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13.8 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
I love my ducks <3
Posted August 17.
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5.2 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Another official Pony game with a load of changes compared to the first one.

* Co-op: Even though the coop is shared screen and local only, through using remote play I can share the experience which makes the game much more enjoyable.
* Characters: You unlock the mane 6 characters as you progress through the story, just hope your favorite isn't Zipp or Misty as you won't unlock them until fairly late.
* Environments: The game environments are much more varied and generally quite pleasing to look at.
* Platforming: There's actually platforming in this one, it's not very hard but it's better than the almost entirely flat environments of the last game

Bad things:
* Small co-op bounds: The shared screen space can sometimes feel incredibly small, to the point that you can't even grab two collectables that are both visible at the same time.
* Freeze-frame moments: Often when interacting with objects the game will everything else including the other player, this would be fine if it didn't take 4 seconds and happen every 10 seconds of gameplay.
* Minigames: They're the same minigames from the first game, A new coat of paint doesn't make the gameplay any better.
* Abilities: Character abilities are boring, Hitch can see hoofprints and run infinitely, but stamina is near impossible to run out of on other characters, and you don't need to see hoofprints as everyone has access to the guide butterfly that shows you exactly where to go. Basically every other character ability is just "Allows interactions that open a path", no actual gameplay.
* Zipp VA: I don't know why, but for some reason Zipp doesn't seem to be voiced by her normal VA, and oh my god is it noticeable and offputting.
* Repetition: When you first unlock Izzy you find out that she can construct things (paths), and all you need to do is collect 3 resources. The resources only spawn AFTER you get to construction spot, meaning you now have to backtrack to pickup the items. This wouldn't be a big issue if it didn't happen EVERY 5 MINUTES. I am not joking, every single area in the game has a segment like this. It's forced exploration but only in a specific order. The pattern of gameplay we had was summarised as: enter new area, look around, do various platforming segments, then we find the broken bridge of the area, to fix it we need to look around and do various platforming segments again. The previous game is about 90 minutes long, this one is at least twice as long, which you think would be a good thing but ultimately the gameplay variety is not vast enough for this and it leads to frustration as you walk in and see another building spot or you get told to deliver the 500th smoothie.
* Optimisation: This game looks decent, but it doesn't look good enough to run my 1080 at 82C constantly. After a few hours of this it got to the point where my GPU shutdown and I had to restart, upon which my monitor refused to turn on until I power-cycled it.

Not worth the full £35 but if it shows up in a cheaper bundle or on sale, I would recommend it if you're okay with a bit of "brain-off" gameplay or a big fan of G5. Personally i'm willing to put up with some of these downsides for the experience, so I recommend
Posted May 22.
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7.0 hrs on record
As a fromsoft fan and a soulslike fan this game simply isn't fun to me, here's a brief list why:
* Janky movement and counter system, press B to do counter attack against thrusts except WHOOPS you dodged instead because of the awful buffered inputs.
* Where in the ♥♥♥♥ do I go? I just worked my way up a tower, fought some lightning guy, followed the trail of where to go after this, and it leads to me a door that I can't get around? I feel like i've checked everywhere
* Ranged enemies and gank attacks, after how much everyone complained about DS2 having gank fights you decided the best spot for this boss fight was in an open field with 10+ guys with guns shooting me at the same time?
* a decade and they still haven't found a solution to the camera getting crushed against the wall in close quarters encounters? Make use of a dynamic transparent mask on the blocking mesh for ♥♥♥♥♥ sake.
Posted May 20.
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12.1 hrs on record (12.3 hrs at review time)
This might be the worst main series game.
Awful controls, awful level design, awful pc settings, insufferable vehicle segments, boring boss fights, uninspired dialogue, janky cover shooting segments. The only good part is laughing at the bad parts.
Posted December 14, 2023.
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399.6 hrs on record (376.7 hrs at review time)
best seagull simulator on steam 10/10
Posted November 23, 2023.
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179.4 hrs on record (92.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm really sad about this game in hindsight. I'm sad it took me so long to actually play it; Too often would I see big name YouTubers upload content of this game where all they do is walk into the house, scream, and die.

This game is so much more than that.
It presents itself as a spooky ghost hunting game, when in reality it's a in depth ghost analysis experience. The real depth of the game presents itself in challenging yourself once you have become too acquainted to the easier preset difficulties.
The learning curve of this game is quite high, but the amount of resources available to the community allow you to quickly learn, not to mention the innate multiplayer focus of the game allows the spread of knowledge very quickly.

It's a bit janky in places, the player models and animations are hilariously awkward. But that's not what I was looking for anyway, so it doesns't really bother me. Plus the game is still in active development as of the time of this review; Chances are everything will look better in the future.
Posted November 23, 2022.
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20 people found this review helpful
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11.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Honestly I wanted to like this game so much, but it's just not got that fun feel that the games it's inspired by managed to pull off.

The orbs don't bounce enough. It sounds stupid but one of the most fun things about games like Peggle is lining up your shot and having it bounce off 20 pegs and getting a crazy chain reaction. In Peglin if you want the orbs to bounce more than 3-4 times, hope you stumble upon a relic that gives you bouncier pegs. I swear the orbs in this game hit a peg, bounce once, and then have no momentum left and just drop in the hole.

The enemies aren't readable like in a game like Slay the Spire. Most enemies follow a fixed pattern, but you only learn this pattern from playing the game multiple times. In a lot of games this is an okay method of learning, I don't think this applies to turn based games like this. The biggest issue with this system shows up in one of the boss fights, where the boss will attack once every 4-5 attacks, I've beaten this boss a lot but I still have no clue how often it attacks.

The enemies aren't fun to fight. The game gives you a method of attack, but no method of defence. Your initial assumption here might be that because the enemies advance towards you each turn, you have to have enough damage to kill them before they get to you. This assumption is WRONG. Half the enemies have ranged attacks, which means that regardless of how well you're doing, unless you get perfect luck then you aren't going undamaged. While there probably shouldn't be an expectation to be undamaged, it's not fun to take damage like this.

Self damage sucks. Same as the above about forced damage; Half the good orbs in the game have awful downsides: "Take 4 damage when fired" "Take 15 damage when fired, increase self damage by 7" What the ♥♥♥♥ were they thinking? This also happens with one time per battle orbs. Yes devs, I'm sure my one time per battle heal of 10 would be gamebreaking if I had it 2 times per battle instead or 3 in a long boss fight.

I can't be bothered to write out everything wrong with this game. It's a good concept but the execution is lacking. Balance is awful.
Posted November 13, 2022.
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19.8 hrs on record
This game has the worst characters of any game i've ever played. I can't comment too much on the quality of the story because my party unanimously decided to disable subtitles and character voice audio about an hour in.

The Gameplay is alright, the abilities and gunplay is more technically refined than BL2 but at the same time feels much more bland. The maps are unintuitive as hell; Were you annoyed in BL2 running back and forth in santuary? At least there the minimap was useful for finding things; this game is way too pushy with vertical level design with a minimap that is AWFUL at supporting it. The amount of times I ran to the wrong room on Sanctuary because the marker didnt properly indicate what floor I was meant to be on is absurd.

The DLC: I didn't play any of the DLC, but they sure as hell wanted me to as there's 10+ icons at sanctuary that look very similar to quests only for you to find that it's not a quest but a popup box telling you "purchase this content at the store". Hell there's even a massive room that needs "Diamond keys" to obtain loot, similar to the code-based golden keys. The difference here is that you cannot obtain any diamond keys in base game, at all. That room is completely useless unless you're willing to pay some more money.
Also wtf there's £220 of DLC for a game that retails for £49.99 after 2 years on Steam and even more on Epic?!

Mixed opinions include some of the boss fight designs, which can be really unique and fun to fight but unfortunately are brought down by either dying in 5 seconds (first run) or absorbing thousands of bullets (subsequent runs + mayhem). The enemy designs outside of bosses are stagnant. A lot of previous enemies return but with slightly different names. But 99% of them are just Person with gun, short person with gun, muscle person with gun, Skag. They throw a few new designs in there, such as stereotypical mech, flying orb, and auto turret.

But despite all that maybe you just want to shoot some people and rush through the missions as fast as possible to just shoot MORE people even faster. TOO BAD. The pacing of story dialogue sections is absolutely abhorrent:
Most games will follow a format for missions of
1: Accept mission
2: LISTEN TO dialogue about mission (often while heading to the mission)
3: Shoot the bad guys / get the object / whatever
4: Return to mission giver to get reward

BL3 has a mission format of:
1: Accept mission
2: Wait for the mission to start while character talks
3: Oh ♥♥♥♥ forgot to interact with character AGAIN to talk to them
4: Go talk to character on other side of the map
5: Go talk to ANOTHER character on a different map
6: Wait to fast travel because someone hasn't closed their menu
7: Fast travel to location
8: Follow character that sprints slower than your crouch speed
9: Eventually arrive at location with slow character
10: WHY ARENT THEY OPENING THE DOOR FOR ME (Talk to character by pressing E btw)
11: Shoot the bad guys (finally)
12: Return to mission giver to get NO REWARD YET
13: Talk to character on the other side of the map again
14: return to mission giver again
15: talk to mission giver
16: Get white rarity pistol that does less damage than throwing your shoes at enemies

Not to mention the amount of times following character segments bugged out because we either got too far ahead or the character got stuck somewhere OR the interact button just never works.


Just go play borderlands 2
Posted August 1, 2022.
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9.8 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
Just buy it, it's worth it.
Posted July 25, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
3.9 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You give us the option to queue into a specific region, but give us no idea on predicted ping or wait time. I waited 20 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes to get teammates with less brainpower than a sack of asparagus resulting in a 4 minute match.

Either give us a way to see which regions are active or give us the option to queue into multiple regions at once.

Also did you not learn anything from DBDs awfully grind filled perk system, you give us perks which claim to give huge boosts to stats and then lock them behind hundreds of matches, which thanks to the queue times would probably take me thousands of hours.

This game had so much damn potential and you're trying to snuff it out already with awful decisions everywhere.
Posted July 18, 2022.
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