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16.2 изиграни часа
An Overwatch 2 review from the prospective of someone who did not play the first OW game:

The Matchmaking completely kills the game for me, new people with 0h get matched against players who are much more experienced instead of facing other newbies & the skill difference is simply incomparable (you often face people with 30-2 KD)
at least 80% of matches end in one sided stomps, win or lose super unfun, completely unplayable..
here, saved you 5 mins of rambling, you're welcome.

The long Version:

I'm someone who always wanted to try Overwatch 1. I remember watching multiple videos about it & being so hyped to give it a shot but due to various different reasons i was never able to get into it until like a year ago, when Blizzard finally came back to Steam with their tail between their legs & brought OW2 to the platform.

I was well aware of how half assed of a sequel this was (if you can even call it that), and i was also aware of all the (well deserved) negative reviews it got, but i didn't really care since people still praised the core gameplay and that was all i was interested in at the time.
All i wanted from OW2 was for it to be a fun/casual Hero Shooter with cool characters and fun mechanics, surely Blizzard couldn't have possibly F'ed that up as well, right?

So i remember downloading the game then not launching it for a while, i was still very much interested in it but with it being an online game, me having very little free time to play something on a regular basis & especially since i had nobody close to play with it was hard for me to pick it up, until one day i finally tried it, i did the tutorial, played a full match against the AI, took a look at all the different cool heroes in the main menu & it seemed so much fun!

I tried to get friends to download it but they never did, so life went on and the game kept collecting dust in my hard drive until like a week ago when i finally managed to get a good friend of mine to download it, Hooray!
We came from Battlefield 2042 (the worst BF title imo), and despite all its shortcomings we were still able to enjoy it and squeeze some fun from it, so if we were able to make BF2042 work surely OW2 will be fun to play as well right? Wrong!

Overwatch 2's biggest sin (to me) is having one of the worst matchmaking systems ever made in a multiplayer game, which makes it completely unplayable for newcomers & kills any fun you could possibly have with it, instantly ruining the game for me and my friend..

You see, when you play a multiplayer game for the first time, you expect to play against other newcomers right? surely Blizzard in all their wisdom would never make someone with less than 2 hours in the game play against people who have been playing for months if not longer, right? nobody is dumb enough to design a system that bad, right???
Unfortunately, Blizzard seems to always be able to find a way to F up even the simplest of things in their games lately..

Apparently, if you're new & you win your first match(s) or even worse, if you're (un)lucky enough to be a part of a team that fully stomps the other team, your hidden MMR jumps to the moon, so from that match onward, even if it's literally your first ever, you're stuck playing one unfair match after the other, slowly dropping your hidden MMR which you gain much faster when you're starting out after winning compared to how much you drop when you lose, with you not even knowing the most basic stuff & not being able to learn the game because the other team will keep obliterating you in mere seconds every time you dare to get out of spawn until the matchmaking finally decides to throw you a pity match where you completely obliterate the other team this time around..

It's not fun! even when we're winning that way it's not frigging fun!!! i already know how ♥♥♥♥ it feels to play a match i know i objectively can't win 2 minutes in with the enemy team having people with 48/2 KD, so why would i subjugate the poor enemy team to that as well?? It's all one squash match after the other, completely boring & infuriating..
Why am i playing older players as someone who's literally just starting out with another guy with 0 hours in-game?
and why the ♥♥♥♥ do 80-90% of matches end up in one team completely steamrolling the other?? is it really that hard to get a fair balanced match with people of similar skills?

My first day ended with us getting 6 loses in a row, we couldn't take anymore one sided loses so we just stopped playing for the night.
We skipped the next day, and gave the game another shot by the 3rd day, and surprisingly this time we were able to get some decent matches, admittedly we did meet a nice guy who had much more hours in the game & we kept queuing together, so maybe it had something to do with that? either way the day ended in 7 wins & 6 loses total, and dare i say we even had fun? not bad, not bad at all!

