STEAM GROUP bartervg
STEAM GROUP bartervg
November 25, 2014
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
ellipsism Aug 2, 2017 @ 4:21pm
Overview (start here)
What is ? is a web site that tracks your digital game libraries, wishlists and tradables from different stores. You can find those who have the games you want and if they've wishlisted your tradable games. Send offers, manage trades, and track feedback.

What is not?
It is not a store. For that, try r/GameDeals-approved stores,
It is not a giveaway site. For that, try Steamgifts[]
It is not for finding the best prices. For that, try IsThereAnyDeal[]

How do I get started?
You will need a Steam account and you will need to sign in through Steam to using OpenID.

In order to automatically sync your wishlist and library, set your Steam profile to public. If your profile is private, the collection will remain empty until you manually add games.

How do I setup collections?
Library and wishlist can automatically sync based on your preferences and when you complete an offer ( if your profile is public ).

For your tradable collection, if you have a trading list, you can copy and paste it to then click "+ Add List".

If you haven't organized your tradables, you can copy and paste directly from Humble Bundle or Groupees. Both sites allow you to hide already used keys. Before posting the list, you can test it at

You can also add tradables by the bundle at

How do I find a game?
Search or browse at

If you know the Steam appID or subID, or

I have a GOG / Origin / Uplay game. How do I indicate that?
The same games on different platforms are considered different items.

For example,
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on Steam ( ) is different from
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on GOG ( ).

If you have a non-Steam tradable, ensure that you select the correct item and not the Steam version of it. If the correct profile is missing, request the missing game

How do I find a particular user? or if you know their ID64,

How do I send an offer?
If you have at least 1 tradable on you can send an offer at

The offer page restricts offers based on the preferences and collections of the receipient. For example, if the receipient blacklisted the game, you won't be able to send it.

How do I know if I receive an offer?
Your sent and received offers are at

You can receive Steam message alerts and emails by adding Sasara to your friends list.

What do all the icons in the offers mean?
⇄ the number of active users on Barter with the tradable
★ the number of active users on Barter that wishlisted the game
✽ the number of bundles that the game has been in
[] the number of Steam trading cards
* the number of Steam achievement
:thumbup: the percent of positive reviews
🛈 link to the store page
ITAD icon link to IsThereAnyDeal

I accepted an offer, but I or my trading partner cannot complete the trade
Fail the offer

I accepted an offer, attempted an exchange, and lost a game or item
Fail and dispute the offer

What are events or auctions
Event FAQ An event is another way to exchange games using different auction types.

What if I have a suggestion
Post it in this topic

Or post a new topic in Feedback & Suggestions

Are there tools or browser add-ons?
Yes, see Tools & Developers

How do I use the data from ?
Many pages have a JSON version if you append /json/ to the end of the URL. Too many requests may result in a temporary ban. To reduce the likelihood of that, post a new topic here describing what you're trying to do. There may be more efficient methods available.

What if the site is broken?
Post in this topic

What if my question isn't answered here?
Seek help on the Discord: – depending on what it is about, the #general and #on-topic channels are usually good choices.
Or post a new topic in Help & Bugs and someone will respond sooner or later.
Last edited by luckz; Jun 29, 2022 @ 2:56pm
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Revadike Aug 4, 2017 @ 4:21pm 
Having one discussion is nice, but I really suggest using an issue tracker to avoid duplicate requests/feedback/bug reports. You could easily open a GitHub for Barter without any content.
Last edited by Revadike; Aug 4, 2017 @ 4:22pm
Milouze Jun 29, 2022 @ 5:16am 
Thought I'd find the Discord invite link in this thread, no luck :lunar2020sweatrat:
Kitiana Foxtail Jun 29, 2022 @ 8:19am 
Originally posted by Milouze:
Thought I'd find the Discord invite link in this thread, no luck :lunar2020sweatrat:

Just got to and scroll down to the bottom.
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