Pippin Took
A man has no name   Slovakia
AuTHOR of profile picture http://fellowt.deviantart.com/
Skyrim:Mod it, Play it, crash it, fix it.
Praise the lord and savior Reame
I should Go.
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902 Hours played
If you are a new potentional player/customer of this game and looking for enjoyable game with your friends or just solo online enjoyer. I strongly suggest that you look elsewhere. Invest your time and money to some other game which will return your invested time to you in some way. This is not it, believe me.

This is not a review of DbD, this is a review of Community of this game.If you just came across this game. I dont think info bellow would be helpfull to you if you heeded my advice above. If you didnt listen. Well, you can continnue reading.

Community is divided in to two camps. Survivor mains and Killer mains . Which are divided in their own little groups.

Survivor mains are trying their best every trial to get away from the killer and the map. And yet after they done it. After they escaped, they still hit find the match button. Have you heard the definition of insanity? The longer you play this game the more numb your brain feels. You only want to escape and make it harder for that one person which is tryng the best to stop you from running away.
Thats the begining of downside spiral. Eventually you are not playing to escape, but to troll the killer player which is also trying to achieve his goals.

Baby survivors Which have no idea what they are doing are becoming easy target for the baby killers who got stomped by medium or very skilled survivor group and after seeing for the third time that exit gates have been opened in less that 5 minutes he finally finds his prey and gets to tunneling just to find out that he cant stand nearby hooked survivor cos he can escape freely. Does this Help a baby survivor to not get downed 10 seconds after he gets self unhooked? No. Tries playing killer, after 5 games of 4 people getting away he uinstalls.

Medium skilled survivors usually playing with friends having fun in lobby, and then the atmosphere will go south when they load to the match. One of them is getting tunneled 3 of them are slamming gens, trying to get away from this situation ASAP. Usually ends with two of them escaping and being angry in chat after game. Leave the game for the week, then comes back.

Skilled survivors group Most likely escaped all of them used for the people buckle up-for the people combo first time when the gates got opened and are taking hits as they are running to the sunset. Free to win next game. All writing in chat GG dont elaborate further and leaves.

Baby Killer Runs Noed, dont have any gen regressing perks, thinks you are cheating since you unhooked yourself from the hook while he was looking inside survivor nose while he was hanging there. Tries to play survivor gets tunneled, uinstalls the game.

Medium skilled Killer Runs the meta builds, tunnels the survivors, complains in chat that they are cheating, how could they healed so fast and done gens so fast? After few gaming sessions, he take break from the game, returns next week.

Skilled killer main.Runs what he feels like runing. Trapper main. He knows where the exit gates are before the map is loaded. Feels the presence of the basement doesnt need to look where it is. Sometimes gets 4 kills sometimes 2. Writes ggs in chat after game. Doesnt elaborate further, leaves.

Most of the games like it or not are played at medium skill level, no, you are not skilled you are just getting carryied by the perks my friend. If you aknowledge this simple truth you can achieve enligthement.

So since the games are played at this level. Chat always looks like political debate in pub. Killers blames survivors, survivors blame killer and other survivors, but noone really blames themselves for their failure. Question is why not? Is is the ego? No. They are actually right. Its not themsleves. Its the BEHAVIOUR. The company which makes this games and updates it. Making unexcusably stupid decisions, mechanics and intruducing perks which are borderline game braeaking.

This commuinty is ill. And source of the illnes is not unidentyfied virus of unknown origin, but studio located in Canada.
It is like Mufasa told Simba about Circle of life. This is it. But its circle of hatred. Survivors blames killers for tunneling, Killers blames survivors trying to save survivors. But all should blame BEHAVIOUR rly.

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Filetempanado Apr 3 @ 7:21am 
+rep distinghished knight
Pain- Mar 5 @ 1:49pm 
+rep nice and friendly
Curyna Feb 23 @ 11:24am 
+rep good Killer :)
B0nek Feb 22 @ 9:50am 
camp cwel zajebany:luv:
Pommes mit Feb 7 @ 2:07pm 
thanks for camping on my hook you piece of trash :D but nice skin
aleksivirus Feb 2 @ 9:13am 
bros mad:DD