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Recente recensies door Onahara

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5.0 uur in totaal
Local multiplayer broken.

Trash game
Geplaatst 27 maart.
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22.9 uur in totaal
Terribly game sadly, just no real work put into it aside from cash grabs.

As for balance its pretty terrible, the game will queue with only max lvl characters no matter what (And after like a 6 min queue) so if you're just starting out you will only be going up against people with (quite literally) more lives than you, faster movement then you, more utility than you, and better consumable items to give themselves an edge and control which map you spawn on so that its worst for you and best for them.

Furthering from that, the game play is does not play at all as advertised, the killer is pretty slow and week, there are many ways in which a survivor can overpower them through use of items they brought into the game through being higher lvl, or through use of a pretty terrible crafted environment. Aside from that it has a sorta fun, non-engaging playstyle that could be fun if it weren't so meta oriented.

Most of the games characters on the survivors side are actually quite unplayable. They have perks and abilities that make them leagues above everybody else, offering game changing boons like surviving hits that would otherwise lose you the game, to gaining access to dodges or quick heals, or other things that make you virtually unkillable. That or their perks are virtually useless and you should not play that character lol. You won't find a lot of variety and you will find yourself playing one of the few meta characters

Its even worst as the hunter sadly, most of the hunters cant be played, plain and simple sadly. Their abilities can end up doing more harm then help, rendering you in a match you are guaranteed to lose. Only super meta builds and strategies will ever give you an edge, and all of them are boring and repetitive as crazy. You don't ever actually feel like you're hunting anybody or anything at all, and the super meta hunters don't even play in such a way as to make the game exciting, they're super point and click + a lot of walking around doing nothing but painfully managing generators and occasionally hunting a survivor. Even when you win it will still feel boring because you know they only lost because they were stupid for not following the really strict meta and that they were mechanically disadvantaged.


Game takes a massive time investment to get to max lvl and you will be severely disadvantaged until you do, has a super strict and unforgiving meta, and the play style is dry and repetitive with no exiting or new things ever happening.

Might be fun with a group of 5 friends
Geplaatst 14 juli 2022.
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7.0 uur in totaal (6.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Honestly a very fun and well made game. Active developers, community outreach, and regular bug patches.

The devs have made sure that any and all my complaints have been fixed or balanced, and have put a lot of time into perfecting a game that they easily could have moved on from by now.

Kudos to them for caring and loving their game, and Kudos to you if you decide to buy it, its a real blast.
Geplaatst 6 juni 2022.
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2.1 uur in totaal
Game is way to based off chance. Aliens are landing these bullcrap 27% cross map snipes on me with assault rifles, and I cant even hit them at close range with a shotgun. Its possible to be randomly ambushed by reinforcements who can run through 3 squad men that are all shooting at you, kill your commander, and then everybody in your squad panics and you can do nothing but watch whats esentially just a 5 min cutscene of you being killed.

While I can see why this game could be considered fun, there are to many poorly designed elements for me to enjoy this as much as I enjoyed X-com: Enemy unknown, for example, in this game, rushing the aliens with no plan and giving your squadmen swords seems to be more effective than actual strategy. Its very frusturating.
Geplaatst 3 februari 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
45.1 uur in totaal (44.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
After 3 years of horrible development, they release DLC. What a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ scam. Screw these devs and everything they stand for. Wish I could get my money back

Aside from this though, ill put my real review below.

The gameplay itself is kind of fun, but thats only because the majority of the people who ussed to still play it refused to use the broken/buggy attacks that would make you nearly auto win the second you cast them, the sword combat is pretty buggy, but it has a solid feel to it and a distinct charm, the main problem though, is that its pretty buggy.

The spells feel like they were implemented without any actual thought on how they would influence your sword combat, and the synergy between spells and sword attacks feels very week, besides a select few spells that is.

Also there are no players anymore, probably because of the reasons listed above, unless you like playing against bots, and only bots, then this is not the game for you.

The devs also seem kind of childish, but I dont really have any other impressions of them to go off of besides them complaining towards people who gave negative reviews.

The new update is silly, they are just adding back an old game mode that never should have been removed.

If im going to be 100% with you, I feel this game would be really fun, even with the bugs, if the devs would actually get involved with the community, maybe organize some events and days where people can log on and know that there will be people to play against, if they did that I would probably give this game a really nice review, but this radio silence (Aside from them complaining to people who right negative reviews) just tells me that they dont care, or are to afraid of looking bad to say anything worth while.

