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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Sephirum

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 11 pozycji
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9,466.3 godz. łącznie (8,682.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Love this game as you can tell with the hours listed. MSQ (Main Story Quest) is single player so you will need to complete that on your own but can pick your friends up for help to clear dungeons and raids. If you have loved the Final Fantasy series make sure you take your time and enjoy the MSQ.
Opublikowana: 25 listopada 2023.
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20.5 godz. łącznie
Borderlands meets D&D like they did in Borderlands 2: Bunkers & Badasses.
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2022.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
14,701.1 godz. łącznie (1,053.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I originally played this in my browser and had fun with it churning out cookies in the background. It's a simple game that you can check in on here and there to make progress. If you are trying to go for all the achievements be ready to put some time in! I enjoyed it so much that when I saw it hit steam it was a day one purchase!
Opublikowana: 26 listopada 2021.
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234.1 godz. łącznie (112.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
A cross between Factorio (base building and manufacturing) and Subnautica (feeling of isolation and learning to overcome struggles on an alien planet). Multiplayer needs a little more love as my friend felt stuck at the base since mobs would teleport and kill him. Totally acceptable and super fun for early access, can't wait for release!
Opublikowana: 27 listopada 2020.
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6.2 godz. łącznie (5.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Destiny 1 was amazing, got Moments of Triumph year one and two. Destiny 2's storyline was a great continuation where one left off. Where i felt it was lacking was the end game content. With no random rolls once you got a weapon the next or nine hundredth weapon was a duplicate and I quickly lost interest. Forsaken brought new life into the game, and they have continually tried to revive the game to it's former glory. Most of the people I know are happy with the direction of the game and hope that Bungie keeps on polishing the game to make it one of the best games of all time.
Opublikowana: 29 listopada 2019.
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Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 6 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
3.9 godz. łącznie
Do you like bullet hell games? Do you like anime chicks? Do you have the dexterity to play one handed!? Have you always wanted a WAIFU to call your own?

Well if you answered yes to any of my questions this game if for you!

Welcome to the world of video game erotica where your goal is to blow your WAIFU's mind, and perhaps other things, out of this world! Do you have what it takes to save the galaxy? Well I hope you do because I've already saved it once. I mean, what am I supposed to be the hero every time?
Opublikowana: 5 lipca 2019.
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371.8 godz. łącznie (14.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I have played this on Xbox, PS4, as well as here on PC. I was thoroughly impressed by this game, and I typically don't like horror games. This is a cat and mouse game.

As a survivor, your goal is to stay alive, be quiet and stealthy, and repair generators while avoiding the killer. Many times you will make mistakes that can cost you some pain unless you have some skill. Other times you will be lucky and escape…at least until the next time. Either way, you’ll get some peace while you’re at the campfire until the flames start to dim and go out, then it’s back at it, hopefully, armed with better knowledge and skills from the last time.

As the killer, you wait for the fire to die down so you can get back to playing with your toys. They always scream and try to wiggle away which makes it so much more fun, I mean, without a struggle how fun is the chase? Sometimes you get to play with all your toys until they are broken, other times you lose them in the yard, but whatever you do, spread the happiness around with all your toys, don’t just focus on one. The good news is, no matter if your toys break or you lose them, you’ll always find them near the next campfire. Infinite fun!
Opublikowana: 23 listopada 2018.
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309.5 godz. łącznie (218.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
So there I was relaxing on my spacehip ride across the galaxy when everything went to hell! I ran to my escape pod and got off the ship before I kicked the bucket. I like fireworks so the display was amazing, sadly things went dark shortly after.

I woke up on this planet with water as far as the eye can see. The good news is my ship made it, the bad news my PDA is fried. Said something about being damaged and that it can't help me like it should. Stupid technology! Well, it's time to jump into these waters and see what I can find so I can get off this planet. Hopefully there isn't anything here that can eat me...
Opublikowana: 24 listopada 2017.
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3.9 godz. łącznie
When this game first came out, I went down to the store, bought a brand new PlayStation and this game, came home and put over 999 hours into this game. I'm both happy and sad that the counter stopped at 999 because I would have liked to know how many hours I acttuallt put into this game originally, but then again...that might be scary to see. ;-)
Opublikowana: 26 listopada 2016.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
777.3 godz. łącznie (169.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Imagine, you wake up in a faraway world with only one friend to guide you on your adventure. As you explore your new world you find furry fun animals that are enjoying the sunshine as much as you do. There are some nasty things that you have to watch out for but slimes are easy to avoid. Around mid-day you decide that it would be best to build yourself a home so you have a place to rest your head at night along with your guide. As the sun sets you stare off at the horizon taking in the beauty when you notice something coming towards you. As the figure approaches you hear groans and that's when your nightmare comes to life...ZOMBIES!

Some of you will run for the safety of your home, some of you will try and test your mettle against the invading force. Whatever you do, your peaceful world has been converted into a survival of the fittest! Peace and relaxation have to take a back seat as you bunker down into the ground to make your base to defend against the nightly invasion. As you improve your base and gather more materials you continually grow stronger and stronger to counter the ongoing invasion. New surprises are around every corner. Do you have what it takes to survive?
Opublikowana: 26 maja 2015.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 11 pozycji