1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 23.5 hrs on record
Posted: Aug 21, 2022 @ 6:50pm

Ok, let me just say at first, I got this game for like 3 bucks, and you know what? It wasn't that bad, I'd even say enjoyable. I, like many others, listened to reviewers talk about how this game was boring, stale, and not metal gear all while using a metal spear the entire time.

This game does have a little bit of a slow start, not going to lie. You get a garbage weapon and not all that much to do at first, but once you start to explore, things open up as do the playstyles. The gameplay of this was genuinely enjoyable, if a little unpolished, the idea was fun. I don't think I ever got to a point where the game was just a drag to play. Sure, I took breaks between playing, but I never dreaded playing it.

However, the things that this game doesn't have is a good story. The idea is great, the theme is great, heck there were a few nice plot points... but damn did they slip up on everything else.
The characters are so generic. Too much so that it felt like I was talking to paper cut outs in a funhouse. I cared for basically only one person, and that was because they were competent. Everyone else was just, there to be there practically. You never get a chance to like them, or understand them, or see anything other than 'Let's do X.' They are so damn flat they'd be invisible if they lay sideways.

This game also lacks polish, mainly design choices when playing. The controls are meant for controllers, which is extra apparent the moment I had to bind things to weird keys on my keyboard just to not get carpal tunnel in my index finger. Having to hold keys to place things which is also awkward as hell on keyboard. Almost no need for stealth after a few hours...

The game is fun and enjoyable for the actual gameplay loop. The story CONCEPT is honestly not all that terrible either. But damn, the characters might as well be not there since they are so 1 dimensional in personality. If this game goes on sale for 5< dollery doos, not a bad buy honestly.
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