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kayıtlarda 64.5 saat
Even after all this time, Empire at War remains one of the best Star Wars games to date, as well as a strong RTS game. Alongside a strong base-game, the Forces of Corruption expansion included in the Gold Pack adds a new faction, making campaigns feel more dynamic as a three-way war ensues. The instant-action style game mode allows you to engage in the game's engaging combat system without having to deal with the large-scale strategy of the Galactic War. Additionally, the very active modding community helps keep the game fresh, even offering complete overhauls to the game. Some of my recommended mods, which you can download on the Steam Workshop are Thrawn's Revenge, Republic at War, and the Fall of the Republic, each offering what may as well be a free expansion to the game. If you are a Star Wars fan, and an RTS enjoyer, you need to play this game. 10/10
Yayınlanma 14 Temmuz.
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kayıtlarda 487.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 483.7 saat)
To begin, Team Fortress 2 has been one of the most important games I've played in my journey as a PC gamer. It helped me make connections through its wonderful and very active community. Many folks on my current friends list were made thanks to the hectic, goofy fun of Team Fortress 2.

It also helped me get a basic level of understanding of market trends and bartering through the community marketplace and trading servers. I learned a lot from experiences with the marketplace, and had some ups and downs with trading. It was a worthwhile learning experience.

Furthermore, TF2 was just plain FUN. It helped me form a love of the FPS genre and the hero shooter sub-genre. I adored playing as medic, which even inspired a real-world interest in learning how to speak German. I could write another essay simply on the fantastic memories I've had playing this game and all the positives- and some negatives too- playing this gem of a game.

This bloated introduction aside, it's time to address the elephant in the room. Valve has practically abandoned this game, except when it comes to making money. The bot problem has escalated drastically over the past few years, and is one of the reasons I stopped playing last year. It's no secret among the TF2 community, and even the larger gaming community on Steam that bots have invaded TF2 and have turned the average, casual experience into a hellscape. If you load into a match now, odds are you'll encounter multiple cheating bots who exist for the sole purpose of screwing over people's days. From the accounts of the former VNN on YouTube, he had to queue over 11 times to record footage of ONE map because every other server was overrun by AI. And from accounts I'm hearing, that seems to be a frequent experience among players. If I wanted to fight against that many Automatons, I'd drop back into Malevelon Creek for a few more tours.

More importantly, these attacks have been ongoing for over FOUR YEARS now. Valve did... "something" back in 2022, but that seemed to be the equivalent of slapping a band-aid over a shotgun wound as whatever that "something" was did not last very long. The problem has ♥♥♥♥♥♥ worse, and Valve has gone radio silent. Some people have expressed concern over botters going beyond the constraints of the game, launching DDOS attacks and other cyberstrikes against people in the community who speak out against this frankly shameful display, and Valve seems content to play their fiddle while Teufort burns. Valve's silence speaks VOLUMES about their level of care towards this game, and it's time that ends. They need to address this issue in some meaningful way, we cannot have another band-aid solution to this now grapeshot-sized wound. I urge you, readers to change your reviews to negative, spread awareness, and don't spend another dime on this game.

I think the biggest eye-opener may be player numbers. According to calculations, despite the daily player count nearing 100k, the actual human players around around 20-30k. Everything else, is likely a bot. To those reading this, stop playing the game. Let the number of actual people dwindle, leaving only AI. For those saying, "Wouldn't this just kill the game?" I raise you a counter-point.

Who spends money on skins and hats? People.

Who contributes community maps and works with community servers? People.

Who has kept this game alive for nearly 20 years? PEOPLE!

If Valve can get a clearer picture of our distaste for the state of the game, and can see that the majority of flesh-and-blood humans- their active consumer base- has quit playing and contributing to their bottom line, perhaps they'll finally break this radio silence.

I've seen a lot of nihilism regarding protests, and frankly, I'm uncertain if this will get results myself. Still, let us not go quietly into that good night. We cannot allow this game to die in such a quite literal inhumane method. Keep up the good fight. Ad Victoriam, and #fixTF2.
Yayınlanma 4 Haziran. Son düzenlenme 4 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 215.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 148.7 saat)
Love reading through people's experiences with this game so I thought I'd share mine.

