
Emilio 最近的评测

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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 17.6 小时 (评测时 8.6 小时)
What a great game, it's has an incredibly charming book aesthetic where you reach points in the story that you can flip back to at any time to change key events and it will actually flip through a physical book with page numbers and all.

The narration is wonderfully done as the narrator will flex her vocal range to suit the mood of the scene and it really feels like the narrator is just as invested in the story as you are as the twists and turns unfold.

Alongside an incredible musical score that both helps accentuate the deeper mysteries of the small town and it's citizens.
But also a really brings to life a wonderful sense of childlike exploration as the main characters play around and live their lives.

I was so invested that I actually could not put the game down and finished it in two sittings over the course of one day just because of how compelling it was.
It's not the longest game in the world, but every branching path somehow managed to tell an equally engrossing story that together paint the whole picture.

All in all I don't actually want to go into any details about the actual story as it is better experienced than explained.
Bravo Hiding Spot you've created a truly special game and I hope you'll continue your magic again!
发布于 3 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 3 月 26 日。
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有 6 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 16.3 小时
The Chant is a modern day classic.
Evoking memories of Alan Wake, Oxenfree and a smudge of Resident Evil.
The Chant offers a great overall experience and is without a doubt double AA horror that punches well above it's budget.

At the start I felt the combat was a bit weird but after a few hours it really clicked with me and I had so much fun smacking away at cultists and the horrors from the beyond without much difficulty, which introduces one of my biggest issues.
The game isn't very difficult, even on the hardest difficulty I never had much trouble and it made the resource management a lot less tense knowing I would never run out or even get close to it with how easily I could dispatch enemies.

I was very quickly drawn in by the story and characters and I really enjoyed the acting, but I think the story should have had more of a slow burn at the start. Being part of a cult is such a unique setting for a game and it's a shame it so quickly get's into the horror and I wish we could have had more time spent learning about the cult and getting to know the other characters.
Some of the characters also have too little screen time which is a huge shame since there are so few of them.

When I beat the game I had some issues with the way it ended and though the game could have done a better end game and the story really fell flat in some areas.
However with the free dlc The Gloom Below, pretty much every issue I had with the original game is fixed and gives an incredible ending to neatly tie the whole game together.

Overall as a whole package I had an absolute blast and enjoyed this game immensely and it really brought back memories of playing Alan Wake back on the 360.
In some areas the budget shows and at full price you are getting a fairly short game, so take that as you will.

But I will sing The Chant's praises to people for a long time and I can't wait to see what the developers have cooking up next!
发布于 1 月 15 日。
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有 13 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 81.0 小时
I am so disappointed in you Capcom.
Adding DRM to an 11 year old game and removing it shortly after getting caught only to probably release it again once people forget is nothing short of disappointing.

Well we won’t forget and I’ll leave this here as a reminder for when they try this again.

Do better.
发布于 1 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 11 日。
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总时数 8.9 小时
I am giving a thumbs up because I think the pixel art and game feel is really on point.
You can tell the developers has put a lot of passion and care into making it.

But on that note unless you get it on a sale I wouldn't necessarily recommend it.

The game is very short, easy and mechanically shallow.
The story is also much too simplistic and doesn't really do anything we haven't seen before in any other sci-fi world.
Characters in the game are inconsistently written, one moment they can be really sad and depressed but seconds later they completely change their mood and vice versa.
They have a really hard time making the characters feel like a driving force in the story and not just victims of circumstance.
Same with side characters constantly cracking jokes and having their own little "side stories" that don't really go anywhere and are so fragmented I have to wonder why there are so many non generic npc's in the game.

The gameplay has a kind of rock paper scissor dynamic aswell but it's so easy to get around that mechanic the game would largely be identical without it to be quite honest, also it only applies to the enemies.
You're not weak to anything, you can simply sometimes do more damage to certain enemies.
It's not even that if they are weak to something they are strong against something else, you deal natural damage unless you use the right damage type.
So you don't even get punished for not engaging with the mechanic.

