'd enjoy playing it. It's just not for me.
Posted January 9, 2018. Last edited January 9, 2018.
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11.6 hrs on record (7.2 hrs at review time)
Super well-done and accessible take on assembly-level programming. The music fits well and the story is amusing, but not distracting.

I only wish there were more levels -- it only took me a few hours to complete every level. Some kind of custom level feature would be welcome. I can think of a few challenging puzzles that I would like to send to my developer friends.
Posted November 28, 2016.
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4 people found this review helpful
427.6 hrs on record (358.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I've struggled a lot with my opinion of this game because there are some *really* good things about it. There are also some *really* bad things about it.

At this exact moment in time, the good outweighs the bad.

+ Crafting system is really polished.
+ Progression from nomad to established base owner is fun, natural, and works really well with the game mechanics.
+ Multiplayer with friends feels like a totally different game. It can be an incredible experience with the right friends.
+ Zombies are smart enough to pose a risk to the uninitiated, but dumb enough that you can fend off huge groups of them if you plan ahead.

- Very poorly optimized. I have an i7-4770k and a GTX 980 and running on max settings gives me 20-30 FPS with regular dips into the low teens. I can get display-capped 144 FPS consistently on much more graphically-demanding games.
- Bugs. Dear lord, the bugs. Expect things to randomly go missing. Expect to die without any apparent cause.
- The developers (and fans) seem openly hostile to bug reports or any kind of legitimate criticism of the game. Its early access state is routinely used as a blanket apologetic for the game's problems. Stay away from the game's official forums and subreddit. They are both cancerous echo chambers.

In summary: play it -- but go in with the knowledge that your experience will be far from perfect.
Posted November 28, 2016. Last edited December 2, 2016.
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