1st Playthrough:

-I chose to play as Egypt on a decently large continents map.
-Founded Thebes in the middle of the continent.
-After progressing through the early technologies, I explore north and discover Russia.
-Russia was thankfully peaceful and we traded marble, stone, and horses for a bit.
-Egypt has access to a specialized Chariot Archer which doesn't require horses to produce so the handful of barbarian camps were easy pickings.
-A little southeast of my third city is Almaty, which has among the only iron deposits on the entire continent.
-After producing my first set of catapults, it was time for war against Almaty.
-They offer little resistance and succumb to my invasion.
-Russia, meanwhile is not happy with Almaty's fate as she apparently was trying to befriend the city-state.
-Another war ensues.
-Russia has a whopping O N E city to their name as well as a handful of spearmen.
-She loses incredibly quickly to my ranged units and horsemen take her capitol.
-A few hundred years pass by with nothing of note except for founding a couple more cities around the continent and some diplomacy with the other two city-states on my continent.
-I eventually gain the ability to sail across deep ocean tiles and migrate west in search of new territory.
-My scouts find another large continent and I send settlers to found a coastal city in the "New World."
-Speaking of the New World, my scouts also discovered Siam and the United States.
-Siam was friendly, but the US was a bit guarded for some reason.
-After founding a new city on the second continent, I negotiate an open borders treaty with Siam to scout around their territory.
-When I reach the western edge of the continent, I discover what little remains of Arabia, who had been warring with the US for a while.
-Washington had taken most of the Arabian cities and Arabia was practically bankrupt.
-After Arabia lost its capitol, Siam approached me asking if I wanted to assist in a war against America.
-Washington had recently denounced Siam and Siam and I were allies, so I agreed.
-America, despite its strength against Arabia, crumbed quickly to the combined Egyptian and Siamese military.
-After the war, peace ensued for many years as Siam and I developed Medieval technologies.
-Out of nowhere Siam declares war.
-The war started in the mid-Medieval period and lasted until the mid-Renaissance, displaying an evolution of armed forces.
-Siam all of the cities it took from the United States and a couple of its own after hundreds of years of combat.
-My frigates also decimated Siam's minuscule fleet which had attempted to blockade one of my coastal cities.
-Siam eventually offered peace which I accepted.
-I dispatched scouts and caravels to scour around the world in search of additional land, resources, and other empires to trade with since Siam was a poor loser.
-Found a few city-states on tiny islands and a German scout.
-A while later, my caravel found Polynesia and China.
-Germany denounced China and the two bicker for a while but nothing comes of it.
-I establish trade with Polynesia and Germany which China is not happy about.
-It's time to industrialize!
-I improve my military with industrial-era units and discover flight before anyone else.
-Siam meanwhile is trying to compete in this little arms race while also befriending city-states.
-Germany denounces China again, which still lead nowhere.
-I discover the last nation, that being the Ottomans.
-Establish trade with the Ottomans which were just denounced by Siam.
-Siam and the Ottomans could not be farther apart geographically.
-Find the Ottoman Empire on a small landmass north of my main continent.
-The Ottomans denounce Polynesia which leads to war between the two.
-While those two duke it out, Siam wants a part of the joy of war and declares one on me.
-Siam vs Egypt round 2 begins and my air force proves to be more than a match for their navy hanging out around one of my cities.
-After dealing with the blockade, I advance my army into Siamese territory and lay siege to multiple cities.
-Manhattan project.
-You know where this is going.
-After a back-and-fourth battle around the Siamese capitol, I retreat my forces.
-I load an atomic bomb onto an aircraft carrier and send it north of Siam.
-Air raid sirens blast as the first developed atomic bomb is dropped on Siam.
-The Siamese military, the brunt of it stationed around the capitol to repel my invasion is eradicated.
-The world goes quiet.
-Siam's capitol fell days later.
-While irradiated, I now owned one of the largest cities on earth.
-After a small conflict around one of their remaining cities, Siam negotiated peace a few days later.
-Life returns to normal for many years as I refine my empire and grow my army, ensuring I had a healthy supply of nuclear weapons as a back-up plan if peace became impossible.
-Meanwhile, in foreign news, the Ottomans finally made peace with Polynesia after Polynesians captured one of the two Ottoman cities.
-China made an alliance with Polynesia and declared war on Germany.
-Having a pact of defense with Germany, I was dragged into the war.
-Germany fought China while I fought the Polynesians whose navy advanced quicker than I expected.
-It was a costly fight, but eventually the Polynesian fleet retreated allowing my forces to advance to their mainland.
-My submarines dealt with Chinese submarines nearing my cities.
-Germany's turn: Air raid sirens blare.
-Germany nukes China.
-I finally advance my armies into Polynesian territory and take its capitol within a hundred years.
-With Polynesia conquered and its empire in shambles, China negotiates peace with Germany and I shortly after.
-I notice Ottoman settlers trying to settle near me.
-I ask the Ottomans to back off and they reluctantly comply, choosing to settle near Germany.
-Germany gets mad and denounces the Ottomans. Thankfully war is somehow avoided.
-China denounces me and I denounce them likewise.
-I spot a Chinese nuclear submarine close to my territory and promptly declare war to deal with it.
-After sinking it, I ask Germany if it wants to war with China again. Germany declines, seemingly focused on dealing with the Ottomans.
-The war with China is uneventful, mostly just a game of chicken with our fleets exchanging blows here and there.
-We eventually make peace.
-Not much happens after that except for occasional trade between Germany and I...
-Until Siam.
-I had foolishly allowed Siam to survive with three cities after the second war. Now, many years later, it had recovered somewhat. Enough to reform a decently sized military and one singular nuclear missile.
-Air raid sirens ensue as I watch in horror as a nuclear missile detonates in the first coastal city I founded in the New World.
-While my military was spread around, the city was now rich in resources which the nuke demolished.
-After the clicking of my Geiger counter stopped ringing in my ears, the world watched to see how badly Siam would fare in this final showdown.
-I spared no expense (except additional nukes) to crush Siam.
-My late-game army steamrolled through Siam's tanks and infantry.
-My helicopters, mechanized infantry, and death robots captured the remainder of Siam's once-great empire.
-Finally, Siam was no more.
-While I had achieved total victory over my century-long adversary, it didn't come without a price.
-Siam's nuke as well as capturing cities severely damaged my empire's happiness which caused several small insurrections to amass around Egypt.
-After dealing with the rebels, I spent some time building happiness increasing structures in my cities to fix our quite literal crippling depression.
-Take a break from Civ 5 and start several other playthroughs. Those I actually finish.
-Ending is to be announced. Game's a solid 20/10
Yayınlanma 2 Ocak 2021.
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kayıtlarda 6.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.6 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
I very rarely dabble into the realm of Early Access F2P games. Especially ones that look like crappy IOS to PC ports. At first glance, that's what I assumed this game would be like. Boy was I wrong.

