Portal 2
76 comentarii
jandlml 21 mai 2017 la 19:38 
very sneaky,lol. great one!
sillymel 31 mart. 2016 la 8:15 
I really liked the part where you bounced gel on a faith plate .
Petutski 26 oct. 2015 la 20:28 
This is an excellent chamber! Especially the several reverse logic switches. The hardest part for me was cleansing the cube! Great work!
TS_Mind_Swept 4 aug. 2015 la 17:35 
There were some very frustraiting and finicky things in this one. Like the cube that kept dying even though it wasn't touching anything, the vertical laser that made it a real pain to go through the portal, then after all of that the ending was just a jump and a portal and it was over, not very satisfying. Plus that grate in between the 2 floor buddins was worthless, apparently you aren't supposed to be able to grab a cube through a grate anyway, so nice job using a glitch for a solution in a map when you could have avoided it by just not adding it. So ya, not really a fan of this one. 5/10
Tyr Anasazi 16 mart. 2015 la 7:56 
Excellent map, love the bouncy bouncy gel, nice touch
John Goodman (RU) 9 ian. 2015 la 21:42 
I'll add this chamber to my favorites.
The Sojourner 14 mai 2014 la 21:37 
True, but the real question is, when is VALVe going to fix it....

Anyway, aside from what is now a typical bug (probably due to the way the Hammer instance is set up), this test is fine.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 14 mai 2014 la 21:29 
Aware. Read description. Also, this has been a problem since day one when the Workshop went out of beta.
The Sojourner 14 mai 2014 la 20:41 
Intended to solve the chaber normally; cube slipped through grating anyway. VALVe!!...
kimist108 2 mart. 2014 la 19:10 
WOW! Had the cube on the button and decided it was time to use that faithplate in the enclosed room. Saw the grated surface and thought ????? Well, there are only 3 things that could go through it and the laser light would do no good. Super funny finish. Again, as with other maps of yours, close inspection of those antlines is needed.
Honest_Cake 2 ian. 2014 la 7:44 
Umm....I have no idea if I did it right, but... I solved it, so I am happy! And that last part... I didn't even know you could do that! Great map!
Nethseäar 20 dec. 2013 la 12:34 
Spectacular! You had me screaming at you in hatred and anger for a good long while at several sections. That made discovering the solution all the better! Well done! Takes a while to sort all the elements out, but I don't know whether that can be helped.
Velexia 24 nov. 2013 la 21:50 
Play my chambers, and then give me your analysis on them, and I'll take those thoughts into consideration, deal =) ?
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 24 nov. 2013 la 19:55 
I forgot to mention that "multi solution" tests often make it unclear what to do because there is too much "noise" in the chamber. Great test chamber creation is a subtle art that takes a long time to master. You have to find the right balance between explicit steps and subtle hints for the player to solve the test. I'm no expert but I see a difference in a designer's older tests with their newer tests. I've played some of Mevious's earlier work before the Portal 2 Workshop and I see his style and test creation has gotten better throughout the years.

There has been one test I have played that has two solutions to it but the second solution is very cleverly hidden while the first solution is what most players would think to do (looks like you have played it):
Velexia 24 nov. 2013 la 16:05 
I disagree with your view of multiple solution tests. In m case, I specifically create multiple solutions, allowing the player to set their own level of difficulty, and I leave room for creative solutions to difficult puzzles. It's not laziness. It's intentional design. It might not be a flavor you like, but that doesn't make it any more or less valid.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 23 nov. 2013 la 21:50 
As for your struggle, revisions can be made, but I got no ideas how to make better than the current version.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 23 nov. 2013 la 21:38 
This may have been excusable in the Portal 1 days because the mechanics were so interesting at the time but Portal 2, tests need to be more focused because of all the new and existing elements there are to explore and combine.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 23 nov. 2013 la 21:37 
The idea behind "single solution" tests is that the designer is trying to convey a concept with the puzzle elements presented in the chamber. Restrictions are in place to hopefully get the player to problem solve the way the designer intended the chamber to be solved. This sacrifices to some degree of exploration. When the test is finished, the player should feel that they had a rewarding experience completing the test.