Today was our 4th (technically 3rd) day with the game, we played like 5 matches, all loses, all extremely one sided stomps, there wasn't a moment we felt anything we could do can change the outcome, and the worst part is, we weren't even running solo 1v5 the moment we spawn or anything, we actually tried to play decent & helping our team as much as we can, i myself went as far as watching multiple guides online to get better, something a game shouldn't even require of someone who's just starting out with less than 10h in for him to "have fun"! (ignore my steam playtime, the in-game stats shows i have played for 6h total as of the writing of this review)
And with that my friend decided to call it a night after only an hour of gameplay, and i can't really blame him.. we already had very limited free time to blow off some steam & who'd want to waste it losing one hopeless match after the other in a game we aren't even having fun with?

One thing i can't deny, the gameplay does seem fun sometimes, once in a full moon when you finally get a balanced match, winning some & losing some, the best OW matches are the ones that are really close, but unfortunately in my very limited experience they don't seem to be worth all the stomps you need to power through to get there..

I'll still give the game a chance, at least for one more day, but if things don't get any better, if the matchmaking is still this ♥♥♥♥ then i'll just move on to the next better thing, Marvel Rivals release is right around the corner anyways, can't wait to give that one a shot!

3/10, the 19% positive rating says it all.

Final Update:

After taking a 5 days break another friend with 0h decided to joined us, we played 8 more matches with 6 loses (all extremely one sided steam-rolls) against people who are clearly much more experienced, 1 singular close win & another match where i was randomly kicked out close to the end with no option to rejoin, so another loss to add to the pile i suppose?
So along with the previous 5 loses this makes it 12 unfair one-sided loses out of 13 matches total?
are you having fun yet son?
what a joke, complete garbage of a matchmaker. 2/10
Публикувана 25 август. Последно редактирана 30 август.
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11.5 изиграни часа (9.0 часа по време на рецензията)
Let me start this review by asking 2 very important questions:
Did Ghostrunner 2 really need to exist? Did it add anything worthwhile to the franchise to justify its existence?
Unfortunately, the answer is "No" to both those questions..

I'll be honest with you, by the time i started playing GR2 i didn't remember the first game all that well, except that i loved the graphics and aesthetics of it, and although it was hard, it was still fun to experience. I don't ever remember disliking it and wanting it to just end halfway through, something i can't say about this sequel sadly..

I don't really want this to balloon into something too big so i'll try to list the things i disliked briefly:

- The graphics seem worse somehow, the NPCs look so dated, some of the levels outside the tower don't look that good either (the city still looks good though).

- The cutscenes (if you can even call them that) aren't great with 2 exceptions, the GR1 recap & the ending cutscene (i honestly don't remember if there was another animated one at the beginning, so maybe 3?), i would've liked to see a lot more cutscenes of that style even if the story isn't the main focus of this game.

- Traversal & parkouring is much worse in this game compared to the first one, it's much jankier, and with some very few but super annoying parts with major difficulty spikes sprinkled between long stretches of easy/meh sections, so even though those super difficult parts are rare, they more than stand out compared to the rest of the game (i feel like more than 80% of my deaths were due to the janky traversal instead of the 1 hit kill enemies which doesn't sound right).

- The bike sections add nothing to the game, and don't even feel good to drive, feels more like something that was quickly tacked in to try to justify making a sequel.

- The hub is so boring and adds nothing of value to the game, i'm someone who tries to exhaust all dialogue options with all NPCs i encounter in games to try to experience as much of the story & lore as i can, but gosh darn if they didn't bore me out of my mind in this game, they look so bad, there are no decent animations or cutscenes for them to make them remotely interesting, the dialogue itself is super meh and the hub overall grinds the flow to a halt, now that i finished it i wish i just skipped 90% of NPCs dialogue and just went straight back to the action ASAP.

- Way buggier than the first game, i got stuck in the floor multiple times, sometimes enemies refuse to spawn so you're stuck unless you restart (thankfully you only have to restart to your last checkpoint instead of restarting the whole level), the game also completely froze for me at least once when i tried to switch skins late in the game, and more annoyingly it refused to save my remapped keys & kept reverting back to default each time i closed it..
also the audio for one of the ultimate abilities (Flux) kept randomly glitching & playing non stop driving me insane unless i restarted my checkpoint (btw, restarts count as deaths in the game), i probably encountered even more little bugs & glitches but this is all i can remember off the top of my head.