All in all the game itself is not bad, but due to the fact that there are NO players (In fact im writing this whole review in an empty lobby, seeing if anybody will join) I cannot reccomend this game unless you have a while entire lineup of friends ready to buy it as well and play with you. And even then I would only reccomend it on sale.
Geplaatst 27 december 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 10 juli 2017.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
12.9 uur in totaal
Nother is not too bad of a game I really enjoyed it


+Simple and fun combat

+Good soundtrack (This varies a lot, as some areas have really bad music, while others really good music, but the amount of good soundtracks in the game outweigh the few, so ill list this in pros)

+Some boss fights are fun

+Everything in the game way made by one guy, very genuine experience


-NPC's are rather boring to fight/repetitive

-Attack patterns can be confusing and non-repeating in janky ways (For example, there are enemies in the forest that swing extremely fast, so the only way to counter them is to parry before they attack, the only problem with this is that sometimes they will stab instead, landing the hit after your parry is done, there is no way to tell if they will stab or swing, so you are stuck with a 50/50 of blocking. And even after you block, you will need to guess once again if they will follow up on that attack or not, There is not much skill involved, and it makes the forest quite tedious and boring to go through.)

-Some boss fights are dreadfully boring (Boss moves super slowly, and fires out lasers that miss 90% of the time. Whole boss fight is just 5 min of walking around power attacking it, as it has no way to close in on you, or stop you from healing if it manages to land one of its hard hitting lasers)

-Weapons all feel the same (Greatsword does 1 damage more than a dagger)

-Game seems to push the player towards a very "Knight" like playstyle, with a lot of the strength being better then the other weapons.

-Only seems to be one armor type for a warrior type character.

-Armor is bland and makes no difference in battle to my experience (Ive tried all the different armors, only a few give actual advantages, like the iron/steel armour giving health, or some armor giving mana regen)

-Game is very grindy, unless you only use one weapon the whole game your not going to upgrade it fully at all

-No "Final" boss so to say. I was all pumped for the ending, after defeating what I though were the "Minor" bosses, then the game just kinda ended. No final boss, just deleted my save and brought me back to the start.

-The story is delivered in a very indirect way (In item descriptions, through small talks, small details you might not notice, trying to get the player to piece it together themselves) but the creator ) is vague on a lot of .

All in all it has its flaws but I did still enjoy this game a bit. Its really up to you to decide.
Geplaatst 25 december 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 26 juni 2023.
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540.3 uur in totaal (184.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Great game to play with friends.
Geplaatst 24 november 2016.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
23.2 uur in totaal (21.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Probably the worst game I have ever played. I can see that it takes a lot of skill. But none of that really matters if the game itself is just not fun. The game is to focused on being competitive, not focused enough on just being a fun game.

I guess if you like playing a game thats only fun if your winning I could reccomend it. But even then its only ok.
Geplaatst 9 november 2016. Laatst gewijzigd 3 januari 2017.
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96.7 uur in totaal (60.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Very Grindy and boring game filled with glitches that auto kill you. Maps are mainly empty and boring, and you will spend 90% of the game walking. With the other 10% split between grinding and tediosuly looting houses.

-To progress in the game you need to find books, these will unlock new things to craft, though these books are few and far between, and you will often end up with many copies of the same book, but none of the books you area actually looking for.

-Books on armour are also split up into a blueprint for each piece, (For example, you need to find a leather hood, chest, boots, etc.. instead of just finding a leather set blueprint) this adds more tedious grind to the game, that just makes it feel boring.

-Leveling system is very bland, and unless you are playing with friends you will find yourself taking the same perks every single game no matter what.

-Zombies are glitchy and can stun lock you then auto kill you.

-Houses are very tedious to build and take absurd amounts of wood/iron/rocks (you get the point) to build. This leads to hours spent hitting trees and rocks.

-Deserts and wastelands fill the map, with the occasional flat, bland forest.

-All towns look the same

-All zombies act the same

-Zombie dogs are very glitchy and chunk your health more than any other zombie. Even though they are also the fastest.

-Bad game in general.
Geplaatst 9 oktober 2016.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
158.0 uur in totaal (135.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Crappy DLC in a game that is near impossible to beat without it.

Each DLC will add next to nothing and will cost up to 7$, and then the DLC will eventually be made pointless by a "Free Community Item". Meaning you wasted your money. The few DLC items that are not useless/scams are almost a necssity. Such as the rattlesnake in the sniper pack being the best on tap weapon for death wish. Or the RPG than can 1 hit bulldozers. I dont doubt that they will eventually release a free item that outmatches all of these just to spite the people who support their sca- errr "Game". All in all the Devs of this game do not care at all about the community, and as long as you line their pockets with cash, they will continue to make this game worse and worse.
Geplaatst 26 maart 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 13 december 2015.
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