Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Avanya 17/mai./2019 às 13:48
Mods Compatibility List [Campus DLC]
Campus releases the 21st which includes a free patch for everyone. This will likely break some mods, meaning your city won't load/work like it usually does. But don't worry, most mods update pretty quickly or can safely be removed, so you are unlikely to lose your city. Just don't panic and if you do open your save, don't save over the file - save as a new file instead just to be safe.

If you don't use any mods from the workshop or have been through patches before you likely know the drill and this post won't really be useful for you. It's intended to help players who aren't used to mods and patches through the update as smoothly as possible. If this is still all new to you and you have questions feel free to ask and I’ll answer them as best as I can.

If you play with a lot of mods
  • Don’t open your city or cities yet, but wait until most major mods are updated, so nothing breaks.
  • Keep an eye on this post and its links so you know which mods are updated.
  • Disable all mods and start a new city (make sure not to save over your other city!) if you want to check out the new features. This can easily be done by adding the launch option “-noWorkshop” (without the quotation marks)
  • Even if you have broken mods you might still be able to load your city, but depending on the mods things might be messy. If you do load without those mods, make sure to save as a new file just in case!

Will I be able to continue my old city?
Most likely yes, but it might be a few days depending on what mods you use. I'll help you figure out when you can safely start your city again.

Will ‘insert mod’ be updated?
Most likely yes - a lot of our awesome modders are working hard to get everything up and running again. But some mods will need larger fixes and as modders only have their free time, we might wait a while for some of them. Now is a great time to tell them how much we appreciate their work! And if there are already several comments mentioning the mod is broken, you don't need to comment. The modder knows and will update when they can.

Which mods are broken?

Partially working mods

Which mods do I absolutely need to load my city?
I don't have a complete list, but generally mods that add a network like Network Extensions 2, More Train Tracks, Metro Overhaul Mod, One Way Train Tracks and Extra Train Station Tracks are needed to load a city once you have used the networks they add in your city. If any of these are broken you'll have to wait for them to be fixed to load your city again. 81 tiles is another mod you'll need to wait for to be updated if you have used it.

Then there are mods like Traffic Manager: President Edition, any mod that changes population numbers, Ploppable RICO and Plop the Growables which you can load your city without, but it's not a good idea as your city will be chaotic at best and fall apart at worst.

A good way to determine how much you need a mod is to think of what it does. If it makes some big changes to how things work in game, removing it will cause problems. If it's something that makes things more convenient for you but doesn't really change how things function once in your city, it isn't a big deal to get rid of.

Still having issues?
You might have mods that broke before this patch - maybe last patch or long before that. I recommend checking out this list of broken and abandoned mods[] to get rid of any old ones you still have. It's a constant work in progress, so it may not be a complete list. See the tab at the bottom on how to use.
Última edição por Avanya; 24/jun./2019 às 1:55
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scpool1986 17/mai./2019 às 16:41 
With the number of elements that are going to alter the financials of the game, new expense and income sources as well as policies that impact the city’s budget, what do you think the possibility of mods that alter revenue in the game (like Higher Income Mod 1.2a) being impacted?
Cahos Rahne Veloza 17/mai./2019 às 18:16 
With the upcoming changes to Public Transportation management, with the Dev's implementation of IPT2 and Service Vehicle Selector's ability to choose vehicle models for bus lines, I do hope said mods wouldn't be affected that much.
Última edição por Cahos Rahne Veloza; 17/mai./2019 às 18:17
Meesmoth 17/mai./2019 às 18:16 
I don't mind how long I wait to continue my cities, I just let the modders do their thing while playing something else, but like with the previous Patch, I'll keep an eye out on threads like this.
Avanya 18/mai./2019 às 2:33 
Escrito originalmente por scpool1986:
With the number of elements that are going to alter the financials of the game, new expense and income sources as well as policies that impact the city’s budget, what do you think the possibility of mods that alter revenue in the game (like Higher Income Mod 1.2a) being impacted?

I'm not sure how the mod works, but I imagine it just might not affect the new buildings, while still doing its thing for the old.

Escrito originalmente por Cahos Rahne Veloza:
With the upcoming changes to Public Transportation management, with the Dev's implementation of IPT2 and Service Vehicle Selector's ability to choose vehicle models for bus lines, I do hope said mods wouldn't be affected that much.

IPT2 is having some problems (like a hot dog van spawning on a metro line), but surprisingly not as broken as I had expected with the new bus model selector. Service Vehicle Selector seems to be just fine and not impacted at all.
Meesmoth 20/mai./2019 às 5:20 
Is being helpful offensive? I wanna know why I can't help out on the new patch release. Everytime I wanna help, it gets backfired for some reason.

I can't believe only the top users only gets the spotlight, please be fair to other users who is just trying to help. Might as well unsubscribe to this forum since there is nothing I can do here to help.
Última edição por Meesmoth; 20/mai./2019 às 5:26
Metacritical 20/mai./2019 às 5:29 
Escrito originalmente por Meesmoth:
Is being helpful offensive? I wanna know why I can't help out on the new patch release. Everytime I wanna help, it gets backfired for some reason.

I can't believe only the top users only gets the spotlight, please be fair to other users who is just trying to help. Might as well unsubscribe to this forum since there is nothing I can do here to help.
Her other discussion about mods being broken by 1.12.0 was closed by a moderator just because the last poster couldn't be bothered to read all of the thread and must have complained. I saw nothing wrong with it.
Metacritical 20/mai./2019 às 5:38 
Escrito originalmente por EvilDaveCanada:
Her other discussion about mods being broken by 1.12.0 was closed by a moderator just because the last poster couldn't be bothered to read all of the thread and must have complained. I saw nothing wrong with it.
the last poster was the mod that closed the thread, read his/her reply again. there will be an official mod thread, just not Meesmoth's and his weird need to have a thread of his pinned.
I can see how moderators should have the power to pin or unpin a discussion BUT they should not have the right to just shut down a discussion that had an on-going dialogue going. JUST MY OPINION.
Avanya 20/mai./2019 às 6:39 
Escrito originalmente por Meesmoth:
Is being helpful offensive? I wanna know why I can't help out on the new patch release. Everytime I wanna help, it gets backfired for some reason.

I can't believe only the top users only gets the spotlight, please be fair to other users who is just trying to help. Might as well unsubscribe to this forum since there is nothing I can do here to help.

I don't know about your motivation, but for me these posts have never been about "getting the spotlight." I've done this since MT on Facebook, then for Industries I expanded to the official forums and this time I was asked if I'd do it again, which I was already planning, and this here is just a natural evolution of what I've been doing for the last many patches.

And I do this because I've noticed many CS players are new to the whole idea of modding and there's a bunch of misunderstandings and worry being spread, when it isn't needed. So I try to make some helpful posts to make things less confusing. :)

Besides, you can still help out! There's tons of mods and I'm not even familiar with all of them. Plus minor issues usually don't get spotted in the first tests, but as we start playing. Any reports and help figuring out if a mod is broken or has a new conflict with another mod is always welcome. I haven't had a post pinned here on Steam before, but I'm usually around anyways reporting what I find and seeing what others find. It's a community effort more than anything else. So I hope you stick around and help test things even if you aren't the OP of the pinned post this time. :)
Meesmoth 20/mai./2019 às 7:10 
Escrito originalmente por Avanya:
There's tons of mods and I'm not even familiar with all of them. Plus minor issues usually don't get spotted in the first tests, but as we start playing. Any reports and help figuring out if a mod is broken or has a new conflict with another mod is always welcome. I haven't had a post pinned here on Steam before, but I'm usually around anyways reporting what I find and seeing what others find. It's a community effort more than anything else. So I hope you stick around and help test things even if you aren't the OP of the pinned post this time. :)
Yes, I will still keep an eye out on some mods as I use a lot (some are minor such as Hide Policy Icons or Hide roadnames), like what I said on my first post on this thread above.

but like with the previous Patch, I'll keep an eye out on threads like this.
Última edição por Meesmoth; 20/mai./2019 às 7:11
Avanya 20/mai./2019 às 7:35 
Oh and in case anyone is wondering I plan to add the list of mods tomorrow. I just didn't want to add it too early in case some people started removing mods before the patch was live. But it will be with links ofc so they're easy to find. :)
NoirMoutton 20/mai./2019 às 10:29 
Agree. Folks need to exercise a little patience. The best plan is to unsub all mods/assets and start a new vanilla game. Going "back to basics", this will allow you to create a test city where you can try out the new dlc and see how it operates. Check the status of mod compatibility from time to time then when you are confident that all of your "must have essential" mods have been updated you can resubscribe to mods/assets and pick up from where you left off prior to launch date!
nS|Merodi 20/mai./2019 às 14:44 
Escrito originalmente por Avanya:
Oh and in case anyone is wondering I plan to add the list of mods tomorrow. I just didn't want to add it too early in case some people started removing mods before the patch was live. But it will be with links ofc so they're easy to find. :)

Hi Avanya,

I've done the last 3 or so mod lists, I don't mind doing this one (as I was planning to anyway), I only start my topic when the patch drops, so if you are going to do it, let me know and I'll step away.
Meesmoth 20/mai./2019 às 14:57 
Escrito originalmente por nS|Merodi:
I've done the last 3 or so mod lists, I don't mind doing this one (as I was planning to anyway), I only start my topic when the patch drops, so if you are going to do it, let me know and I'll step away.
I'm pretty sure there is a official one about to get posted, according to @Azure, that's why he locked my thread to prevent duplicate threads to avoid confusion.

Escrito originalmente por Azure:
As explained in the locked post, I shut it down for 2 reasons:
1) We'll be having an official post up shortly, and it's better not to have the confusion of duplicate lists/topics. This is standard practice for us, and it's not something to take offense over.
Última edição por Meesmoth; 20/mai./2019 às 14:59
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Publicado em: 17/mai./2019 às 13:48
Mensagens: 196