I just want to point out that even though it may seem like i hate this game i really don't, i did enjoy some parts of it, the story was meh but it did pick up a bit by the end, the city still looked beautiful & was cool to experience (i'm a sucker for cyberpunk futuristic aesthetics), and the game still knows how to make you feel like a badass when it wants to.
But that doesn't change the fact that it pales in comparison to the first GR in almost every single aspect & even goes as far as making many parts worse instead of building on them & improving them, making you question why did they even bother making it in the first place, and for that i really can't recommend it to anyone except on a deep deep sale.
Such a shame..
Публикувана 15 август. Последно редактирана 16 август.
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16.2 изиграни часа
Chicken Police - Paint it RED! is one of the best games i played this year so far, and even though i was already hooked just from store page alone, the game still managed to surpass my relatively high expectations for it!

The story was pretty good for the most part, nothing too groundbreaking but still entertaining enough to keep me hooked all the way to the end, what can i say? i really can't say no to a good buddy-cop noir adventure! :P

As for the characters, they're some of my favorite in recent memory, i simply love the premise of this game and the human-animal hybrid designs, not only did they manage to make me memorize every single one of them but they also made them all actually interesting!
Each character looks pretty distinct not only in their appearance but also in their accents & personalities, this was a breath of fresh air compared to other games where all the generic side characters start to blend into each other after a while.

The voice acting was pretty good as well, especially for the 2 main characters, i really enjoyed the constant banter between them, but i also have to admit that i was hesitant at first after hearing Sonny Featherland's first monologue (the way he breaths after each sentence), but he either stopped doing that later on or i simply got used to it that i completely forgot about it lol
Couple that with some great dialogue and you're in for a treat! the only other game that was able to make me chuckle this much (probably more but still :P) is Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, which is some real high praise for this one.

Hmm, what else? i also simply adore the black & white aesthetic the game has, and i found the world to be interesting enough & worth exploring (multiple times), i also wish there were more cutscenes but the ones already there are still well made. (i also love the little easter eggs sprinkled through out the game, the blind lawyer bat Murdock and his partner anyone? *wink wink*)

All in all, this was a very good point & click noire detective game, definitely something unique, at least characters-wise, definitely worth a try if you're into this kind of games. 8/10
Публикувана 26 март. Последно редактирана 26 март.
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31 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
4.9 изиграни часа
I don't know what i was expecting when i first bought Firewatch, i knew it was good from all the positive reviews it got, but i would've never guessed its story would turn out the way it did, and for the game in general to turn out to be as unique as it did.

Speaking of which, and after having played and finished hundreds of other games by now, i feel like that's probably the best praise i could give to it, simply calling it "unique", a rare experience in a sea full of genericness.

Don't get me wrong, i don't think this game does anything too groundbreaking, it's just that they managed to stand out and make something that feels pretty distinctive from other games out there, and that's definitely not an easy feat to achieve nowadays, not by a long shot.

The story is really good and engaging, the dialogue is excellent, the voice acting is superb, the gameplay is intuitive and simple enough and does well for the purpose of advancing the plot, and the world looks beautiful and is fun to hike through.

I can see how some people might be disappointed in the ending, but i appreciate them keeping the story on the realistic side of things, and while i expected things to go way crazier by the end i was still satisfied by its conclusion (maybe not a 100%, but i can see why they ended the game the way they did and i respect it)

I found Henry, "A.K.A the protagonist" to be very likable & relatable, i also really enjoyed constantly talking to Delilah (A.K.A our boss) about every little thing i found out there, both characters felt real, and i simply couldn't get enough of their banter, both the writing & the voice acting are simply outstanding, kudos to the devs (and the voice actors) for that!

I did face a few bugs here and there, like my character sliding instead of dropping down a ledge, being pushed backwards when i tried to interact with certain items, or my backpack glitching for a few moments after using a rope, but definitely nothing too major or game-breaking.

All in all this is one of the BEST indie games out there, couple that with how it's going for 90% off right now i simply can't recommend it enough. 8/10 (even when not on sale, as long as you're fine with it being short)
Публикувана 14 януари. Последно редактирана 14 януари.
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119.3 изиграни часа (24.3 часа по време на рецензията)
WWE 2k23 had potential to be a very good wrestling game, it does so many things rights, but it's also filled with so many little annoyances that keeps pilling up and eventually stops it from becoming what it could've been, something great.

