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Скорошни рецензии на Rex

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93.4 изиграни часа
They went down the path of homogenizing the menu with other soulless menus like Hulu, Netflix and all that other garbage to the point the UI is no longer intuitive. You now need to flip through massive bloated tabs to find your item of choice, on top of a completely random inventory/character wipe that came with this update.

I'd ramble on further but the point is that the UI is atrocious and genuinely ruins my ability to play this game.
All of this came out of nowhere when we were just being promised Engine Updates and a new Map. Thoroughly disappointed and I refuse to play a game like this. Unless they change things back or make some toggle-able, I will be keeping this game uninstalled, as it functionally serves as a waste of space on my drive.

TL;DR: Fix your trashy UI and other bugs introduced that others are complaining about.
Публикувана 15 август.
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73.6 изиграни часа (39.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Managed Democracy Prevails!
Dive together or not at all!

Kudos to the devs encouraging the community to collaborate in fighting off publisher overreach.
Публикувана 6 май.
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51.5 изиграни часа (51.4 часа по време на рецензията)
Prolly the most unlikely place you'd expect to feel like you're actually playing Stalker and marginally Tarkov.
On one hand, you may think well "no duh, it's a Stalker themed game", but you have to consider the fact this stems from a Minecraft mod and despite being Minecraft for it's base, it somehow managed to recreate much of the Stalker experience.

While I haven't played in awhile, as a new player, you should stick away entirely from Garbage, or whatever the equivalent was called again in this game. The Bar, in other words. The place is a unending war between Bandits and Stalkers. Total hell; to walk through, and you will likely die a load.
Публикувана 21 ноември 2023.
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3,371.9 изиграни часа (2,172.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Been playing for a decade, dumped plenty of money in over the years and many hours.
Enough is a enough, fix your game in both balance and economy.
The economy has been borked for years at this point and has shown very little resolve.
Income is catered towards premium vehicles/premium accounts.
8 years ago we could play with any vehicle we wanted and had fun with little consequence. Now we're reaching the point of; you either lose SL for having fun, or choosing one vehicle per-match to not go red.
The game is reaching a point of where you're obligated to get a premium vehicle to be cost efficient in your matches. You're obligated to forcibly use premiums to save yourself from going red as opposed to just having fun.
That is not how a ordinary game works, that is a money scheme to force players into forking over money to alleviate their misery.

While we're on about money schemes, Gaijin, I know you love making money but do something about new players having access to high tier premium vehicles. It is gross how little you care about how you're destroying the game with these greedy incentives. New comers are incentivized to buy high tier premiums to grind out their countries faster, which comes at the detriment of everyone else at the relative BRs. These people have no line ups to utilize and only exist to cause your team detriment. They are one-lifers that quit right afterwards as they got no other vehicles to use. They lack skill, and capability for match retention. Bar these people off, or find a alternative to just whimsically purchasing 10+ BR premiums.

While I know this cuts into your profits, I think for game balance, you shouldn't be allowed to get a premium over a BR or two for you. Liberally, you should only be allowed to grab premiums a Tier away.
OR, do something like you had with Israel, where the bar of entry is being in a high tier for another nation at least to do so.
(though I still think that doesn't resolve the initial issue I mentioned of no line up)

Alas, fix your economy first and foremost and work on rebalancing more.
Short list of Demands:

Get rid of MMR, I know it is a thing and everyone knows. There is no reason a my 6.7 German tanks continually get put into 7.0+ games where there are ATGMS; due to arbitrarily playing in a squad or I got two kills in one game. I genuinely doubt we have a player shortage at 6.7.

Remove the nerf of High Explosive. It is very noticeably nerfed as majority of rocket vehicles in the game, especially, do no damage to vehicles outside their BR for whatever the reason. (This was never historically the case, back in the day, it was normal to bring lower tier vehicles in to higher BRs for HE kills)
In other words, return overpressurization to the game like it once was.

Implement a new economy wherein you get your money back if you got a 1/1 K/D. There is no reason I require several kills before dying in some tanks to just cover my repair cost. There is no reason I should be walking out with 61SL for two kills and one death.

As for more demands, I stand with much of the community on their issues with the game. There are many more issues to be addressed and resolved. I think they'll adequately address things accordingly.

Do not play or spend money on this game currently. Not until they heed our words.
Enough is enough, we as consumers will not be abused. We don't lash out of contempt for the game, but out of passion and wish to see it's success and longevity.
I genuinely do like the game as there are none out there like it, but I do not wish to see greed take suit and ruin what was and is functionally a great game conceptionally and generally in practice.
Публикувана 19 май 2023.
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593.9 изиграни часа (545.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Just get the game, what are you waiting for?
In it's current state, the game could finish right now and it'd be chalked full of content. But the future is even brighter. The next build (42) we get the animal/crafting overhaul then afterwards we get the fabled NPC update which will be probably giving us the most interesting NPCS in gaming since Stalker. Mastercrafted with incredible depth and uniqueness.
Публикувана 23 ноември 2022.
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13.6 изиграни часа (8.6 часа по време на рецензията)
It's the game we've been waiting for. If you loved Boneworks, you'll definitely love this.
I'll spare you writing all the positive stuff as you'll see that by infinitely everyone else.
As a Boneworks fan, I'll just throw out my sober critiques.
My first issue I'd say is that the story is too short. It's good, but just felt short in contrast to the first game.
The story is certainly more coherent this time around than the previous game's was.

The render distance is relatively short wherein it gets foggy inside of rooms. I ran the game on ultra with my PCVR.
The frame rate was smooth however.
Another distinction between the games is that in this one, when enemies die, they just despawn as opposed to having a ragdoll limit. They have a nice effect for it but I wish it were a slider option thingy to set it to what you want.

In the story, I feel like they give the character swap thing way too late into it and it doesn't get to be utilized extensively. Will likely be better for replay's through the story though. I like the concept nonetheless, and I am sure it will leave a great groundwork for the future of the game(s).

But yeah, I'd say this definitely is a good sequel overall. They carried over a lot and also updated it to fresher standards.
Feels like a sequel in the old sense we gotten games ages ago, wherein it was building off the old game, innovating/improving where it laid off, while also smoothing out previous things.
Публикувана 30 септември 2022.
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10.2 изиграни часа
They really upped the ante these time, if you loved the first one, you're going to love this one too.
Loads of effort was put together for this and lots of creative ideas. You're going to see lots of references to other Valve games and also see how a couple Valve games meld together in this one. The writing is pretty simple yet great, there's multiple ends and endless opportunities in how to approach situations. The level design is very reminiscent of Valve's as well imo, so it doesn't got much, or if any, clunkiness to it.
Публикувана 2 септември 2022.
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21.2 изиграни часа (4.8 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
In short if you're looking through reviews and deciding whether you should get this game or not:
Purchase this game only if you are understanding that you are getting into a elaborate tech demo that's supposed to be the foundation for Arma 4. The goal of this game is basically to utilize it as a means to hammer out the imperfections via feedback and let the community familiarize themselves with the engine/mod tools before A4 comes around.

This is by no means intended to launch as a perfection piece.
So again, if you purchase it, don't just complain about issues with it; instead provide feedback on issues and assist the devs with the issues.
Публикувана 17 май 2022.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
81.8 изиграни часа (20.9 часа по време на рецензията)
So far with the 21 hours I've clocked in, it's pretty good.
Hits me with that FNV tier faction story telling, so I do like this presentation of two factions at odds and they don't just make you get handed a opinion. It isn't "oh these guys are bad because of 'x'" as much as it is, you kinda just have to rationalize their lines of thinking and see for yourself.

Gameplay is solid so far, my only nitpick at features that haven't returned from Dying Light seem to be that sprint is a constant and the perk to make a burst of sprint mostly seems pointless, the detailed blood from the previous game is just gone and we're back to static images, and zombies are much less likely to ragdoll from kicking.
You can still throw em around with heavy weapons though.

Overall, if you're a Dying Light 1 fan, you'll likely appreciate this title as it does give you more "livability" in the world, through the sense you now make decisions that have impacts. Don't be scared from the RPG mechanics, I'd say game is mostly a RPG-Lite sort, so you got a RPG story, then the leveling is basically a simplified version of DL1. (I kinda do feel like it was a downgrade though on that portion. Leveling boils down to putting something into a combat tree or parkour tree.)

As a side note that I do find understated, this game does throw moral dilemmas to you where you got to question your own morality. I do like that, I feel like too many games just give you a good or bad decision to pick. This game seemingly doesn't do that for all I seen so far.
Публикувана 5 февруари 2022.
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0.0 изиграни часа
If you want a Vietnam experience like none other, get this CDLC. It's truly a fresh take on Vietnam and it's kind of bizarre to be saying that considering Unsung mod has existed for some time. Unsung is great but the fact these guys actually did as much community tied effort towards making this as they did, it paid off. They even worked with that team and some others. Many features you enjoyed in Unsung can be found too, especially the classic tossing nades out helos n such.
Nevertheless, I'll break down some of the new things to experience that I found fascinating and also technological feats.
The snakes you know in Arma now are venomous and seek you out whenever you stumble across them. There are multiple types of them as well, varying in patterns and colors.
There are meds to resolve being poisoned.
You can get sick with various illnesses and can take meds accordingly.
There is hungry and thirst, that can be quelled by rations and drinks.
There are very new fancy animations, the ones I love the most so far are for the 38 revolver and the M40 Sniper. They're very intimate, and like none other I have seen for Arma before.
The Napalm mechanic works actually pretty well and looks great, as opposed to janky. They also have very nice flame effects just for it.
Thatch housing can catch fire from crossfire and explosives.
Windshield wipers are functional.
Many RHS features that I'm sure we all love with cars are in here. I.e, doors, gear shifts, gas pedal stepping, ect.
Very fluid armament selecting system for vehicles, especially helicopters and jets.
Willy Pete works beautifully, as well as Agent Orange(?)
The cracking effects as you remember them from Arma 2 but higher quality are back. In addition to nicer sounding spent rounds falling.

And finally, on the Mike Force gamemode, the AI are actually super good. If you played Arma long enough, you'll know the AI's faults and quirks but in here, they're smart and know player-like strategy. In general, human-like thinking. Strategically using cover, ambushing, suppressing and flanking, pushing, securing areas, and more. It's a experience everyone has to witness at least once.
Публикувана 7 май 2021.
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