On the other hand, the idea behind "multi solution" tests is that the designer is not even trying to do anything specific or unique with the test elements. This could be by accident of course because even I did not forsee somebody doing the test "this way". In some cases, they are just lazy or making excuses not to fix anything. There is exploration but the test misses the mark. The player feels like they cheated.
Velexia 23 nov. 2013 la 11:30 
Here is a video of my blind run, for your viewing pleasure. I did give up though (I was also extremely tired).

Velexia 23 nov. 2013 la 10:52 
Well, it's just my opinion. I watched Mevious' playthrough of it, and I can tell you, even knowing what to do... I don't want to do it. Doesn't look fun to me. If it's generally frowned upon to have multiple solutions, then I am not included in general ~_^

I stand for people who are against the idea that multiple solutions = broken.

To suggest that a "similar" solution is equivalent to multiple solutions, and could theoretically require fixing if you were bothered to do it... is disturbing, to me.

Anyway, I'd love to see your critiques of my two test chambers =3 (with video if yew can). I'd like to know what someone with your brain thinks of them =)
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 23 nov. 2013 la 9:51 
Actually playtests revealed that there are three ways to solve this test, especially to stop the cube from getting regenerated . Also it is generally frowned upon to have multiple solutions. Sure my test here has several, but I concluded they are similar in execution so no use fixing it.
Velexia 23 nov. 2013 la 0:18 
I tend to dislike maps like this, where there is one solution, and only one solution, and the designer has broken their back to make sure you can only ever solve it the one way they meant for it to be solved. It's like being railroaded on a train of thought, punished into conformity... and no chance that you'll have a unique experience (You'll either solve it in the only possible manner, or quit in frustration... with no alternative).
Velexia 23 nov. 2013 la 0:02 
I tend to dislike maps like this, where there is one solution, and only one solution, and the designer has broken their back to make sure you can only ever solve it the one way they meant for it to be solved. It's like being railroaded on a train of thought, punished into conformity... and no chance that you'll have a unique experience (You'll either solve it, or quit in frustration... with no middle ground).
Velexia 22 nov. 2013 la 23:58 
I liked the overall design of the map, but I felt like certain elements were just there to frustrate the player. I stopped playing after dealing with the Bounce Gel, Cube, Laser and Timed Pedestal Button a few too many times. (And a cube spawning and destroying itself across the map... over and over). I'm sure there's a solution, but I am too tired to be bothered at this point. Especially when dealing with a short timer and a bouncing cube. Meh.
srs bsnss 28 sept. 2013 la 1:13 
I liked this - it certainly brought in some really interesting ideas that I haven't seen before. If I had one complaint, it'd be that it's difficult to establish what does what, when first starting out. Other than that, really well done!
raycelbelmond 12 iul. 2013 la 4:32 
Yes it's a sneaky one. I had problem with the logic when i was supposed to loose my portals and i didn't. Nice job. The jumping gel is surprising. Try one of mine. Maybe ''Nelson'' or ''Denis'' Raycelbelmond
Some Korean Leader 9 iul. 2013 la 4:13 
Nice Map...i needed some attempts to solve this map..maybe you wanna try my first map
Dave 3 iul. 2013 la 7:06 
everything looks perfect jumping gel surpriced me a lot :D need more maps good as this :)
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 2 iul. 2013 la 15:00 
The tools are there. You just have to think of new ways to use them and push on with the limitations I imposed on this map. I wouldn't release something broken if I didn't test it first. If something slips through, mention it. I can fix it.
Jesus-II-le-retour 2 iul. 2013 la 4:30 
a very interesting map. Very well done. Thanks. The jumping cube makes me angry at the begining, and "no way" to clean it. arrrrhghrrhr :))). Hope you'll have a look on my first map
Have a nice day.
Dave 28 iun. 2013 la 9:16 
very well done level :) I like that part about water generator can block him self prety nice :) and all level was little bit tricky :) had problem with jumping cube :D
Bayram 26 iun. 2013 la 10:39 
This took me quite some time, spread over three sessions, to solve. I got frustrated from time-to-time, but now I feel pretty good, so thumbs up!