But the reason why i'm giving it a negative review has nothing to do with any of that, and is solely due to it making one of the biggest gaming sins in my opinion, which is making you lose in a forced cutscene even though you were beating your opponent to a pulp merely seconds ago, this coupled with how terrible the "MyRISE - The Lock" story makes you feel after forcing you to lose made me want to just drop the game and killed any fun i was having with that mode, what a shame..
Публикувана 20 декември 2023. Последно редактирана 20 декември 2023.
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141 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
26.1 изиграни часа
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy, one of the best games i had the pleasure to experience this year!

It's simply beautiful and full of different cool looking planets & landscapes to explore, i also appreciate the game being linear instead of forcing it to be yet another hollow open world borefest. It also ran great for me aside from a few minor bugs.

The characters are amazing, i loved each and every single one of the guardians, the voice actors did an amazing job with them! i also loved the constant banter between them, something that i've never experienced in other games before, not like this anyways, and i was genuinely surprised by the amount of unique dialogue they had, and how fun it was to listen to, it all felt true to the characters & helped immerse me even further & highly elevate the experience for me.
Kudos to the devs for not only managing to make it not annoying having to listen to your crew talk almost all the time, but also fun and enjoyable!

The game also has some very cool looking costumes for you to collect, and thankfully even though they're pretty hidden, i was still able to get all of them without having to rely on any external guides, the game also has some other collectibles that will triggers unique dialogues with your crew mates on the ship, which add some lore and backstory and help flesh out the characters even further, those seem to be even harder to find so you'll probably need a guide for them. (they're worth getting though, IMO anyways)

The gameplay is also very fun & intuitive, you basically play as Star Lord, but also get to issue special commands to the other guardians to make them perform certain actions & moves, every character has a skill tree to unlock (including 3 skills you can get by spending points & a 4th final one you auto unlock by the final few levels as you advance in the story)
all skills are fun to use, and i especially love Rocket's Five Barrel Barrage!
(the Huddle system was also a cool surprise, but you'll have to find out about it yourself :P)

I can't say i'm a comics guy, but i was exposed to a lot of marvel's characters & lore through other mediums including the movies and other games including Marvel Snap in particular, so i was able to recognize many of the Easter Eggs & hidden stuff & even some of the obscure characters included (the Rocket's move i spoke about earlier was one of the things i recognized, which made me super excited to finally acquire it & see how they would possibly animate it, it did not disappoint xD), the game is simply full of stuff like this, and you can tell the team behind this game had so much passion and love for it.

I also really enjoyed the story, and consider it to be one of the better ones i experienced this year, i also constantly found myself genuinely laughing out loud thanks to the excellent dialogue, and the choices you make throughout the game seem to actually pay off by the end, so that was cool.

oh, and you can also craft upgrades on different workbenches you'll stumble upon in each level, but there are only 15 upgrades in total which is a shame as i was hoping for more.

All in all, this game was amazing for me, i simply could not get enough of it, and would totally buy the sequel if they ever make one (they totally should!), highly recommended! 8.5/10
Публикувана 25 ноември 2023. Последно редактирана 25 ноември 2023.
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114.9 изиграни часа
Fallout 4 is the first fallout game i ever finished, and what a rough journey it was to get to that finish line..

So let me start with the fact that i got the GOTY version since i had such high hope for the game, i also did not like the vanilla character creator and one thing led to another & i found myself with like +30 mods ranging from unofficial bug fixes to fan-made story expansions, but as you'll learn later, even mods could not make Fallout 4 the game i hoped it was..
and i also was getting frequent crashes at the very start (even before i modded the game), so that didn't bode well.

I first assumed it was because i maxed out graphics, since the game seemed like it was on the brink of breaking down (this was before installing any mods mind you), so i tried lowering them, but the crashes persisted still. So i cranked up the graphics again, modded the game, made my custom character and tried to push through and see if stability/crashes would get any better, and they did, i had less crashes in the later game than i did in he first 15-20h or so.

