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1 person found this review helpful
100.3 hrs on record (46.3 hrs at review time)
Excellent game, 100% Recommend to anyone that wants Shipbuilding, Exploration, a "Me vs the universe" mentality as a Pirate, or even a simple Trade Route runner.

It's got a hint of EVE to it, without the boring hours of skill lvling and potentially thousands of RL $ lost because some jackarse backstabs your Corp. Shipbuilding could use a teensy bit more options shape-wise, but is very satisfying otherwise. Being able to issue loopable orders to your other ships with AI-controlled Captains to Mine/Refine/Repeat or Patrol & Protect sectors or send your ship back by hopping out instead of manulaly jumping is great.

Gameplay boils down to, Build ship, Mine for better ores, upgrade your ship and build new ones to assist you or work for you, fight Pirates & Aliens, work with Smugglers, and build your reputation with other NPC Factions. Or Wage war on them, whichever.

Story is light, but interesting. The short version is, some ♥♥♥♥ went down in the center of the Galaxy, holes in space were torn open that noone can fly through both randomly around the galaxy and around the center entirely. The details are revealed and much deeper via ingame Storyline-related quests and Boss Fights, so I won't spoil it beyond that. (Using the Wiki is highly recommended though, some ♥♥♥♥ isn't obvious or semi-random). Your long-term goal is to get to the center of the Galaxy, and there's only one way in, spread out in various places & game systems, from boss drops to even Trading to get what you need.

Multiplayer-wise it supports Servers, though my experience was via LAN with my spouse. Public Servers, knowing humanity, will probably include Griefing or EVE-style backstabbing if that's your thing. There is a Single Player mode too, which would work fine since you can build as many ships as you want and give them AI orders once Captained.

Totally worth it!
Posted April 3, 2020. Last edited November 25, 2020.
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83 people found this review helpful
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33.1 hrs on record
Don't do it. For the last 3 months, peoples' entire accounts have been disappearing.
They post on the forums and are told to make tickets.
Tickets go unanswered for over a month. A MONTH. Of not being able to play. Well, you COULD play...but if they restore it, they're too lazy to merge what you earned, including limited event stuff or cash shop purchases.
When or IF they finally restore your stuff...a lot of it is gone. They try to sweeten you up with a few Lootboxes of useless crap after randomly losing your account and taking over a month to even bother restoring it, even though they know how and where to do so at this point.
Finally, it's a Trion game. Trion is where dead games go to rot and be on life support, see: Defiance. Don't expect much updatewise that isn't available primarily through their Cash shop.
Posted March 3, 2020. Last edited March 3, 2020.
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22.4 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
It's Dwarf Fortress but with Clones, Realistic Gas Interactions, and in space. Pretty good little colony management simulator!
Posted November 26, 2019.
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1.5 hrs on record (1.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's basically Slime Rancher: Monstergirl Edition.

Despite being worked on by one dev, the basic movement animations are surprisingly good, and the care/detail they put into everything is clear. This isn't some half-arsed sliding hentai puzzle crap or RPGMaker with default assets like most of the R18 games on Steam.

I just hope the other thing he does differently than most R18 games is actually finish it, rather than gaining Patreon popularity and losing all will to work on it.
Posted October 24, 2019. Last edited October 24, 2019.
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63.6 hrs on record (63.5 hrs at review time)
It's what Diablo 3 should have been. And their developers don't say "YOU GUISE HAVE PHONES DONT U?!"
Posted June 28, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
45.9 hrs on record (43.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
You know, Valve used to be a huge name in the Gaming industry. Half-life, huge mod community support, hiring folks that made good mods(Portal, CS, etc). CS:GO is the current, and decent, incarnation of that original Mod that helped skyrocket the base engine and thus Valve to bigger fame than HL did by itself.

But what is it that we have now? Steam is riddled with asset flips. Lazy Sliding-Puzzle "Ecchi" games that claim to be "Hentai Puzzles". Pee-poor VR porn that just uses bad models dancing around. Don't get me wrong, Steam should've embraced well-made Adult Games from the start - but right now, it's basically an App Store, where any Tom Richard or Harry can slap up his half-butted attempt at piddling with a game maker engine and bury the few genuinely good games under a huge pile of shovelware and dlc in the New Releases list.