Please try my escape-themed chamber, " The Oubliette ". It is large and quite difficult, story-based (rather than puzzle-centric) with deadly traps.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 15 iun. 2013 la 9:36 
The part where you place portals to not hit the laser-activated cube dropper when getting the cube on the side with the blue gel, not intended but I have no idea how to fix that without exporting to Hammer. I think it is essentially the same thing as allowing the laser catcher to get hit by the laser but using the 12-second pedestal button to block the one laser to not fizzle the cube. That way when you are on the other side, you need to either block the laser in the corner where you first activate the laser after the aerial faith plate blue gel bounce or place a portal to not activate the ceiling laser catcher just before time runs out while the cube is on the right side.
Daddy Sparky420 15 iun. 2013 la 5:50 
yeah i loved it it is really hard that's the hardest map i think i ever play !!!
Daddy Sparky420 15 iun. 2013 la 5:09 
Try my map it is really hard Download here
Zoraya 14 iun. 2013 la 13:40 
I loved the visual style of this map. Very challenging puzzles in a compact room. Great work! I invite you to check out my new map if you like.
Not as challenging as yours but maybe enjoyable too.
Prototype 11 iun. 2013 la 4:19 
Nice puzzle, here is my blind run: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mm9qwwqs1z3g84s/sneaky.dem I actually kinda like the antlines coming out from the ceiling reciever.
fusorf 9 iun. 2013 la 11:43 
Very clever map ! I enjoyed playing it :)
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 8 iun. 2013 la 19:18 
Remember cubes block lasers. The laser stopping the gel blob was really a happy accident.
Kolgork 8 iun. 2013 la 17:13 
Yes, i figured out that from the begining (geting the cube out from where the laser was). wich was hard for me was to making work again the cleaning gel. in fact, i don't know if i did it as as intented, it was a bit weird the way i did. i managed to drop the box that cuts the laser that is desactivating the cleaning gel dropper. but (and this is what i thought it was buged or something, and with my poor english is hard to explain), the drop of cleaning gel got like... stucked in the dropper. i think the laser (don't remember why) was what was stucking the gel . I hope you excuse my bad english and you has understood me. If is necesary, i could record a video repeating (if i remember!) exactly how i did the chamber. Just if you ask me, because my internet is as poor as my english, but i could make the effort :)
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 8 iun. 2013 la 16:25 
The idea is for you and the cube to go through the portal as the laser shines through it (the cross fizzlers remaining disabled for that to be possible). The cube grating glitch allows cubes to go through a grate-covered portal surface as portals are placed one way. One can easily use this glitch to set the cube under the water dropper (or other grate-covered portal surfaces in this puzzle).
Kolgork 8 iun. 2013 la 6:24 
to say the truth, i was about to quit because i thought i "bugged" the chamber and the cleaning gel was "broken". Then, i figured out how to make it work again ^^. Very tricky, but i liked. Good job with this chamber, challenging but clear.
btw, i never used the grating glitch, can't even imagine how can be done in this one. And yes, valve should look into that.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 6 iun. 2013 la 23:41 
Depends on how the puzzle elements are configured. In this case, it makes it easier.
Blue 6 iun. 2013 la 18:24 
Cube grating glitch makes puzzles even harder to solve, because you have to make sure your cube won't go through any grating and, for example, gets stuck... It should really be fixed...
Same for portal bugs etc... I had no problem with figuring out the chamber's lining. I think you did very well on that one. Also the timed button was well timed. The last part with the gel bouncing on the faith plate was hard, actually it was very easy, but i had no idea it was possible... When i noticed the only thing i could use the tile for was for gel, it was easy. Great room! Keep up the good work! I think you might like some of my own chambers, feel free to test them :)
sex-haver 6 iun. 2013 la 11:30 
What is the Cube Grating GLitch?
stormsend 6 iun. 2013 la 0:59 
I went back in to try what you said and it works great. Thanks.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 5 iun. 2013 la 16:52 
Added two more seconds to the timed pedestal button. I'll keep tweaking the timer if needed. This is why I like blind playthroughs recorded somehow so I can identify problem areas.
tepdoolb 5 iun. 2013 la 0:33 
Great map took me a while to solve and about 10 min to even figure out where to begin (yes the map name helped with that). I would say though that the timer needs to be a little longer.
wildgoosespeeder  [autor] 4 iun. 2013 la 16:42 
Actually, you have the power to extend the time without me actually updating the map. Just remember that cubes block lasers. Although not intended to solve, once the cube is on the gel dispenser side, just make a mad dash to place the cube in front of the laser in the corner near where you activate the portal redirectable laser after the first faith plate blue gel bounce. Ultimately, the cube will stop its own demise, giving you more time to think what to do next.