So i started doing quests, and i have to admit, the game was just too overwhelming for me at the start, i did not know what stuff to loot, if i was supposed to loot everything or not, and i was bombarded with side quests (that are not marked as such, i hate how quests in this game aren't separated to categories for you to know which is which, even if they may appear to be obvious for some people, even the repeatable "radiant" quests aren't marked as such..), i also missed the hint you get about V.A.T.S system at the start so i did not know what button i had to press until i passed the 20h mark, yup, that's probably on me for not looking it up sooner..

Oh, before i forget, it's also possible to get radiant quests at the very start of the game that require you to go to DLC locations you haven't even unlocked and even if you did, the distance is just not worth it in the slightest, what the duck Bethesda?

I also lost my SSD a while back sadly, so i had to play this on a HDD, and boy oh boy what a mistake that was..
You see, i'm not used to having a loading screen every 5 minutes, and this game is full of them, every building you enter you get a loading screen, sometimes you get a loading screen inside the building itself, when you need to fast travel to somewhere you get slapped with double loading screens, the fast travel one and another to enter the location, and you can't fast travel out of a location until you exit it, this coupled with the loading times majorly hindered my enjoyment of the game..

And since every building is filled with trash to loot, and stupid me wanting to fully experience everything and not wanting to miss any collectibles, terminals or stuff that would trigger side quests i felt the need to check everything, or else i would've probably missed something, and let me tell you this is no way to enjoy the game, it'll have the opposite effect, i believe now that the correct way to play this was to just follow markers and get things done as soon as i could without having to waste hours looking through all the pointless lockers & desks.. etc, don't loot, just do the objective.

Graphics aren't everything, but Fallout 4 doesn't look that great even on the highest settings, which is a shame.
I also faced countless bugs including some game breaking stuff like objectives not triggering, NPCs not doing what they were supposed to do, animations getting stuck, my Pitboy disappearing altogether, the ESC/TAB buttons would stop working randomly until i restart the game, NPCs glitching through geometry and many other bugs.. cmon Bethesda, you can do better than this!

The story itself isn't that great, and the endings, or shall i say the "ending", the ending never changes.. it's sad to say but i actually had more fun playing some of the user created stuff than a lot of the vanilla stuff.

I also found it annoying how companions kept nagging you unless you play the way they like, and had to get a mod to remove the messages you get every time you do something they don't like, it's not something too major but i thought it was worth a mention.

oh yeah, about the game being too overwhelming, so when i first played this i kept having the feeling that maybe it's just not for me & i should drop it and move on, but i kept telling myself it'd get better if i just force myself to push a bit further (and i had to justify getting the GOTY edition somehow), and many many hours later i got used to most systems and i was finally able to shake that feeling and enjoy the game, after that i did a lot of exploring, and tons of side quest, and it was all alright, not great, but not bad either, and that probably sums up how i feel about Fallout 4. It's an alright game, and it has the content to justify the price point, it's just that said content is just "okay" at best with a ton of filler on the side, nothing too exciting, nothing that will wow you, just a bunch of busywork for you to kill time.

I feel like Bethesda was focused more on the quantity rather than the quality and it clearly shows, and i personally have no use for filler and would rather play something 10 times shorter but actually memorable and full of quality content, something that respects my time & doesn't have the need to have me do pointless stuff because content!

About settlements, i got a mod for that, a mod that added an actual decent storyline (Sim Settlements 2), which was pretty good and i highly recommend! said mod also allowed me to make my settlers build their own ♥♥♥♥ instead of relying on me, so i don't have much to complain about that, but from what i read the vanilla systems are pretty tedious and bad.

So, after 100h or so, after finishing the super underwhelming main quest & feeling robbed of a satisfying conclusion, and after having to deal with all the slow loading screens & all the bugs (minor to game breaking), and having those bugs extend to even the user created quests i just reached my limit, i could not justify spending any more time on it even though i was looking forward to try the 2 major DLCs included in the GOTY game, i just could not keep going any further, i was just done with it all..

So, in conclusion, after all this you might think i hate this game, i don't, and i don't even consider it to be "bad", i certainly wouldn't call it good either, it's with games like this that i wish steam offered a 3rd in-between option for reviews..

