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3.1 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
I won't lie. I was skeptical about Doom. I thought it was a piece of nostalgia that was rated to highly because it was old. But I can say confidently that this game is FUN AS HELL (pardon the pun). How do you describe Doom? Well, I can try. You shoot things. And by god is it fun. Like, (un)♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's fun. You run through different levels shooting baddies that are either people or demons from hell! You may be thinking that this game is just pixelated COD or something. Well it isn't. I cannot express the grin on my face when I picked up the gatling gun or the rocket launcher. The adrenaline that went through me when I mowed down demons while keeping a close eye on my health. But most people have heard about how great Doom was. You want to know if it holds up. And it does. Each level is expertly designed to make you think about which way to go. The combat is fast paced and satisfying. The gore is charming in that old fashioned way. The difficulty is nothing to laugh at to. Do you want to feel genuinely terrified that each step may lead into the jaws of an angry demon? Do you want to curse at every missed shot and scour for ammo hoping to find enough bullets to fight off the demons chasing you? Remember, this was in the 90s. Back then, their easy was our hardcore. Everything was difficult as hell (there it is again). And Nightmare on Doom was grueling even by their standards. Every moment while in combat is pure and utter fun. Every baddie slain is like a scene form Fury Road. Now does it have it's flaws? Of course. Plenty. The movement feels very strange at times, some of the controls are questionable and it can't tab out. But these are all flaws inherent with age. This was back when computers ran on DOS. It's going to have a few difficulties when running on a platform that was the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ future when it was released. Windows 10 belonged only in Back To The Future. But strangely enough, it runs beautifully performance wise. Better than most games infact. It's only 5$ too. There is very little reason not to buy this if you are not a fan of gaming. It's a staple. It's up there with Wolfenstein, Mario and Tetris. It's a classic. It's DOOM.
Posted May 29, 2016.
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231.3 hrs on record (10.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Damn you Darkest Dungeon
I've told myself that I was done, but i couldn't stop.
From it's rich story and level-design to it's fantastic combat this game is fantastic.
Why do I say "Damn you Darkest Dungeon" then?
This game is incredibly hard and luck-based. It has a certain mechanic that makes you want to rip your eyes out,Stress.
Your Heros suffer Stress from almost everything in a dungeon. It eventually makes your heros Irrational,paranoid and other terrible things.Enough with that though.
If you are a fan of difficult games, turn-based, rouge-like and/or DnD, this game will make you have fun and scream at the top of your lungs
Posted June 15, 2015.
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32.6 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I think I have enough hours to give an appropriate review. This game still needs more content. Special moves,new maps,online multiplayer. The last time they've updated this was Christmas. The developers are doing jack, which they can't do. They are hiding behind their little early access button, you can't have an early access game and update it every 3 months with 2 days of coding. I've made games. Adding some new costumes and a new map is not enough. It's not that hard to put in online multiplayer. Then they'll be like "there isn't much else we want to do with the game besides minor updates" THEN TAKE OFF THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ EARLY ACCESS SIGN YOU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PSYCOPATHS
Posted February 18, 2015.
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114.5 hrs on record (75.2 hrs at review time)
I'm not going to be like everyone else and say it sucks because it has Micro transactions
Look past that and you have a solid great game.
You don't need to pay money to get to level 60
You don't need to pay money to get a great experience
You don't need to pay ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ money to like the game
Also what everyone should realize about F2P games is that the developers need to have some payoff
They can't just put their time and money into a game and not have anything come from it, the world doesn't work that way.
And again YOU DON'T NEED TO PAY MONEY. How many times does it need to be said? Also, if you like a free to play game, don't be afraid to get something in it. If the game has given you enough enjoyment, it's good to give back. Say you go to a comic book store and play board games there. They don't charge you and you have a lot of fun. Now let's say you want a board game. You can get it on Amazon for like 20 bucks cheaper or get it at the store. I think in that situation you would get it at the store to help the place.
That's it,(if you said the game is bad) YOU LOSE, GOOD DAY TO YOU SIR!
Posted January 25, 2015.
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145.9 hrs on record (34.2 hrs at review time)
Find Spider
Poke spider
Get attacked by spiders
Lead spiders to pigs
Take remains
Accidently eat spider meat and kill myself
That's one of the few amazing experiences I've had with this game
I've always love Klei, I played the crap out of Mark of the Ninja and I was glad to see that Don't Starve had the same graphic style. There was only one problem with why I didn't buy the game the second it came out was because I didn't enjoy survival games. I debated getting it but then I decided that Klei are trustworthy and I may like it. Spoiler alert, I loved it. Everything about it I loved. Great graphics great gameplay great community great theme and creepy but humorous moments. I must admit you have to do some digging getting into the story but when you do It's entriguing as ****. Get this game. Send it to a friend. Get expansions. And most of all DON'T STARVE MOFO!!!
Posted January 24, 2015.
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194.7 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Angered spiders
Chased by spiders
Lead them to friend
Spiders aggro on friend and kill him
I no longer have friend
This is incredibly fun
It is in pretty good shape, I've only found a few bugs, which were cosmetic.
It still needs some features before launch but I would reccommend it.
I've had tons of fun already and I can't wait for more
Keep up he amazing work Klei!
Posted December 21, 2014. Last edited January 24, 2015.
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1,224.4 hrs on record (16.4 hrs at review time)
Fallout has alot of content, great characters and great combat.
If your looking for a game with like 20 different ways of playing and many,many unique enemies.
It has many places to explore and pillage.
You could participate in gambling in New Vegas or blast someone's head off.
Fallout is a semi tough game with no regular health regeneration and an extremely hard hardcore mode.
Posted July 21, 2014.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries