
Последние обзоры Klokworkk

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75.2 ч. всего
Game is still banned in like 200 countries because those countries can't have PSN accounts. So clearly Sony plans to just make them required but later on down the road still.

Review will remain negative until they allow people in those countries to play the game they already purchased and actually purchase the game.
Опубликовано 3 мая. Отредактировано 10 мая.
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30.1 ч. всего
A pretty fun, though a little janky at times, 3rd person shooter with RPG elements. This is one of those games where you'll only really get enjoyment out of it if you don't look to critically at it and enjoy the source material. It isn't a super great game on a technical level with LOTS of issues that can make gameplay frustrating. If you're into the Sword Art Online anime and characters this game is basically fan service to you. You will love it and looking passed all the issues won't be too bad. If you didn't like the anime, don't like anime in general, or haven't bothered to watch it at all this game might frustrate the hell out of you. Overall a fun experience for fans that I personally quite enjoyed, but it has a lot of glaring issues as a game that some might find it difficult to overlook. Also there is Visual Novel levels of dialog at points, so if reading isn't your thing you'll miss out on a lot.

Technical issues such as:
DPS, Dodging, AI decision making, and more are ALL TIED TO FRAMERATE. Game has 2 framerate options: 30 and 60 FPS. If you play at 60 FPS you do more DPS because rate of fire is tied to FPS. More FPS = Higher RoF. However, dodge frames are also tied to FPS and at 60 it is SIGNIFICANTLY more difficult to dodge enemies (lasers in particular) where at 30 FPS it is cake. Your AI also THINKS TOO FAST at 60 FPS, causing their decision making to basically stop working. They will literally override what they were doing before with a different decision before the previous action is complete (For example that will sometimes dodge when trying to revive people, or not heal ANYONE because they keep changing who they want to heal).
Опубликовано 22 апреля 2019 г..
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14.7 ч. всего
Sundered is a beautiful game. The art and animations are nothing short of amazing. The platforming and exploration is also extremely solid. However, the game's combat mechanics, boss fights, and how enemies spawn makes the gameplay fairly meh. Combat boils down to mashing attack with very little customization of combat abilities. You'll be fighting enemies the same way in your first 10 minutes as you will in your last 10 minutes. Boss fights look really cool, but you soon realize that they're little more than chase this purple glowy around the room and try to attack it as it runs away from you while also dodging 2 or 3 mechanics. The boss fights are the biggest disappointments because they look so awesome but turn out to be very dull.

Lack of real customization and progression is disappointing as well, instead of progressing via leveling and gear you progress via sphere grid and feats. Only most of the feats are not very useful (maybe 6 of the 20someodd?) and sphere grid is just pretend customization (instead of getting stats via normal level ups you pick the stats but end up with the same general upgrades. Illusion of choice).

All and all, the game is beautiful and would've worked great as just a platforming and exploration game, but it falls way short of being a good Metroidvania/RPG. For the price, it isn't a bad experience, but easy to skip for something like Hollow Knight instead.
Опубликовано 22 апреля 2019 г.. Отредактировано 22 апреля 2019 г..
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6.4 ч. всего
A fantastic atmospheric adventure. An extremely unique game with a fantastic story that also includes elements of mental illness symptoms to create a truely intersting game experience. The gaemplay elements are a bit weak and sometimes the game falls short on explaining things or really getting its point across, but the great story and atmosphere keep you engaged for the entire 6ish hour experience.
Опубликовано 27 декабря 2018 г..
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43.4 ч. всего
A really solid take on the Souls-Like genre with the Team Ninja flare. Good combat, good level design, good story. Some minor bits of cheesey bosses that kinda feel like they were meant to be cooped, which is pretty easy to do anyways. Lots of stuff to do, and many different ways to play. Throughly enjoyed the game.
Опубликовано 1 декабря 2018 г..
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12.7 ч. всего
A really solid 3rd person shooter. Gameplay is really smooth, level design of the story mode is awesome and has great pacing, horde maps are great, and the setting is both really interesting and extremely silly. An overall very good game to play COOP with friends. I think it loses its luster a bit playing alone.

Опубликовано 21 ноября 2018 г..
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15.1 ч. всего (14.6 ч. в момент написания)
An extremely solid shooter when it released built on an amazing engine. The PC port isn't the best in the world, but with a few launch option settings it can run fairly well.

The gameplay is really good. Story is okay. The Quest system could be better and gets a little redundant (especially the bounty board side quests). The major strengths of the game aren't made very apparent, namely the crafting and using the various ammo types. If you're not using certain alternate ammo types you'll have a really hard time as opposed to certain ammo types that make the game a breeze on most difficulties. The climax of the game comes at you really fast and it sort of seems like the original vision may have been to flesh out the latter part of the game more, but it needed to be rushed out.

Overall an extremely solid base for a fun shooter, but has problems with some of the RPG/Quest systems and a rush job towards the end.

Use this in your launch options to make the game run the best:
+cvaradd m_menu_sensitivity 0.20 +cvaradd g_fov 12 +com_skipIntroVideo 1 +image_anisotropy 16 +image_usecompression 0 +g_showplayershadow 1 +m_smooth 0
Опубликовано 15 октября 2018 г..
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28.8 ч. всего
The universe of Mad Max is pretty awesome. The aesthetic and feel of the game world is very gritty, dark, and does the source material justice. Unfortunately, that is about where all the good things stop with the game.

The gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. It is a very simple Mash Attack until you need to mash Counter and then mash Attack some more. Once you get some upgrades you mash E to execute staggered enemies on occasion as well. It is very boring combat that the only challenge that ends up being presented as just more enemies being added to fights.

The open world objectives start becoming busy work very quickly and don't make up for the mediocre gameplay. Clearing the camps was interesting at least, since every camp is a bit of a different layout. Though it is really unfortunate that the 'Top Dog' camps are all literally the same boss fight in a different room.

The car combat ranges from really fun and rewarding, to immesenly frustrating and annoying. The enemy doesn't get to do anything more interesting than 'Ram player's car' 'put car in front of player to stop him' or 'run away' - The more vehicles you add to a fight, the worse it gets too. I ended up avoiding convoy world objectives just because of how annoying it was to deal with the car combat against 5+ enemies where all but 1 enemy is just there to keep you from moving by parking in front of you.

Overall, if you really like the Mad Max world you're going to love the game. It does an AMAZING job of feeling like Mad Max. If you're looking for a really good action game or a really good open world game, there are better options out there. Though for the right price, Mad Max could be alright to sink a few hours into and then toss aside (like I did).
Опубликовано 10 октября 2018 г..
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5.7 ч. всего
Kona starts really strong with great atmosphere and narrative, but by the end falls a little flat. A good initial story (though with some telegraphed twists) but with an extremely abrupt ending that makes you feel like you're missing out on half of the game. For the price, it was an interesting game, but the potential ends up being wasted by the ending that feels very rushed. Looking at the game map, it even seems like there as an entire other half of the game that just didn't end up getting fleshed out before they wanted to ship the game.

I can't really recommend based on the game not feeling fully fleshed out, but it is an okay atomospheric adventure for the 5 to 6 hours it'll take you to beat it.
Опубликовано 10 октября 2018 г..
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402.8 ч. всего (287.0 ч. в момент написания)
If Counter-Strike and Team Fortress had a baby, it would be Siege. A Great take on a Hero shooter that meets a tactical shooter. Great Gameplay, popular multiplayer, and the Net Code feels pretty good now (where it used to be very bad). An overall good experience if you're into tactical FPS games. The game speed fits perfectly between MilSim and Arcade, though it does lean on the arcadey side.
Опубликовано 6 августа 2018 г..
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