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yhteensä 168 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 21.5.
yhteensä 4 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 21.5.
yhteensä 0,8 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.5.
Alex? 3.5. klo 14.59 
+rep a contributing member to my childhood!
Graysongdl 28.3. klo 16.37 
I was watching one of your videos earlier, but it went private WHILE I was watching it. I wanted to ask what happened on Twitter, but your Twitter is gone, as well...? This is the only profile of yours that I could find besides that. What in the world happened?
WalkingWalrus92 27.10.2023 klo 7.18 
You are my king
xBluemist 26.4.2023 klo 23.40 
More metals not working, unable to be placed in the map editor
b-plon 15.4.2023 klo 14.31 
arsus 12.4.2023 klo 11.44 
mate you need to fix ore mode there Is not able to be placed from map editor anymore because I dont see it under foliage.