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202.9 hrs on record (20.6 hrs at review time)
[UPDATE May 6th, 2024]

Sony has backpedaled the mandatory PSN account create/linking and will return to being optional. Sony will probably communicate with Steam to allow non-PSN countries to continue playing and purchase game again once the controversy settles down.


"This game is good, like, really good."

Is what I had said until Sony decided to force you to make a PSN account to play the game. Mind you, this is retroactive, so the months were it was optional at the time just completely invalidates a lot of current players from countries who are not allowed to make PSN accounts and effectively bricking them from ever playing it again unless they break TOS and pretend their from another country. The publisher, Sony, is to blame for this.
Posted February 19. Last edited May 6.
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150.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Very satisfying game. It's better with friends though.
Posted November 23, 2022.
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375.5 hrs on record (288.5 hrs at review time)
The latest "Into the Void" or more aptly named, "You should've done it sooner" patch has ruined this games progression and is actively running off players. AGS has been tight lipped and seemingly refusing to back pedal this horrible update with a hotfix which is speaking volumns.

TLDR the whole situation: Game had a semi-realistic progression rate which was seemingly attainable for most casuals given enough time, even solos. Although the recent patch has almost quadrupled the requirements to crafting, leveling, and farming for higher gear score almost punishing anyone who was taking their time and not rushing what little end-game content they had and instead rewarding people who rushed the game or duped. On top of making enemies more tanky, drop less loot (if any), hit harder, nerfing underwhelming weapons, buffing broken weapons, etc. etc.

I'll leave it at this. AGS is pulling a EA's Anthem. Let that sink in.
Posted November 19, 2021.
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432.6 hrs on record (14.3 hrs at review time)
It's Cookie Clicker! You had to have heard of it at some point? Played it a lot through the web-browser since it's launch back in my school days and throughout my time as a young adult. It's an incremental game, otherwise known as clicker game and the idea is simple at first with some small but increasing complexities in the mid-late game. It's a great game if you're wanting to play something you can leave running in the background and can put down and pick up later. Easily my one and only favorite "idle" game that's been consistently developed since 2013.

Edit for Steam award: Still clicking.
Posted September 2, 2021. Last edited November 24, 2021.
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600.7 hrs on record (299.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Took me awhile to get around time restraints and playing this game to make this review. It's so addicting.

So to preface this I've never played survival mmo's ever and if I have I discarded it shortly after buying it. I've also never liked the genre of games because it was just so unforgiving to play these games and potentially lose all progress in one raid or being offline and some Asian bonk me on the head.

Last Oasis is different, that's the least I could say. The game does its beast to go against the grain of all it's predecessors and make the game more welcoming to new and solo players to the genre. This all begins with it's hand holding in the beginning, the Cradle, and the missions following it as you journey out into the other unforgiving servers. On top of that once you build your first walker the game will immediately teach you that once you log out your walkers, there safe, poof, gone, no one can raid your walker in the off-lobby. That's a big deal since now this game takes a sudden shift towards there being no offline raiding which is a huge step in being more casual which is fun to a bigger audience. Now some might say that solo life is still hard and that's true to an extent but it's still 100x more friendly to solos then most others in the genre. You might also think that having to join up with a clan will ruin your fun at first, like I did, but once you come across the right clan for you the game completely changes. Now you're no longer looking over your shoulder all the time and have allies to back you up and sharing resources which will boost you straight into the fun of this game, clan battles. Clan battles will be the peak sometimes in this game when your server is being attacked be a force and you rally together and push them back. Walkers clashing in the desert, chasing each other through the trees, scouts relaying information from all angles, captain shouting orders, pvp clash under incapacitated walkers. Yes it does get laggy in large 50+ clan battles but in some battles in the 20+ range are just the sweet spot right now where you are equally matched and can challenge your skill in all areas such as walker fights, boarding, ground, defense, retreats, stalling for allies. The fights can last upwards of 40 minutes and the list of things to do stacks.

Now pve and being a farmer boy is pretty okay. It's the usual. A lot of basic commons items you stock pile, more medium-ish items you craft out of these basics which takes time, and hard to acquire items which you normally only get just enough of for personal or clan use. Nothing ground breaking really, which is fine, I like Last Oasis keeping it stupid simple.
Although some things are complicated just for the sake of complication...
Quality farming...
Farming for quality is honestly a thing I don't like doing and think the idea is just dumb. It's just to make the game feel more engaging without actually making engaging content while they're in early access/pre-alpha. It's a huge mysterious time sink. I say mysterious because trying to figure out how it all works and what it changes and by how much all on everything it touches in the game is like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle in virtual reality, blind folded, with no controllers, and using eye tracking. Like yesterday I just found out the quality items reduce the weight of items, but like, why? Again, it's complicated for the sake complication.