If you have countless hours you want to waste on average to below average busywork, if you're looking for an infinitely moddable game, or if you just want a game where you can loot anything not nailed to the ground even if that loot is nothing to talk about, and if you're fine with the famous Bethesda jank and don't mind the frequent bugs than this game is perfect for you, seriously, the content is there if this is what you're looking for, it is worth the price.

BUT, if what you're looking for is a "good" & "engaging" story, a bug free game, something "memorable", than you should totally look elsewhere. 6/10
Публикувана 25 ноември 2023. Последно редактирана 25 ноември 2023.
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103 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
11.1 изиграни часа
The Quarry may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's still a very good game if you're a fan of the genre, we really do need more games like this in the future :((
(Until Dawn on PC when?)

The first thing you should know about The Quarry is the gameplay, which will make or break the game for you. This is not an action game, but more of an interactive horror/drama where you'll spend most your time walking, making important choices (which may significantly affect character development, relationships & the plot overall) and doing QTEs from time to time, so if you aren't a fan of this type of gameplay you're better off skipping this one.
Now if you've enjoyed other Supermassive Games titles in the past (including The Dark Pictures Anthology), you'll find yourself right at home, as this is one of their best games so far IMO.

The story is inspired by teen slasher movies, it's not great by any means but it's still fun & enjoyable, i mean of you've ever seen that type of films you'll know to expect the obligatory cringe & cheese that comes with dumb teenagers in horror movies, which is fine (and some might even consider that to be a plus xD)

I personally thought that all actors did a very good job here, the voice acting was superb, the motion capture was the best i've seen in a Supermassive games title, and the game overall looked beautiful & stunning.
I've also encountered 0 bugs overall & the game seems to be well optimized & ran perfectly fine for me.

I honestly hoped the game was a bit longer (don't get me wrong though, it's still pretty long considering the usual length of the other games of this genre), probably cuz i was having a such great time with it and was left wanting more.
There is also a certain character that i was not expecting to see in the game & was hoping we'd get to see more of her, oh well..

Not sure what more i can say about this tbh, except that i finished it a while back & enjoyed it so much that i kept nagging to myself that i needed to write a review for it to show my support & appreciation.
(speaking of which, i also need to force myself to stop being lazy & make a positive review for the last "Dark Pictures Anthology" game i played "House of Ash" soon)

So far, i've enjoyed every single game i got to experience from Supermassive games studio & i can't wait to try even more stuff from them in the future. 7.7/10 (but maybe not for 60$)
Публикувана 24 ноември 2023. Последно редактирана 24 ноември 2023.
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13.9 изиграни часа (4.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Not a metalhead myself but i still really enjoyed this game.
Great soundtrack, fluid & addictive gameplay loop, super fun overall!
highly recommended. 7.5/10
Публикувана 26 октомври 2023.
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110 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
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6.2 изиграни часа
I have to admit, i don't remember much about the first Rage, apart from it being an alright game; not great, but not bad either.
i certainly don't remember it at being super boring and extremely bland, something i can't say for Rage 2..
I was actually looking forward to play this game, it reminded me of the much better DOOM reboot, and it's even made by the same studio, they certainly know their stuff so what could possibly go wrong? right?
Unfortunately, Rage 2 turned out to be boring, bland & empty, the story, well.. it's just.. meh (i don't wanna overuse the word boring), it's almost non existent, and it's not even being told properly, like the NPCs really suck in this game, and the open world feels just empty and lifeless, i tried forcing myself to do some side activities & clear out some markers but it's just not worth it/not fun imo, so i went back to do some more main missions but the game kept crashing for me.. alrighty then, i guess that's that, oof (crashing is a real problem in this game so be warned)
i have to point out that not everything about Rage 2 sucks, the game does look good & the combat is fun (it's inspired by the DOOM reboot so it was to be expected), aaaand that's about it i guess, i can't for the life of me think of any more positive stuff to say about it, but again, i didn't play the game for that long to make a better/more in depth review.
it's not the worst thing out there, but i feel like my time is better off spent playing something i actually enjoy. 4/10
Публикувана 25 октомври 2023. Последно редактирана 25 октомври 2023.
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