So yeah it's a very typical RPG in the style of older Japanese RPG'S but on a much smaller scale.
It might sound like I hated the game from all the negative things I have to say but I enjoyed it while playing on my Deck and I really do think the developers are going to make a lot great things in the future given the chance cause this is brimming with potential.
However it's faults makes me have a hard time recommending the game despite liking it.
发布于 1 月 7 日。
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总时数 0.0 小时
It only took 5 years but finally being a Sienna main pays off!

发布于 2023 年 10 月 19 日。
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总时数 19.7 小时
Now I have not played the original Mafia so this might be a problem present in the original.
But I really think the story needed some breathing room, it's presented as a flashback story so it always cuts to the most relevant parts of the story.

But everything in between is just lost and you barely get to know any of the characters and any meaningful character development is happening off screen and then mentioned a little in the car rides to the missions.
The amount of time spent mentioning the wife and child of the main character is probably more then their actual screen time. (seriously the daughter doesn't even have any screen time in the main game and only briefly get's a non speaking appearance in the epilogue)

The map is very large and has a surprising amount of detail but there is nothing to do in the world, apart from the collectibles you're more or less only ever going to see like 40% or less of the world in the really short main campaign.

The combat was fine but the AI even on the hardest difficulty are way too brain dead to pose much of any challenge and this game has the same issue that so many similar games have, in that bullets hit where the crosshair is and not in a line from the gun to the crosshair.
So you can literally stand behind cover and aim around the wall and hit the enemies without them being able to hit you back.

The cops are also completely brain dead and have no object permanence. Even on 5 stars (which is the highest wanted level) you simply need to hide behind a box on the side of the road and wait around for 30 seconds and the cops will never find you as they almost never leave their cars.
发布于 2023 年 7 月 10 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 7 月 10 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 51.7 小时
Truth be told I didn't enjoy this game that much in the first 15 hours and it was only until about level 30+ that the game kinda clicked with me.
I think in the absence of a traditional level up system the early game is very samey and you don't really get an actual build of any substance until you're a bit over halfway through the game and the implants, weapons and armor bonuses start doing something unique.
I also think the game did a poor job teaching the player certain combat mechanics that only until I started doing them through trial and error the combat quickly got a whole lot more engaging and fun for me.

That said, after the game clicked with me I had an absolute blast going forward and honestly think it's one of the more fun games I have played and I adored the aesthetic, although I think that both of the dlc's where a little too goofy and didn't ruin but definitely lessened the aesthetic which is a shame. (the dlc where not bad, just didn't really fit the theme)

The story much like most souls-like at this point is very cryptic and never explain anything upfront, you'll have to piece together a lot of story threads yourself while listening to audio logs and npc dialogue.

Warren the main character was a little bland and I wish he had a little more to say when he actually talks to people in the game. The dlc tried to give him some more backstory and that was certainly a lot more interesting for his character then anything Warren said in the main game.
A lot of characters are very charming however and I really liked the audio logs and particularly Don Hackett that is the voice of CREO's marketing that you keep hearing throughout the facility, he really stole the show I think!

The combat is excellent and a huge step up from Deck13's previous Lords of the Fallen.
I think all the weapon types felt viable and interesting and the lack of restrictions meant that it was all down to player preference which is was nice!
The limb targeting and subsequent dismemberment system was really fun and made a lot more of the enemy types interesting.
Although I wish more enemies changed up their move sets if you broke their parts much like some of the robot and certain dlc enemies did.
The animations where also top notch and I loved the brutal finishers!

All in all The Surge is not terribly long and certainly doesn't overstay it's welcome which is much appreciated, hats off to a great game. Can't wait to play the sequel in the future!
发布于 2023 年 7 月 8 日。
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有 14 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 16.3 小时
TL;DR Wintermoor is a visual novel with acceptable puzzles that masquerades as a tactics rpg and a less then stellar story that ultimately undermines and lessen the experience.

