John Redcorn
John Redcorn   Vaini, Tongatapu, Tonga
"King of the Hill: Harlottown (#10.4)" (2005)

John Redcorn: I have a gala.


"King of the Hill: Happy Hank's Giving (#4.7)" (1999)

Joseph Gribble: How long are you going to be in Arizona, Mr Redcorn?

John Redcorn: [an American Indian] Just for Thanksgiving weekend.

Dale Gribble: Do your people even celebrate Thanksgiving?

John Redcorn: We did. Once.


"King of the Hill: Dog Dale Afternoon (#3.20)" (1999)

Dale Gribble: [Spying him crawling through Nancy's bedroom window] I know what you're here for.

John Redcorn: Dale, this isn't how I wanted you to find out!

Dale Gribble: Quit screwing around with my mower!

John Redcorn: You've got to be kidding

Dale Gribble: I don't kid about my mower, now get inside and start massaging my wife!

John Redcorn: [to Nancy] He's taking some of the fun out of this


"King of the Hill: Born Again on the Fourth of July (#13.14)" (2009)

John Redcorn: [Hank buys fireworks from John Redcorn] These sparklers will blow your mind, Hank. When you write in the air, the words will stay there for almost a *second*.

Hank Hill: For the last time, John Redcorn, I am not a narc. Now I've got a stack of twenties and a tarp for the back of my truck. Let's make this happen.

John Redcorn: [John Redcorn pulls out a crate of fireworks] Be careful. Some of these are illegal... in *Mexico*.
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7.7 hrs on record
last played on Jun 14
28 hrs on record
last played on Jun 14
140 hrs on record
last played on Jun 13
Dingo Jan 21 @ 10:28am 
If you are reading this clay is gay. Forward this to 10 Friends or Clay will visit you!
JamalCuckson Aug 27, 2022 @ 11:43pm 
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JamalCuckson Aug 15, 2022 @ 10:15pm 
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Double Gulp Cup Enjoyer Oct 20, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
Stop being mean to Jason... :dotcirno:
JamalCuckson Oct 20, 2021 @ 9:07pm 
That's funny Izaiah:cactuar: