How About   Oulu, Finland
I masquerade for love and pestilence
Gluttonous for punishment
Rapturous and heaven-sent
In her hold, I'm definite
Working on info, This changes sometimes.
Basic Info
Let's just start by saying you can just call me Yao. If you knew me earlier than 2016 then you may know me as either Alpine or Lone, but I prefer being addressed as Yao.

I'm generally very laid back, extremely patient and understanding, but I tend to seem more excited and playful around people I end up really liking. You know who you are! With that being said, it takes me some time to open up to people. Feel free to add me and we'll see how things go. Please do comment before adding me though, assuming I don't have my comments set to private.

I don't typically like sticking to a certain subject during conversations as it makes me feel locked in on a certain topic that I may not know very much about, but feel free to talk to me about mostly anything. I also enjoy being able to give others advice if they need it, so feel free to consult me if you're going through a rough patch or just need someone else's opinion on something.

I keep my notifications off a good 90% of the time, though I still check my messages relatively often. But sometimes I may not feel like talking or may be busy so please don't think I'm ignoring you if I end up not responding to you for a while, it's likely not intentional. I will do my best to let people know if I'm busy or don't want to talk however.

Conditions on Adding

- All I ask is that you tell me where you added me from if you add me. Either comment it on my profile (If my comments aren't private at the time) Or add it in with one of your first few messages you send to me if I choose to accept you outright.

- Talk to me! I typically don't bite, but I don't enjoy being added by people who end up never speaking to me. Having a bigger number on your friends list doesn't make you popular by itself. Talking to you, friend collectors.

Favorite Games
Act of Agression
Arma 3
Death's Gambit Amulvaro was my favorite boss, screw him too though
Risk of Rain 2
War Thunder :awoo: I really like it okay?
Hedon: Bloodrite
Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries

Updates, I suppose?

Added on 12/31/2021
Apologies in advance for any bitterness on my end, 2019 - 2021 have been horrible years for my mental health and it's done quite a number on me as of 2021. Recovery is likely gonna take quite some time, as I still don't feel like myself. I don't like to bring attention to it, but I feel it's best for anybody to know if they choose to read this as I'm not in a great state of mind.

Added on 9/24/2022
I've experienced a great loss in my life during the past few days, The previous post above this one still stands and probably will for a long time. I'll miss you Mom. Suicide is never the answer.

The VAC Ban (Because apparently I have to explain it.)
If you want to turn my adds down for a ban I received 4 years ago, that's just fine by me, but I will still think it's a little stupid to do so as the only reason for declining my adds or even not sending me one if you wanted to add me prior to noticing the VAC ban. I received the ban from a game I did not know had a global leaderboard, and I was playing entirely alone at the time. I do not want to ruin the enjoyment of games for others and do not want to be painted as some sort of bad person for the ban.
Artwork Showcase
Mitsubishi T-2K
6 4 1
Screenshot Showcase
Well, I'll get to that then!
4 2
Screenshot Showcase
Planning 101
Favorite Game
Hours played
Recent Activity
5,617 hrs on record
last played on Jun 12
9,391 hrs on record
last played on Jun 11
1.7 hrs on record
last played on Jun 11
Holo Jun 5 @ 2:06pm 
Can I pull on your ears??
Holo May 29 @ 10:32am 
*Claims this profile.*
Holo Apr 24 @ 3:11pm 
Holo Feb 27 @ 8:19am 
That looks like a certain Seraziel artwork...!!
Pestyata Jan 2 @ 6:18am 
Oh! Happy New Year :foxhimezero_mori4:
Yao Nov 29, 2023 @ 6:02am 
They might be.