No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Volpij 4. des. 2016 kl. 1.34
Plutonium shortage
its just not fun. Plutonium is now way too rare. I have started 10 times over now because the planets I started on have no plutonium make the stuff more common please.
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Tactrix 4. des. 2016 kl. 1.50 
Survival mode? That's the only place where it's harder to find, and honestly I've found it, it's not rare per say, but you use SO MUCH of it to take off even once that it makes you plan your landings strategically.
Taff 4. des. 2016 kl. 1.53 
Just try to land on launch platforms whenever possible so you won't have to use the plutonium always. Don't use plutonium to power your weapons, use carbon instead. You'll need more of it, but it's easier to get.
Don't know how it's aat survival mode, but I always carry ~3k plutonium in my ship xD
Aikido 4. des. 2016 kl. 2.00 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Tactrix:
Survival mode? That's the only place where it's harder to find, and honestly I've found it, it's not rare per say, but you use SO MUCH of it to take off even once that it makes you plan your landings strategically.

Normal mode has also made it much more scarce. It used to be that with very rare exceptions, every cave you went into would be loaded with plutonium crystals. (Or crystals of some kind.) Now caves are often nearly devoid of it, and it's much harder to find on the surface of planets as well (so far) for me.

If it's useful for anyone and anyone is curious... rather than the lightning bolt isotope symbol, Plutoninum is now represented in scans by the Pu abbreviation.
Shidan 4. des. 2016 kl. 2.02 
I just buy a ton at space stations, most ships have 30-50 plutonium for sale each. And it's super cheap.

10 minutes of that and you've got enough to last you for a while. Especially if you still mine it whenever you find it out on the planets.
Erodon 4. des. 2016 kl. 2.49 
Max your scanner upgrades. I usually find some within range no matter what planet I'm on.

About crystals in caves: I think overall, yes, it's much rarer, for all crystals (plus you now need that Advanced Mining Laser upgrade to get most). As to Pu crystals in caves, I only ever found dense clusters of them (in caves) a handful of times in 100+ hours of playing.
svendregister 4. des. 2016 kl. 2.50 
Agreed, and remember to visit non yellow stars as they have more rare minrals .. i dont know if they have more plutonium though ?!
Tactrix 4. des. 2016 kl. 3.24 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Vamphaery:
Normal mode has also made it much more scarce. It used to be that with very rare exceptions, every cave you went into would be loaded with plutonium crystals. (Or crystals of some kind.) Now caves are often nearly devoid of it, and it's much harder to find on the surface of planets as well (so far) for me.

If it's useful for anyone and anyone is curious... rather than the lightning bolt isotope symbol, Plutoninum is now represented in scans by the Pu abbreviation.

I've had no trouble finding it on planet surfaces, that's where the majority of it is now.
bograt 4. des. 2016 kl. 4.15 
ive spent a few days stocking up and now ready to go, most plutonium does not show up on scans or from the air but if you walk about a bit there is plenty on most planets
wolfe 4. des. 2016 kl. 4.16 
Sounds like Survival mode just isnt for you, try going on normal for abit
🐾 4. des. 2016 kl. 4.19 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Fex:
its just not fun. Plutonium is now way too rare. I have started 10 times over now because the planets I started on have no plutonium make the stuff more common please.

Survival is not for everyone. Go play casual/normal you'll find plenty of plut there.
Volpij 4. des. 2016 kl. 5.29 
I am playing normal. I am no fan off survival mode.
Aikido 4. des. 2016 kl. 5.34 
Even on normal, it's definitely much more common for me now to run into situations where I have to walk a long, long way, and scan many, many times, before I find Plutonium. This is fine normally, but once in a great while, it means being low on other resources as well, and therefore risking being stranded.

Best policy: stock up before you set down on planets. It's definitely rarer.
wolfe 4. des. 2016 kl. 5.43 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Fex:
I am playing normal. I am no fan off survival mode.

Best advice for find res is to get your scanner upgrades done on your Multitool
Capt_Lycanthro 4. des. 2016 kl. 9.11 
I find there is always a lot more around me than it seems like there is when I'm desperate for it.
wim1234 4. des. 2016 kl. 10.52 
on every planet soafr i find them in lil shards that are NOT visible on the scanner so you need to look good around.
i am gald they made it rarer....i find more more than enough
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Dato lagt ut: 4. des. 2016 kl. 1.34
Innlegg: 24