Wintermoor Tactics Club is not a horrible game just from the gameplay.
But it's selling itself as a tactics rpg when it's more so puzzles structured like a tactics rpg.
You don't level up or become better, you simply equip a few pieces of gear that changes a character abilities to solve whatever puzzle fight your currently doing.
Only at the end when getting an S rank no longer matters and you're free to do whatever is when you realize just how shallow and abusable some of the mechanics really are without those restrictions.

So as a puzzle game it's fine and does have some satisfying puzzles and solutions and I honestly can't complain that much about it.

However the game is less of a puzzle game and more of a Visual Novel and here is where I think the game really dropped the ball.
It takes place during the 90's which is briefly mentioned at the start of the game and yet it only makes a very small selection of references at the beginning and then promptly forgets about it's setting.

The characters are mostly kids in their early teens but they all have the "modern sensibilities" of a 2020 twitter user which I wouldn't mind if it didn't take place during the 90's.
I think the setting would have been much better suited if it took place in the 2010's when kids actually acted like they do in this game.

The characters are also mostly written to be quirky, nerdy, funny and relatable, but I think all of that felt very flat.
This is subjective but non of the jokes to me where funny and I really think the moral messages of the game about inclusion and equality get's lost in translation when the main character is universally liked by all the students.
It genuinely makes no sense at the end when you're told black students don't get treated as well as the other students at Wintermoor when up to that point you're never shown any of this and on the contrary have only seen the few black students be some of the most popular and well treated people by their fellow students.
It just loses all impact having the game tell you stuff like this but never show it.

Overall I think this game is a little all over the place, I think it really would have helped to make this a little more true to it's 90's aesthetics and tell a slightly harsher story about overcoming adversity.
Or make this a modern game about acceptance.
As it is now the games tonal shifts don't mix well and makes the story and characters sadly not that relatable or very interesting.

You could do a lot worse then this game but it's just not a game I can recommend.
发布于 2023 年 6 月 4 日。 最后编辑于 2023 年 6 月 4 日。
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有 16 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 2 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 93.3 小时
Greedfall is double AA done to perfection.
I really think this game does exactly what it needs to do to deliver satisfying combat and a compelling story.

The combat I think is a highlight and once you get into the groove of it starts flowing into a dance of attacks and dodges.
However even on the highest difficulty it's still too easy once you learn how use items effectively.

The story is very well done and invokes a lot of mystery early on and slowly starts revealing more and more layers that I find super compelling to follow to the end.
However I think the story is too front loaded with exciting events and towards the end starts giving you too many fetch quests. This causes the story to come to a halt right before the end which is a shame.

Overall I had a blast with Greedfall and I think it's an incredible game that does exactly what I want from a smaller studio.
发布于 2023 年 5 月 24 日。
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总时数 25.9 小时
Mars: War Logs is one of Spiders early action-RPG's and you can definitely tell it's aged a bit.
However the actual game is very ambitious and in my opinion delivers a very competent bite sized RPG!

The combat is fairly difficult at the highest difficulty but in true Spider fashion you can usually find a way of using the really strong items to your advantage and eventually cheese the heck out of even the toughest enemies.

The story is actually really nice and I think the friendship of the two main characters is done very well and feel real.
I also find it really unique that the story is told from the perspective of the non playable character rather then the one you play. I think it brings a lot of nuance to the characters since the main character much like the rest of the people in the world are very gritty and bitter about the war and it's leaders.

Overall it's not a terribly long game and is often on sale for a very low price so I can easily give it a recommend if you want to explore Spiders early works!

Performance on the Steam Deck was fine until it started crashing every other loading screen so I had to switch to my desktop and all the crashes instantly stopped.
发布于 2023 年 5 月 24 日。
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