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Recente recensies door TurkoJAR

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0.5 uur in totaal
WTF with the ranged enemies in the beginning?
Geplaatst 31 maart.
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1,722.9 uur in totaal (1,686.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The game used to have some audio issues in the past, but nothing too grave. Now Respawn decided to double down in season 21 and just take out the audio entirely.

It also has Input issues where the game stop recognizing commands from the user for a brief lapse of time when a match begins.
Geplaatst 21 januari 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 22 mei.
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14.7 uur in totaal (9.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Please, make this mod canon.
Geplaatst 1 januari 2023.
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467.1 uur in totaal (373.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is amazing! It's great enough playing it solo since the atmosphere and the sound design is so immersive, and the gameplay loop of Complete Mission - Combat section - Gather resources it's so much fun. Now, add another 3 players, specially if they're friends, and you have a recipe for infinite fun an a million of great stories!

I can recommend this game enough, Rock and Stone Everyone!!!
Geplaatst 25 november 2021.
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12.2 uur in totaal (11.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a beautiful an really fun game. An homage to classic PS2 era platformer with solid platforming mechanics and clever level design. It has lots of small details that makes you stop and just stare at the visuals.
The combat system it's basic, a little too basic for it's own good and more confrontations end up being just smashing the same button until everything nearby is dead. But since the focus it's not in the combat, is not that notorious at the end of the day.

It's quite short, but since it's more than fair for it's price.
Geplaatst 11 augustus 2019.
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18.9 uur in totaal (17.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
If you enjoyed XCom Enemy Unknown but you thought it was difficult, prepare your anus because XCom 2 doesn't use vaseline.

This second game takes everything that made Xcom: EU great and improves upon it. The combat it's ruthless but more rewarding than before and the objectives are a lot more varied. The Base management it's not that clear in every aspect as before, but you'll learn everything you need to know as you progress. I still haven't finished my first playthrough (heck, I'm not even reached half of the game I think!) but I can assure you that a second playtrhough will be obligatory, taking advantage of everything you've learned to be more efficient and of course, to lose less soldiers.

PS: Loosing a high rank unit that you've had for long it's still devastating :'/
Geplaatst 2 januari 2018.
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3.0 uur in totaal (2.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The Game is good itself, but is way too short for $10, If you can get it during a Sale or in a Bundle, buy it, otherwise it not worth it. It's visually good and fun to play.
Geplaatst 10 juli 2015.
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15.3 uur in totaal (15.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
El sistema de combate es bellisimo, graficamente le saca la mierda a Unreal Engine (que usualmente se ve todo brilloso, cosa q no pasa en este fichin :v)...
ademas es Batman... because it's batman
Geplaatst 13 februari 2014.
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