
AngryChairR👾 の最近のレビュー

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27件中 1-10 を表示
総プレイ時間:1,576.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,461.2時間)
Matchmaking West EU lobbies with degenerates from the third world who can't play without aimbots and roll their R's
投稿日 5月4日.
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I guess running around shooting ♥♥♥♥ was fun for a while but it's just a Battlefield 2 sized map with enemy spawns, loot and some fetch quests. None of the enemies were challenging, and the map is pretty boring. The NPCs don't do anything they just stand there like a 90s game.

Tl;dr - Squire, clean this
投稿日 4月13日.
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Awful VR experience, just another Unreal Asset Store copy and paste waste of time

* Item utilisation requires looking at extreme angles which can cause neck pain
* Some UI aspects and items are in stupid unreachable places like inside your own body or below the floor / play space
* Difficult to pick up or use items for various reasons, there's very little UI feedback that your hands are doing what you intend to
* Crouching doesn't work most of the time

Plus, the art sucks. It looks like a gmod map from 2008.

This is the last time I ever play an indie unreal store copy and paste. Never again.
投稿日 2月4日.
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loot craft n stealth kill unreal store copy n paste
boring af
投稿日 2023年7月15日.
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総プレイ時間:3,815.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1,142.5時間)
This game bans people for using cheats! wooo!
投稿日 2022年7月26日. 最終更新日 2022年7月26日
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IOI made $78 million in 2021 and the bald managers just couldn't pass up an opportunity to scam the money of VR users with this embarrassing release. It really shows how poorly run the company is when VR Chat worlds have better performance than a full professional game release.

Reasons why this was a waste of my evening:
  • Graphics is worse than a PS1 game even on Ultra settings, a significant downgrade from desktop mode
  • The maps aren't adjusted for the VR experience. The world does not feel like a real place. Everything is too small.
  • Only some items are scripted VR items. Some items are unusable and prevent you from progressing through the level, e.g. the camera and sniper rifle which are not 3D items, and instead are just the same 2D interface as the desktop mode - it is impossible to aim the items. Furthermore, it creates a 2D square which isn't even attached to your face so it's like having a TV in front of you at a wrong angle.
  • Vaulting over objects creates a disorienting black screen while it moves you, instead of a smooth animation
  • Holding 2 handed guns is broken and bad, difficult to aim
  • If you accidentally drop an item it can flick away
  • Putting an item away is almost impossible and causes neck pain because you have to look directly at your chest and then push the item inside of it
  • The menus are difficult to use, aren't VR menus, and are placed at strange viewing angles
  • The play area isn't marked so it's dangerous to play as you can hit stuff around you
  • Throwing objects only works 25% of the time
  • Hitting enemies with objects only works 25% of the time
  • Dragging bodies only works 25% of the time
  • The cutscenes are just a TV placed in front of you at an odd angle

I bought this out of boredom knowing it had bad reviews, and despite having low expectations I am genuinely shocked and disappointed. Everyone who worked on this, from programmer to manager to CEO should stop making games and do something useful for society instead of scamming people with terrible games.
投稿日 2022年3月2日.
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総プレイ時間:0.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.6時間)
coom everywhere
投稿日 2021年12月25日.
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総プレイ時間:47.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:35.7時間)
  • Despite being a racing game, it is heavily sexualised - the first screen asks for your pronouns because being confused about your genitals is important
  • The networking sucks, 5minute+ loading screens for 12 player game, disconnects, warping, other random behaviour
  • The character voices are all obnixous bipolar patients
  • You can't choose what type of race you want
  • Has the same physics, tuning and painting created 10 years ago with no improvements
  • If you miss a checkpoint by a millimetre you lose the race even if you're first because you have to turn around and go through it. It's not a proper race.
  • The world is just an empty island of cactus fields with a tiny swamp. Need For Speed had more interesting open worlds in 2005.
  • The UI is as annoying as any other microsoft UI. Multiple useless prompts to get in a car, but only 1 to delete all your paint progress with no undo button.
  • English speaking players put on servers with middle east players and not other English countries.
  • I was banned from uploading skins to the store because I made Donald Trump stickers. CUCKED!

Microcucksoft probably fired all the good employees years ago and replaced them with liberals to create recycled woke garbage.
投稿日 2021年11月13日. 最終更新日 2021年11月20日
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総プレイ時間:1.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.2時間)
This game is yet another Unity copy and paste made by "ideas guys" and modellers who clearly refused to hire a proper software engineer to code network infrastructure. The result is that it is UNPLAYABLE on co-op. The dedicated server hosting will disconnect you, and direct connection just doesn't work at all!

There are pages and pages of threads on google of people having problems with co-op networking and the steam reviews are probably filtered too because if they were honest it would also be full of people saying co-op is unplayable. So how can this game be "Very Positive (7,143)" when it DOESN'T WORK?

Fake reviews! Fake game! Fake network code!

投稿日 2021年4月16日.
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27件中 1-10 を表示