Now my favorite thing about any game, the music. The music combined with the games style of sun burned nomads who utilize large wooden and walking contraptions is phenominal. It's honestly the most creative stuff I've been able to experience since Worlds Adrift. The music very organic and the artist should be really proud of what he's made. He was inspired by Last Oasis and in turn he made them an album and sounds that inspires players and draws them into this games story and playing the nomad life. I've purchased the album on Steam and you should too if you eventually like Last Oasis.

Not only that but the game isn't afraid to be a pvp game and say it is one and build around that. Compared to Worlds Adrift who would constantly add pve content, pve servers, has the most casual pve atmosphere imaginable in any game ever but kept pushing these pvp trailers out like it was trying to be something it really wasn't in actuality..
Posted May 16, 2020. Last edited November 25, 2020.
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25.5 hrs on record (15.5 hrs at review time)
This game definitely is a successor to the episodic Half-Life series. The ending was phenomenal and instead of picking up where Marc Laidlaw left off the story has now expanded under the roof of Jay Pinkerton and Erik Wolpaw.

Honestly I was concerned that with the writers of Portal 2, a humorous and witty collage of characters and settings, would not translate over to Half-Life's dark atmosphere and gloom with characters only making jokes out of necessity but was happy to learn that they can fit a mold whenever they want.

Even the music was what shocked me. I'm a big music person so it was my most anticipated part. I was afraid that Mike Morasky wasn't going to be able to reproduce that "Half-Life" feel that Kelly Bailey did with Half-Life 2, that it was going to sound "Portal'ized" because before now Valve, as an entity, has been a fan of their Portal series even Gabe Newell said it himself. So I thought the music would just sound really fUTuRisTiC but at no point when playing through the game did I even go, "Wow that doesn't fit", infact, when the music would pick up during a fight I would be thinking what a freaking jammer and can I buy this on Bandcamp?

Valve has shown their renewed love for Half-Life and it's Half-Life: Alyx.
Posted March 31, 2020. Last edited March 31, 2020.
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0.8 hrs on record
Is nice
Posted November 26, 2019.
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416.7 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Wargaming is just a downright sleezy Russian version of EA. They just gave all their Community Contributors the middle finger with no apology as they all left in droves to revolt against Wargamings aggressive monetization, broken promises, and refusing to listen to feedback from the playerbase and the CC's. They have made it blatantly clear that they have no interest in making this game fun or fair and would rather nickel and dime you to death with broken over-powered ships that you can only get from loot boxes similar to StarWars BattleFront 2 before EA had to walk it back. Although in Wargamings case, they'd rather issue a generic corporate double-speak apology letter to the public and suggest that you should instead buy the thing you want full price, which is usually, like, upwards of 80 USD per ship, but only after completing a campaign. That's their compromise with their playerbase. They'll be damned if they can't squeeze your child or older family member who doesn't know any better for all they got with loot boxes or egregiously marked-up digital pixel boats. Scummy business.
Posted June 29, 2019. Last edited August 17, 2021.
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296.2 hrs on record (264.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Thought I'd consider making a review for this game since New Foundations update.
-Not considering the pvp nooblet stomp fest before this update.

I love this game again and with the PvPvE hybrid server added. I can say it was the second wind Worlds Adrift needed to renew itself as the game it was trying to be and not just a Rust in the sky that wiped every big update. I can now start on an island, mine resources, and build a decent starter ship, and then drift to another island to explore it and get more knowledge. Treasure can be found on the islands which can give you recipes for cooking or clothing or even engines and other ship components to help you on your way to build a better ship to break through "weather walls" to new lands referred to as the Expanse, Remnants, or Badlands.

Put aside the interactions you can now have in this game with the PvE server, it's so fun now that you don't feel afraid to be shot in the face and pirated the moment you get within 100 yards of someone is pleasant. You'll even find traders on islands, just normal players, who could help you advance your development of your ship or progress into another zone for a price of fuel, typically, or through bartering which adds another level of uniqueness to the game for me personally.

There's more points I could make but I'm just doing this for the Steam Awards and I'm tired BUT it goes without saying that these developers (Bossa) have made efforts to getting this game back on track and parallel with the goal they had in mind for this game with New Foundations update.

All they need now is to find something to keep players invested for a prolonged period of time. Not saying in any way the games not fun but it does get a little boring once you get to a point and need to take a break. As for me I just wanted to get to the Northern islands from the Southern islands and build a ship to cross the dreaded sand walls in the Badlands in the middle. These maps are vast since they run this game on the SpatialOS which afaik handles huge map sizes WITH persistence. Heckeroni duedums '^'

(Updated review for grammar errors and spruce it up in general because I'm sad it's gone now.)
Posted November 21, 2018. Last edited June 21, 2021.
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24.7 hrs on record (13.1 hrs at review time)
Best childhood game. I wish they would bring back the silly maps like Nipper made.
Posted November 25, 2014.
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