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29.0 hodin celkem
Odesláno 6. května.
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253.7 hodin celkem
Honestly I have always enjoyed this game, even from when the game was a broken mess. Hell, I played the game on my old GTX 1060, with me not even installing the driver update. The first route I chose with that playthrough was the corpo route, with geometry of the world clipping through the AV used in the opening sequence. Even with that, I still found the story to be fun and the combat to be pretty fun at times. That first playthrough was rather fun, and I still enjoyed my time.

Come a few years later and I replay the game on my new RTX 2080 TI, with the 1.6 update coming out around the time. I went with the Nomad, mostly due to the Aldecaldos ending being one of my favorites from my first playthough. It was also after I watched Edgerunners, which got many people including myself back into the game. That second time was still rather fun, and I found the combat to be that much more enjoyable! Though that second playthrough also introduced a few gripes that I had, including how some of the cyberwear felt and how some of the best items were locked behind a scumbag. Either way, it was the time I also went for every other ending, with me wanting to see how each route would play out. That included the (Dont Fear) The Reaper ending, which I messed up and had to cheat to unlock. Which I find to be another gripe I have. Though overall, I enjoyed my time.

Come 2023, with me getting another upgrade. Now with a brand new PC with a 4080, which came at the perfect time. 2.0 Dropped and Phantom Liberty released, and I was happy to try out the Streetkid lifepath and see what the walled off section of Pacifica held. I gave little focus to the main story on this playthrough due to me doing it twice and seeing what the game had to offer, though I did find many things new. That included changes to those gripes I had, which made the game that much more fun. The new leveling system and skills were also a change I didn't mind at first but came to love as I got further. Finally came the time to enter Dogtown, and I found myself in love with the busted up streets of this new section of night city. The story I found to be as great if not better than the original, with characters that I found myself enjoying through the entire campaign. The new weapons introduced as well were a blast to use, and some became permanent parts of my loadout. Then it came time for the endings, which (Spoilers) Got me to question who to side with. So Mi and Solomon Reed were both people that I cared for and believed that both had points. Though I couldn't side with both, as they had their own way of dealing with the issue of So Mi and the blackwall that ate away at her mind. What was also great was the narrative split that came from that choice, with the ending playing out different depending on who you picked. I believe no choice is right, with each one having lasting consequences on you and the world, but each one was valid. Then the ending song came on, with it being one of my favorite tracks in the game, bar none. Finally came the new ending to the base game, and while I do think it is one of the more bleak endings, I also find there to be a light at the end of the tunnel. V lives and while he can't be the super bad ass cybernetic god that he was throughout the story, he can resolve his time with Johnny and find a new life. One that he can define with his new chance. He isn't strong anymore, but he had learned plenty and could make a positive change. It may be a quiet life for some, but I find there to be a spark that can create a greater blaze than that of the bomb detonated inside of Arasaka Tower.

Overall, I found my time with this game to be amazing and while it still has it's problems, it is by far one of my favorite games of all time. It might be because I love the world that was built, the gameplay that was evolved or the characters that defined the world, or it could be all of those and more! But this is a special game, and I honestly could recommend someone to at least give it a try. Also I want to say that the missions in the game being based off of song titles due to you having a rocker boy in your head to be such a cool detail.
Odesláno 15. ledna. Naposledy upraveno 15. ledna.
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20.6 hodin celkem
This is honestly just another solid entree in the Like a Dragon (Yakuza) Series. The only thing I can say about it is that you really need to play the other games in the series to actually understand and enjoy the story. Seriously, please play the other games before jumping in, as this game more so relies on aspects of Yakuza 6 and 7 to really get.


10/10 GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!
Odesláno 22. listopadu 2023.
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8.2 hodin celkem (6.7 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I had heard of this mod being in development some time ago, though I put it on the back burner since I really don't follow the HL2 mod community. Then a few days ago I see the mod came out, it was free and it had some positive reception. Since I beat some other games and wanted something new to try out, I figured I could just install the mod and see if it was good.

I honestly was blown away with the quality that came with this mod. I'll go into some spoiler free stuff here, before diving deep into spoiler talk later on. The combat and the weapons felt great, with each fight feeling fair, besides for one instance. Besides that though, I had a blast through the entire game. The music was great as well, with it fitting for the situation it was trying to portray. The characters were great, with 3650 (Bad Cop) being enjoyable to play as. I also really enjoyed how it tied into the main HL2 timeline, with some moments actually surprising me.

The only gripes I really had were some poor communication with how a certain fight worked, along with an issue with the final fight (Spoilers) That being the final fight in Arbeit 1's fight with Plan B, with the room layouts killing me, along with it not communicating how to leave. The fight with the Advisor also broke, with it not throwing objects to open up for attacks. along with some areas not being clear on where you needed to go. I hope that these issues get fixed in the future, as they made it hard to progress at points.

Spoilers: Now onto the stuff I really wanted to talk about. Wilson was amazing to carry around, with him actually adding to the game. He was a great addition to have, with him allowing you into vaults, and gave some context to certain places and events. His ending is canon, and nothing will change that for me. The clone was also great, with his motives being believable and reasonable for what they've both been through. Walker also felt like a fleshed out character by the end, with him not wanting to let the combine weaponize his trauma any longer. The only real gripe I have is that he used so many memes throughout the game, though they still gave me a good laugh. Oh and the endings were great, with Wilson's ending being the best, though the others still had their positives. Go and try to get all of them if you haven't.

All in all, this was one of the best mods I have ever played, and it really felt like an official game. It's not perfect, but it was still a hell of a ride all the way through. 9.5/10 is like the usually way I can rank it, but I feel like it doesn't convey how good this was, so I'll say this. This game is a must get for anyone that enjoys Half-Life, and is great for anyone that wants to explore more of this world.
Odesláno 24. srpna 2022. Naposledy upraveno 24. srpna 2022.
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691.4 hodin celkem (343.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Recenze předběžného přístupu
I remember getting this game years ago, back when Ugandan Knuckles were just becoming a big thing. The community was always so creative, and made this game far better than what the devs could have done. In truth, the game relied on the community to a fault, and from what I've heard, the devs of the game have done little in the sense of caring for the community. Features were added and things were changed that the community never asked for, while the many request the community had were ignored for no apparent reason.

I'd say that it was because of the hard work it would be to implement, but that'd be a lie due to the community doing all of the heavy lifting. Of course there were bad actors, as there are with almost everything, but the good work done to help those that need it outweighed the bad. Hell, I could've been affected due to my model being something I privately own.

Regardless, the community has been treated like ♥♥♥♥ for years, and the removal of those every mod was the last nail in the coffin for many, myself included. The only group this won't affect are those that used mods to steal and to crash others, as they can work around it. For the visually and audio impaired, it's a kick in the groin and a middle finger in the face.

I hate to negatively review a game that I have met many through, along with something I use to hang out with long-distance friends, though I can't support a game that screwed over it's community this much. There are many different alternatives now, and while it sucks to leave behind so many worlds, it's better to move on than to linger in a game that has no effort to support those that want to play. Cancel your VRChat+ memberships if you have them, and go anywhere else. I've heard Chillout VR is pretty good if you want an alternative.
Odesláno 28. července 2022.
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28.2 hodin celkem (16.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
I don't really write reviews for games that I play, but I felt this game deserves it. I didn't expect to come out of the game enjoying myself as much as I did, but this has itched that Ace Combat need I've had for a long time. The music, characters, combat and story was so good. Nothing too insane...well besides a certain peacekeeper, but it was amazing. I played a few missions in VR, including the last two and my mouth legit dropped at a few points.

If you want to feel like the king of the sky, along with ignoring everything that gravity throws at you, then play this game! If you have a VR Headset, then play this game...unless you can't handle spinning around like a madman. I've only beaten it once, but I plan on going back for more!
Odesláno 2. června 2022.
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1.4 hodin celkem
So I got through the first 3 sections of the training, and I seriously had high hopes for this game. Though as I went through the mini-games, I felt underwhelmed and honestly disappointed with how rushed this game felt. There were issues with parts of the world cutting out suddenly to the skybox, issues with grabbing, the entire bomb defuse game being hard to perform, especially with some of the grip points being hard to pin point. More issues like a stutterstock image being used for Sasha's art, texture and objects clipping out of existence in plain view, the obstacle course being a pain, and climbing not working. The only positive I can say is that the writing is really well done, though it's not enough to really buy the game. Wait till bugs are ironed out and the price is lower.
Odesláno 10. září 2021.
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Vývojář reagoval dne 11. zář. 2021 v 11.11 (zobrazit reakci)
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110.8 hodin celkem (99.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is seriously one of if not my favorite games of all time. The story is amazing, the combat is fun as hell, the side stories are well written. Everything about this game is amazing and I strongly recommend anyone to play it.
Odesláno 22. června 2020.
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50.0 hodin celkem (9.3 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This game was a blast from start to end honestly. I loved almost every aspect of the writing, the environments were stunning and left me in awe, the gun play was great, scavenging every room for ammo was great and I loved the animations of not only the humans, but the combine and the vorts. There's so much to love about this game and I cant wait to see what Valve does next.
Odesláno 24. března 2020.
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44.9 hodin celkem (33.6 hodin v době psaní recenze)
The Fanbase Is TERRIBLE. But hey games still good. 8/10
Odesláno 25. listopadu 2016.
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