Basically it is kind of a card game with your attacks being based on cards. Each card costs a different amount of stamina to use. When you use a card, you have to trace over an attack pattern with your mouse. As weird as this feels at first, it kinda grows on you with time. After you select your cards and preform the tracing, you get treated to watching your character go to town on your opponent. Every other hit or so the camera will zoom up to one part of the body that just got hit and enters slow motion. When it does this, you see the amount of damage each attack is doing. This is a really cool feature!

After you attack, your opponent gets to attack. You are able to block attacks. Simply slide your mouse cursor into the green line on the opponent's limb. If you create a block line a mere inch away from an attack, a red line will appear a little ways up their limb. Swipe another line into that to begin a counter attack. This works exactly like attacking as you choose a counter card and trace over the line. Rince repeat until the battle ends. I have been completely entertained by the way this works! Also I like seeing my opponents bashed into nothing. Its something I should get help with come to think of it...

Since this is a F2P game and is a port from IOS, you would expect a lot of microtransactions right? Suprisingly this is not the case! You can choose to purchase decks from the store with extra rare cards and coins and things like that, but, you are not forced to. You can still win plenty of fights with the cards you unlock through just playing the game! One thing that does annoy me however is the eagle system. Basically how this works, is if you mess up an attack or block in singleplayer, you can spend a certain amount of eagles to retry it however many times you need. This is where the microtransactions could come into play for some who have trouble with the whole attacking process. I used most of my eagles from the start leaving me with three to use towards the end of a tough fight. I saved them the best I could and you can still win fights without spending a single eagle. However, if you feel like you did poorly on one step, you can just reset the clock with an eagle. Everytime you finish an attack or block, it will ask you if you want to retry, even if you prefected everything that round. One final complaint about the eagle system is how it's used with reward chests. Every time you complete quests in singleplayer, you earn a chest that contains a different card. Their are different tiers of chests: wooden, bronze, silver, gold, or forbidden. Wooden containing the weakest gear and forbidden containing powerful magic cards and such. If you get a chest below forbidden, the game will ask you if you want to spend two eagles to upgrade the chest. This can be very annoying if you really want to gamble your way to a forbidden chest. Luckily, there's no keys implemented...

In conclusion I am very thankful that I picked this game up! I have had a blast playing thus far and I am looking forward to improving my ninja skills in the near future! If I had to pick a number to rate this game, I'd give it a solid 8/10. If the eagle system was different maybe it would have been a 9. Anyway, anyone reading this please try this game out! You will not be dissapointed!

-Maxusthebeast is out!
Yayınlanma 7 Kasım 2017.
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kayıtlarda 232.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 37.1 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
Instead of doing a normal review like most people, (since I'm not normal) I am going to do a top 5 scariest moments in this game. 5 being the lowest, and 1 being the scariest. WARNING! Possible spoilers ahead! With that being said, lets get into it!

5. As a begginning player, the Creepvine Forest biome is a terrifying place to be. However, I knew I needed resources inside of it so I hopped out of my escape pod, grabbed my seaglide, and headed twards the danger zone. Once I enter, three stalkers greet me. I was able to outswim them and get on with gathering resources. I noticed a hunk of rock that may be a metal I need. I headed down and suddenly, a little leech like thing grabs my arm! I scream (jumpscare) and mash every button on my keyboard until finally, the thing gets off. Not the scariest but it did scare me.

