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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika Denroth

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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 23 pozycji
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4.8 godz. łącznie
A short, but very charming and fun game. The story is well paced and genuinely enthralling during the full playthrough. While it is a bit pricey for how long it takes, it's most certainly worth the cost.
Opublikowana: 22 czerwca.
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6.0 godz. łącznie
It's a short game, but as far as survivor horror, it's a thrilling 5 hours. It doesn't feel like Amnesia completely, but more like Resident Evil-- the monster can be fought, but never beaten. I found myself often doing sprints to safety rather than skulking about because I knew that I could outrun it or at least delay it.
Opublikowana: 2 czerwca.
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55.8 godz. łącznie (13.1 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game is like someone taking Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, blending them together into a smoothie, then dumping a rogue-lite-bear into the mix. A tasty drink it is.
Opublikowana: 9 maja.
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154.1 godz. łącznie (102.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Remember May 6th as our liberation day, where all Helldivers stood together to fight the galaxy's greatest threat: Snoy

The game is a blast, the devs are amazing and responsive, and the community stands together.

We dive together or not at all!

That is what I thought before... now... I take it all back. Helldivers 2 has now become that one friend who has started using hard drugs. When you first met them, they were cool, fun, good to be around. Then slowly their addiction became more and more of a part of them. Each time you ask them to stop doing drugs, they tell you that they'll quit, they'll get better! Each time, you believe them.

Well after the 4th or so time you catch them doing hard drugs, you don't even feel angry anymore... just disappointed and sad. How could they have fallen this low? You don't care anymore, if they want to ruin themselves, that's their problem now.
Opublikowana: 3 maja. Ostatnio edytowane: 19 sierpnia.
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Według 4 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
12.1 godz. łącznie
I really, really liked this game. The game was fun to play, had a fairly fun concept, and the story was honestly enjoyable. But why... why after 3 years have they not fixed the crashes in this game? I got to about 12 hours of play time and had about 6 crashes total. Each crash set me back an hour plus of play with no fixes found online. This is the first game I've ever had to give up on purely because of technical problems.

Sad really...
Opublikowana: 24 lutego.
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39.3 godz. łącznie
First game was really fun, enjoyed the characters and the story! Great concept and left it open for the second game!

The second game tested my resolve and it won. By won, I mean I chucked it out the window. The second game is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ slow, and CONSTANTLY stops you and goes 'OH NO! You can't continue this story line! You gotta come back later! ;3'
After the 3rd time it did that, I gave up caring... and everyone that played it kept going 'Oh just stick with it for another 40 hours! It gets good then!'

Wat. Why? Why would I waste 40 hours of my life to enjoy a story??? Ah yes, let me go watch paint dry to eventually go see this work of art. If I could give this game set two thumbs up and a middle finger I would.
Opublikowana: 4 stycznia.
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126.7 godz. łącznie (112.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
This game has a learning cliff, but once you start to put the pieces together it becomes a lot of fun. With friends, even more so.
Opublikowana: 5 grudnia 2023.
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5.8 godz. łącznie
If it goes on sale for like 5 bucks, yes, it is worth it. Not nearly as in depth as other dating sim games, but a fun romp for the first time. It gets really skip heavy once you play through a full rout once though.
Opublikowana: 21 sierpnia 2023.
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Według 2 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
653.5 godz. łącznie (501.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I've never seen another game make me go through the cycle of grief multiple times.

Denial: 'Ah! That wasn't too terrible of a game! It will get better!'
Anger: 'THE ♥♥♥♥ WAS THAT?! Why are games so unbalanced!?'
Bargaining: 'Please for the love of god just one FUN match! Just one!'
Depression: 'Why... why do I keep playing this game? I hate it. Playing Killer is asking to be bullied; Playing solo is asking for pain.I am having no fun.
Acceptance: 'DbD is a ♥♥♥♥ game, and there is no other game that is like it! Time to never ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ play it again!'

6 months later~

Denial: 'Ah! That wasn't too terrible of a game! It will get better!'...................
Opublikowana: 8 czerwca 2023.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
23.5 godz. łącznie
Ok, let me just say at first, I got this game for like 3 bucks, and you know what? It wasn't that bad, I'd even say enjoyable. I, like many others, listened to reviewers talk about how this game was boring, stale, and not metal gear all while using a metal spear the entire time.

This game does have a little bit of a slow start, not going to lie. You get a garbage weapon and not all that much to do at first, but once you start to explore, things open up as do the playstyles. The gameplay of this was genuinely enjoyable, if a little unpolished, the idea was fun. I don't think I ever got to a point where the game was just a drag to play. Sure, I took breaks between playing, but I never dreaded playing it.

However, the things that this game doesn't have is a good story. The idea is great, the theme is great, heck there were a few nice plot points... but damn did they slip up on everything else.
The characters are so generic. Too much so that it felt like I was talking to paper cut outs in a funhouse. I cared for basically only one person, and that was because they were competent. Everyone else was just, there to be there practically. You never get a chance to like them, or understand them, or see anything other than 'Let's do X.' They are so damn flat they'd be invisible if they lay sideways.

This game also lacks polish, mainly design choices when playing. The controls are meant for controllers, which is extra apparent the moment I had to bind things to weird keys on my keyboard just to not get carpal tunnel in my index finger. Having to hold keys to place things which is also awkward as hell on keyboard. Almost no need for stealth after a few hours...

The game is fun and enjoyable for the actual gameplay loop. The story CONCEPT is honestly not all that terrible either. But damn, the characters might as well be not there since they are so 1 dimensional in personality. If this game goes on sale for 5< dollery doos, not a bad buy honestly.
Opublikowana: 21 sierpnia 2022.
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Wyświetlanie 1-10 z 23 pozycji