Critz & Giggles Tag: «CG»
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Critz & Giggles Tag: «CG»
10 de diciembre de 2009
ACERCA DE Critz & Giggles


Critz & Giggles is an Australian based gaming group.

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What a long, strange trip it's been.
December 10th, 2009
Critz & Giggles was formed. It was myself, Prince Barin and Matteh; we got together and decided to create our own little Australian TF2 community, in the hopes that we could meet new players and have fun playing games together.

We got ourselves a dedicated TF2 server and people started to flock over and play games with us (both TF2 and other games before too long). We were starting to get a nice little group of gamers together; many of whom I still regard as great friends to this day.

As a soon to be fresh graduate of university, I thought as a hobby I would put my skills to the test and start video production around the one thing I loved, gaming.
Before you knew it, I had a YouTube channel up which I dedicated to the fun gaming moments I would have with my friends.

Fast forward a little bit...
Suddenly it's 2016. The YouTube channel has a large subscription count, there's a loyal viewership and I've made so many friends, both within Australia and abroad!

While the TF2 content had lessened over time, I kept doing my bit to provide as much content as possible, in the forms of other games I play. I started playthroughs (both by myself and with friends). I even started streaming and fot the last year and a bit I've been streaming games with friends almost every Sunday and it's some of the best times I can recall in recent memory.

But alas...
Unfortunately, it's time to wrap the media side of things up.

With me progressing in my real life job some more, my beautiful partner Cass (aka FrostAngel) moving in with me and the future goal of marriage and family, I'm starting to run out of time to devote myself to streaming games on Twitch and putting out content for YouTube.

As much as I love doing this for the last 7 years, it's time I put it to rest.

So thank you very much to everyone that has supported either the YT and/or Twitch channel.
I really hope that you continue to support our gaming community and I, along with many others will still be around to play games with this great community :)

<3 Always


or you can simply add me on Steam :)

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Reseñas de Critz & Giggles
"Recommending you a variety of games, both single player and online versus / co-op titles."
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465 comentarios
Cesco 2 AGO 2017 a las 8:43 p. m. 
@Kaz thx
Scytale 4 JUN 2017 a las 5:19 a. m. 
anyone plays blackwake?
read my review if you haven't
thanks brothers and sisters
Kaz 23 MAY 2017 a las 7:52 p. m. 
@Cesco - Join the Discord channel if anything. We talk regularly on there and play games.
Cesco 23 MAY 2017 a las 6:28 p. m. 
are you guys back?
Scytale 3 ABR 2017 a las 12:36 a. m. 
I intro'd Cheng Han lel
政翰 31 MAR 2017 a las 7:09 a. m. 
Hi there guys, just joined the group from an invite from a friend.