Left neighbor of the   Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
𝘼𝙣 𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖 𝙍𝙞𝙢𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙡𝙡

My Art Socials! [] :ATRI_caution::praisesun:

I like to draw... a lot actually, sorry if i monopolice the artwork section sometimes :steamhappy::lunar2019piginablanket:

I love this speech

My sacred collection = :lunar2019piginablanket: :lunar2020ratinablanket: :oxinablanket: :tigerinablanket: :catinablanket: :bunnyinablanket: :lunar2024dragoninablanket:

Current Top tier Charcters: All male characters of Haikyuu , Chise and Elias and Rin
Featured Artwork Showcase
Rimworld "game tip" pt 5 ;p
36 6
Frequently asked questions

- Q: Can I add you as a friend on steam? :rinconfused:

A: I had some problems with people I didn't know on Steam, so I'm going to avoid adding people that I dont know! :rinzzz:

- Q: Could you share your rimworld mod list? :rinconfused:

A: Sure! This is my modlist []
That said, I have to say that it's my personal mod list that I put anything that make me say "That looks cool!", so:

It is not balanced at all, I am a digital masochist. :Rivals:

It is not intended to be compatible with each other. :zagshock:

It has a large number of mods, so it is not at all "optimized" either. :friendly:

It is not Vanila-friendly. :AOESheep:

- Q: there isn`t a steam collection version? :rinconfused:

A: I don't plan to make one :brotherflee:

- Q: What is Petra's xenotype? :rinconfused:

A: The ears of this mod , Quick learner, heat weakness and low immunity, that said, it varies a lot from game to game, but that's the base :praisesun:

- Q: What program do you use for the drawings? :rinconfused:

A: I use clip studio paint for practically all related to drawing, I spend more time with him than with my pillow jajdajda :ATRI_pillow::burosob:

Featured Artwork Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - Samir Al-Hayjid
729 ratings
War, the lifeblood of nations. It's a great thing, but sometimes you need to break a few rules to make an atrocity
Artwork Showcase
Royal Tribute Collector Pt2
172 12 5
Artwork Showcase
Petra`s Room!!
268 34 7
Favorite Game
Screenshot Showcase
Petra found a nice gun
27 6
Recent Activity
3,699 hrs on record
last played on May 26
1,576 hrs on record
last played on May 20
213 hrs on record
last played on Apr 2
Koishi doing war crimes May 1 @ 2:16pm 
damn hehehe
Fonza May 1 @ 2:06pm 
Well, I just buyed a an anti tank gun from a caravan, so.... maybee?? jajaja
Koishi doing war crimes May 1 @ 1:50pm 
i gave a anti tank gun (and drugs and human leather) to a girl that looked like petra that appeared in my colony, her faction immediatly allied with me, is this a canon event in the canon petra verse?
Fonza Apr 28 @ 1:27pm 
life before death.
strength before weakness.
journey before destination. :praisesun:
Hidra Apr 28 @ 1:16pm 
"The ancient code of the Knights Radiant says "Journey before Destination." Some may call it a simple a platitude, but it is far more. A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us.
But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination.
To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one.”
Fonza Apr 26 @ 2:40pm 
Thankyou mister Governor :shakinghands: