Portal 2

Portal 2

41 kommenttia
jam.lab1 23.7.2015 klo 12.07 
Pretty tricky. Fun map.
wildgoosespeeder 10.2.2015 klo 19.35 
I don't know why the portal surface that is surrounded by glass was just so picky. Seems like it needs the BEEMOD2 treatment using "magnet portals" (an entity that auto rotates and centers portals if the beam comes in contact with a portalable surface). Other than that, the map works but could be a bit more open in the laser field area. Why the lone turret?
dire.fcs 4.2.2015 klo 8.54 
Nice logic map
Mitzi Moo 31.1.2015 klo 3.23 
I was quite confused how to get up behind that laser beam wall. Because crouching was quite difficult[], had to get several times in and out till I got it. The rest was pretty easy though I don't know what's with that turret?
Petutski 16.11.2014 klo 19.31 
Nicely done. Logical and fun!
gotredonyou 10.11.2014 klo 15.38 
Fun! Enjoyed it
mikemoody 11.8.2014 klo 21.46 
Real good puzzle, a lot to do in a well made map. Thanks
BUG 11.8.2014 klo 8.00 
I enjoyed this map very much.
Liveforever94 11.11.2013 klo 18.19 
Nice map!
76561198050811374 2.11.2013 klo 4.04 
Your maps are always so fun, and just the right amount of challenge.

Also, I just finished my third map today! I'm looking for honest feedback on each of the three I've developed so far. They are designed to be fun, investigative maps. Typically, no antlines or signs to aide in what controls what, you observe and move forward. They aren't too hard.

iX's First Map: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190119837
iX's Tunnel Vision: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=190453846
iX's More Than Meets The Eye: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=191319956
kimist108 9.6.2013 klo 11.58 
Yea me!
Ebbzylon 11.1.2013 klo 14.59 
Another well polished map of yours. Though, this one was much easier than the average puzzle of yours.

Thumb up
Fetandrey 4.12.2012 klo 10.55 
Great map! +1 from me.
MachManX 22.11.2012 klo 21.38 
This one required some exploring to understand which direction to go in, but after that the rest was easy.

I can't believe no one popped this obvious question: What the heck is up with that turret? Pointless? Time-Out? Forgotten?
russozar 10.11.2012 klo 14.08 
Решение сначала казалось более замысловатым, но разрешилось все довольно-таки последовательно, без выделываний =)
risfutile 17.10.2012 klo 17.32 
it's not for COD players :P
Chokie 17.10.2012 klo 9.22 
How is this map possible cant figure it out
Mathey2009 14.10.2012 klo 23.53 
Hey loved the map. Thank you for this map!
I've got a map of my own I'm trying to get out there a bit, try it and leave a comment :)

Strategy 4: Knockoff
StIg 1.10.2012 klo 4.16 
Had me stumped for a while. Nice one.
fartoviy 28.9.2012 klo 23.27 
great starina
Captain Quakas 28.9.2012 klo 19.07 
This was almost too easy...
M.Rappold 27.9.2012 klo 21.24 
Great test. Not extremely challenging, but significantly more difficult than the average test I play on here.

For a real challenge, give my tests a shot. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039072474/myworkshopfiles/
rini 25.9.2012 klo 14.50 
Good test man. It preity easy but a good mid level test. I think I brouk the first part you can grab thing through the gate fencing.
Andi 25.9.2012 klo 14.07 
Very cleverly done. Not too hard, not too easy.... just right. I enjoyed it.

Try a couple of mine and see what you think.
Lt. Zipper 25.9.2012 klo 5.58 
each section was nice until the end.. out of ideas?
Traklad 25.9.2012 klo 3.38 
Not the most aesthetically pleasing puzzle, but the mechanics in it were solid, particularly the use of the laser field. Also, first good use of the frankencube I've ever seen haha
The Working Class 24.9.2012 klo 19.09 
That was very clever. Hard to figure out at first, but the rest was easy.
M1kke 24.9.2012 klo 13.38 
Good map, but I expected more phases. I found it only medium hard though. liked it!
mandydax 24.9.2012 klo 13.22 
I liked the cube retreival and the launch systems. Lovely mini-puzzles.
LostAstronaut 24.9.2012 klo 12.44 
Wow. That was fun but very challenging, it took many a rage before i figured it out!
Well done you have sucessfully acomplished the theme of portal with this map!
LexXx 24.9.2012 klo 11.04 
So cool! :)
Jade BGE 23.9.2012 klo 15.53 
Very cool. A new element for me was the maneuver with the red barier. Thanks for your work. I had fun with that.
shadow_lancer94 23.9.2012 klo 1.36 
how on earth could i take that cube out!!!its imposible!
CoachHines 22.9.2012 klo 22.05 
I actually found this one harder than most of your other maps...stumped me sumthin' fierce. Bravo!
izaq 22.9.2012 klo 14.27 
Easier than your other ones but good
≥The Compleat≤ Krong 22.9.2012 klo 10.42 
Liked the vertical laser field room. "What the heck is this for... ohhhhhhh, I see!"
NoobKillerRoof 22.9.2012 klo 8.24 
I like the way you used the funnel. Very good map.
1980 22.9.2012 klo 4.44 
a bit easier comparing with other puzzles of yours. Enjoyable enough, though :D
Jotta 22.9.2012 klo 3.47 
good one, very entertaining!

would you try mine? it's pretty challenging
DamCrit 21.9.2012 klo 10.57 
I agree with GodzillaMonster.. Very good puzzle! :)
Zavinious Akkol 21.9.2012 klo 10.52 
As usual, a good portion of Romb-ness.. trying to target whilst trapped in a funnel was a bit tricky, but overall very good.