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Senaste recensioner av Unwavering Flavor

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5.9 timmar totalt (4.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The gameplay is simple and well put together. All of the mechanics feel like they are tuned to create an enjoyable experience.

The music fits the game well and is easy to follow but doesn't sound like it was forced to fit a rhythm game soundtrack.

It is a little short in my opinion, you can finish the game with the first character in under 45 minutes easily on your first try or two on hard, but there are other unlockable characters to give yourself a challenge or different playstyle.

The graphics of the game are absolutely hideous, they are high quality, and it is obvious that the artists behind them are talented. But choosing to make all of your enemies and upgrades blend into the background and become hard to see without squinting is a definite negative. It also doesn't help that everything is a shade of red or grey and blended together like a gaussian blur filter. I didn't see the upgrade altars until my second match because of how they just look like normal background props without any pop to them.
Upplagd 24 juli 2022. Senast ändrad 24 juli 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4.0 timmar totalt
Very disappointing game. Got it on sale and it's not worth the 20 for it. I could see buying this game for like 15 at most.

The game lacks any real substance, combat is bland and uninteresting. There are three types of weapons in the games, and each three has several weapons to pick from. The only difference are stat values, movesets are the same. Combat feels like it wasn't intended to be in the game, or was created last minute.

The enemies are copy and pasted for each area, with minute changes to their behavior. The bosses are lame, uninspired and boring. Bosses feel like just bigger tankier versions of the same enemies you fight throughout the game.

The exploration and world of the game seem to be the only thing that have substance and effort put into them. The game does seem to lack lore and doesn't have much to it beyond a walking sim.

The multiplayer is god awful to use. They tried to make it seamless, but all that ends up happening is that if you want to play with a friend you just run around circles in an area until the game tells you that you can play with them.

The souls like elements seem like they were added onto a walking sim game as a cash grab, this is a walking sim with a paper sheet that says "souls-like" on top of it to entice the souls playerbase into the game.

If you enjoy souls likes, don't play this game. If you like walking sims and just going places, get this game on sale.
Upplagd 16 mars 2021.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
6.3 timmar totalt
Game is very meh. If you like walking for hours and shooting the same couple of enemies over and over it's for you. Game world feels very empty. Locations are also copy and paste and don't have any real variation.
Upplagd 4 februari 2021.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.9 timmar totalt
No idea how this has so many positive reviews. It has no redeeming factors unless you enjoy running around not knowing what you're supposed to do. It's like someone took left 4 dead, and stripped away the fun part.

If I wanted to torture myself I'd go to russia to get waterboarded. At least then I'm getting SOMETHING.
Upplagd 9 december 2019. Senast ändrad 9 december 2019.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var rolig
28.3 timmar totalt (25.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Swing hammer go upwards. I get see youtuber with shiny pot. I want shiny pot. I spend too many long playing game. I get shiny pot. I am happy.
Upplagd 20 november 2019.
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56.7 timmar totalt (19.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Meta is cancer, devs doubled down on cancer.
Upplagd 20 november 2019. Senast ändrad 5 mars 2021.
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1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
13.1 timmar totalt (1.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Friend and I both got game. Played 3 rounds. Friend refunded game after 3 gallons of salt.
Upplagd 6 januari 2019.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
55.7 timmar totalt (25.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Is a very nice game, has interesting gameplay that rewards stealth. The developers are very good at updating the game constantly. I expect big things from this game.
Upplagd 24 augusti 2015.
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3,094.2 timmar totalt (3,085.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Mann Vs. Machine became the default game mode
Upplagd 31 maj 2014. Senast ändrad 4 juni.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
81.1 timmar totalt (22.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A fun little game, I like it. It's similar to terraria in graphics and gameplay, such as the combat based gameplay.
Upplagd 31 januari 2014.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
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