4. Just after creating my seamoth submarine, I saw a large cave opening. I headed into it. There were multiple smaller entry holes that I had to squeeze through. Turns out, just getting through to the top of the cave system exceeds the seamoth's depth limit. The sub began to shake and made strange noises. It blew up and I couldn't find the exit to the cave I was in. Nothing but giant, glowing mushrooms. I realized I was going to drown if I didn't get out of there fast so I had to go over one of the mushrooms. Apparantly, a Crab Snake was living inside it. It grabbed me and gave me one of the worst jumpscares. (Or best considering my reaction was priceless) Finally managed to make it out of the cave with 23% O2 left and 11 HP left. Word of advice, ONLY go down to the Jelly Shroom cave biome if you have the right vehicle for it.

3. I heard from a friend who plays that one of the only ways to get a certian fragment was to travel to a biome known as the Dunes. So with vague knowledge of that biome, I jumped into my (New) seamoth and sped off. Once I approached the biome, large chunks of rocks blocked my path and then it evened out. There was nothing but sand in all direction with the occasional sand shark. I said to myself "Hmm. This isn't so bad!" Then night came. Just pure silence. No music. Nothing. I began to feel a bit creeped out. Suddenly a creature known as the Reaper Leviathan grappled onto my Seamoth. HUGE JUMPSCARE! I was freaking out at this point. It was the loudest you will ever hear me scream! Managed to get away with 35 percent on my seamoth. Going to the dunes now still makes me shudder.

2. I was in the Deep Grand Reef. I found a cool abandoned structure (Avoiding as many spoilers as possible) I really wanted to check out said building. Unfortunatly, a creature called a Crab Squid was in the way. Turns out there were four of them. I knew at this point I had to find another way around. I found a little opening that would lead me to right below the hill the building was on. Suddenly I hear a noise behind me. I turn around to see an effing warper behind me! I punch it in the face (Like a boss!) and it warps away. Whew. Turn around again. Crab Squid staring me down from 2 inches away. Scream my lungs out and punch it. (Chewie) I HATE warpers now more than ever.

1. In curiosity (and because I didn't know what else to do) I decided to travel to the famed Inactive Lava Zone. (With a name like that, nothing could EVER go wrong) After 5-10 minutes of falling and walking on solid lava, I reach the point where I see real lava! I realize I'm here and do a little victory dance. I see a stingray like creature that fortuneatly does not want to kill me. Soon I hear a really loud roar! What the heck could have made that noise?!?!?!?? Suddenly tentacles! I am too scared to move off the platform I am standing on. Next, a warper teleports me out of the PRAWN suit. The water is burning my character up and I know i have to run quickly back to my suit. Suddenly, a HUGE sea monster called the Sea Dragon swims at me shooting fire at the warper. It flees and allowing me to get back to the PRAWN suit. Sadly, now the Dragon is focused on me. It shoots more fire at me. I am terrified. I made it out alive (somehow) and dodged a reaper on the way back to my base. I have never been so happy to see a reaper in my life.

In conclusion, Subnautica is an amazing game that everyone should enjoy! Each time I think back on these experiences, I feel really cool that I survived these crazy encounters. The game itself is beautiful and each biome feels like it has its own ecosystem! It really feels like you are inside an alien ocean. I would give this game a 10/10. Best early access title ever!

(Sadly not sponsored)
Yayınlanma 16 Ocak 2017.
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kayıtlarda 25.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1.9 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
This game is AMAZING. Reminds me of Craft the World, Dwarf Fortress, the Civ series! Would get entire colony killed by rabid chicken!
Yayınlanma 23 Kasım 2016.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 246.8 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 52.7 saat)
CS:GO İncelemesi
To all you people who say this game is a clone of COD, Get Dunkd On 10/10
Yayınlanma 20 Mayıs 2016.
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kayıtlarda 22.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 3.7 saat)
This game brings to me memories of those old games that we all enjoyed. You know, Zelda, Mario, Binding of Issac. What that one isnt old? Well then CLASSIC games. Heh heh heh. Anywho this game is fantastic. The game makes it so choices matter and may impact the ending of the game! Truely deservers the best of awards. 10/100. JUST KIDDING. 100/10 Better? Ok. Love this game.

Yayınlanma 27 Nisan 2016. Son düzenlenme 27 Nisan 2016.
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kayıtlarda 0.9 saat
This game is terrible. Nuff said.
Yayınlanma 27 Nisan 2016.
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kayıtlarda 58.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.9 saat)
Valve you really outdid yourself this time 😃
Yayınlanma 21 Mart 2016.
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