And that's where this comes in: Steam is an open app store now, because that's what makes them money. Not because of good games, or curation of quality games(both adult and normal), but just raw profit. CS:GO is now free to bring people in and lure them to buy Case Keys, just like TF2 was. I could let it go at that, and would never have written this review, if that had been where it stopped.

But no. The final nail in the coffin, the one thing that has shown how far Valve has fallen from "Hello, and welcome to Team Fortress 2. I hope it's been worth the wait!" and "Amazing Steam Sale, praise Gaben!", down to the money-hungry, fun-ignoring monster that it is now, is the fact that besides being Free now, they jumped on the already very-old and very-milked Bandwagon for Battle Royale games and slapped one into CS:GO.

Valve used to be the company that CREATED trends with Half-Life, Portal, CS, and Steam. Now it's just following trends others create...

You either die young, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain. Press Yes to Pay Respects.
Posted December 6, 2018. Last edited December 6, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record
Disclaimer: I played this on the Free Weekend. Also, I honestly wish Steam had a "Maybe" button instead of just "Do you recommend this? Yes or No." - This game would be one of those Maybes.

I'll start by saying, this game is solidly done. Everything works well, and I really enjoyed the idea of mixing a Tower Defense of sorts with a Roguelike Dungeon crawler.

However... I think at some point they confused Roguelike with "I wanna be the guy" and just drown you in tons of enemies, throw in random ones that knock down doors and spawn more waves on you that you literally can't prevent, and make your heroes super squishy even if levelled and armored up, with the only way to "Taunt" being a very specific set of Armor or a skill that causes it.

This wouldn't be as bad if the "Towers" you built were worth ♥♥♥♥. You get a piddly blaster tower at the start, and unlock more/level them up via Research Crystals you find along the way that cost Science, each of which takes about 2-3 door openings(which the game considers turns) to complete, and the crystal has to survive those turns to finish obviously. Neat idea. But most of the towers are extremely weak, very few kill the monsters before they just A) walk past them into the next room, or B) destroy the towers outright. They're squishy as ♥♥♥♥ even with the unlocked defense boosters and Stele buffs. They also cost Industry which is another currency, and that's also used for shopkeepers, building the currency Generators, and unlocking random-event things along the way.

On the note of Currency, it feels like there's too little of all of it, even for a roguelike, it's "too" unfair. This is more of an opinion of mine, rather than fact, so take that as you will.
>Industry costs keep you from filling every room with Turrets and Generators easily, which would help alleviate the issue that most turrets are ♥♥♥♥ and there's a limited # of randomly-generated turret slots per-room, if you get any at all.
>Science costs limit your research ability and make you choose between that and Industry for defense/more currency, or more Food to level up and heal with, so Science is usually third priority.
>Food costs are split between Healing your units and levelling them up to be tougher, as well as recruiting new guys into your team. Since it's used for Healing, it runs out fairly quick, and keeps levelling to a minimum.
>Dust is used to Power rooms and is also, sort of, your Crystal/Home Base's HP. If mobs get to your crystal and start whacking it, you lose this Dust and thus lose power to rooms, and anything unpowered isn't generating currency or defending so it snowballs VERY easily from there. Problem is, often, your Crystal room has 3-4 doors and you'll rarely if ever have enough dust to power more than a path to the exit, once you find it, so ♥♥♥♥ will constantly be spawning in dark rooms and running to your crystal, right through/over/past your weak defenses, often destroying them anyways which loses you out of the currency spent on them + whatever currency they were generating too, so again, it snowballs easily. TOO easily.

Other than one hero I found(maybe a couple more), most of them get bonuses from being with other heroes so you don't split up that often, and even when you do split 'em up, they're fairly weak and require babysitting to heal, burning through your Food supply quick. WAY too often i found myself retreating everyone to the Crystal Room to defend my precious Dust supply because hordes of monsters either walked right past my room full of 6 turrets and food generator, or outright destroyed it while I was on the other frickin' side of the map and could not have saved that room in time because I didn't have the Dust to power enough rooms.

TL:DR; I genuinely liked the idea of a mixed Roguelike and Tower Defense. The problem is, it falters in execution, resources are TOO limited and Heroes die TOO easily, taking any sense of fun out of it. The Crystal-Carrying mechanic to the exit is a neat idea on paper, but in execution, it's not fun. I got to about floor 9 before ♥♥♥♥ just overwhelmed me despite all my levels, research, and a solid team with decent gear.

I'm used to dying in roguelikes. I go in expecting to die. But I usually have fun doing it, e.g; FTL, Isaac, etc, as well as non-roguelikes that still expect you to die while learning, like Dwarf Fortress/Gnomoria/etc clones. And while this game is very well put together in general, it doesn't have that "je ne sais quoi" that makes dying fun. I didn't enjoy it, but maybe you will.
Posted August 4, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
20.3 hrs on record
An extremely faithful remake of the original, from looks being translated from sprites to 3d without ruining the original feel or look, to even the oddest little quirks of the game's systems being replicated perfectly. Anyone who says this looks "bad" or was poorly done is full of $#!t. This is an extremely well-done and, most importantly, FAITHFUL 3d remake of the original.

The price is a little high, though, I'll agree. Get it on Sale or via GMG's discounts. I had a ton of fun with it and it was exactly what I expected it to be. Unlike that trainwreck that is the FF6 iOS/Steam port.
Posted February 22, 2018. Last edited February 22, 2018.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.6 hrs on record
It looks nice enough graphics-wise. I had no issues installing it or getting it to run or running well. But...it's just so shallow. There's not really any goal or creative freedom to it.

You start out in a slow tutorial. I'm usually huge on story, but it felt like it dragged on to me. It doesn't really explain how readying items works. It barely explains combat, but that's because combat is painfully simple - walk up to a zombie and your char auto attacks. That's it. Maybe press 1 or 2 every so often for a strong hit or heal, and left click for a Stamina-burst attack.

Problem is...all your weapons lose durability and break forever. That's some Breath of the Wild level stuff right there. But then, maps are packed chock-full of weapons and food/water to the point that you never have to worry either. Which basically renders the entire point of a durability system pointless and instead becomes a hassle having to equip a new weapon every few zombies or so.

Inventory is super small, like 16 items small. Nothing stacks even if it's the same material. I looted all kinds of things that seemed useful... food/water (once you refill you're set for a LONG time so carrying more is pointless, + with it being littered across the map and in every safe camp, why bother?), weapons(cuz they break so quick), and what seemed like materials(couldn't find a use for them after progressing a good chunk of the first map post-tutorial).

For the kleptos among us that like to loot everything in sight, you're going to be driven crazy - half the things you see in those screenshots is lootable, but as mentioned above, there's little point in doing so other than backup breakable weapons. I also lost a Levelup Reward flare gun with high damage because my inventory was full. It didn't drop to the ground or anything, it just vanished into thin air.

Character customization is nearly non-existent - a handful of color options, 3 top/pants/shoes options and that's it. I can kind of understand this because extras in that department are their monetization plans, which makes sense, people love to buy fashion, just look at FFXIV lol

In short...it's a well-built game. But the actual gameplay leaves something massively to be desired. The entire inventory/looting system seemed like nothing more than a list of weapons to smash over zombie heads recklessly and replace, rendering any other use of it moot. I'd have to say give it a pass unless you're super bored and just enjoy zombie things.
Posted February 14, 2018. Last edited February 14, 2018.
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5 people found this review helpful
11.1 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
Do you like Super Metroid? Do you like Rogue-lite elements such as randomized maps and unlocking new upgrades with every run like Binding of Isaac? Then you'll love this. It's not even that punishing since enemies can drop health and be respawned by re-entering a room, and you unlock limited-use (and technically optional) respawn machines in case you still screw up and won't lose your whole run, if you chose to use them.

Now if only Nintendo would learn that THIS is the style of Metroid we want, not that Prime or Other M ♥♥♥♥...lol
Posted November 22, 2017.
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