Portal 2
GloomShine #16 (Cage)
41 件のコメント
SpielSatzFail 2019年2月16日 13時07分 
I was feeling a constant hazard of trapping situations, but I trusted you as a map creator and everything went smoothly. Nice 100% reuse of two elements.
If the laser catcher in the end powers the first laser field, then a question remains. The question is why ^^ Must be to prevent something.
I enjoyed the ride in the end and also liked the design of the outer chamber.
Thanks for creating :-) Thumbs up.
hfmanson 2019年1月26日 3時22分 
Nice level, except for "getting the ball" part
FinalDestiny 2016年10月21日 13時19分 
The best fun,thanks.
mood3rd 2016年4月9日 6時13分 
might be your best so far.
liked the i've done it. Ive opened the exit, but...
good tour of your design.
puzzle / fun / antlines :)
BUG 2014年8月25日 14時43分 
Very nice work. I enjoyed the play.
jam.lab1 2014年5月26日 11時29分 
Got to be one of the best games I played.. Great job. Took me about 4 tries to solved it.
Petutski 2014年4月19日 15時22分 
Again, quite an adventure. Thanks!
gloomshine  [作成者] 2013年7月30日 23時57分 
Thanks =)
Squonk 2013年7月30日 13時06分 
That was really good!
asminahipi 2013年6月13日 3時11分 
buen trabajo,gracias
kimist108 2013年5月22日 17時56分 
Super fun test chamber!
wildgoosespeeder 2013年4月8日 10時35分 
The laser catcher (the one visible in the above screenshot) I had no idea what it did. Antlines would be helpful. You may say it would only give a symbol or would be an antline confusing mess but I found out that how fizzlers and laser fields are oriented (mounting it to the left instead of the right for example) can make a difference where antlines start and end.
gloomshine  [作成者] 2013年4月7日 12時43分 
#18 and #19 are up now too
Hellraiser 2013年4月7日 11時38分 
That was really good! Definitely going to play the rest of the series (I've only played #17 and this one)
General Tzu 2013年4月2日 22時37分 
Ya'll Need Bird Jesus 2013年4月2日 22時18分 
You should put these all in a collection, it's really annoying having to subscribe each one.
Nube52 2013年4月2日 20時42分 
F-ing Amazing, Great depth of Underground; Fantastic Lighting and excellent, how shall I say, think of how to walk through walls puzzles. I was really worried whn so close to dooe "E" would not reach final button before ride but phew it did. Nice Job Try 1 of mine http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198082574081/myworkshopfiles/?620
Ryxen 2013年4月2日 13時37分 
Wanna test your skills?
Try my 2 new maps'

2 Player Co-op:
And a single player map.
1980 2013年4月2日 4時08分 
The last bonus rollercoaster was excellent. Good job :)
Alpharion 2013年4月1日 8時42分 
i love this map The final surprise is amazing. Very good job
Neebs 2013年3月31日 20時37分 
Fun idea, loved it. Maybe edit so there's some puzzle element once you exit the central chamber? I challange you to beat mine :P
I'd appriciate anyone playing though this and rating/commenting!
Slowmosexual 2013年3月31日 16時41分 
Then deliver them to the author instead of constantly posting them up here like a dickhead.
Slowmosexual 2013年3月31日 16時11分 
Nobody cares about your community map speed runs. Really.
EuroSong 2013年3月31日 6時32分 
That was pretty awesome! I love it how at the end you discover that the test chamber you're in is just a small room in the middle of a larger cavern !
ash79 [Linux] 2013年3月31日 5時44分 
Well done. Thumbs up.
OranBerry 2013年3月31日 1時53分 
obviously not...lol
gloomshine  [作成者] 2013年3月31日 1時50分 
Thanks for all the great comments and feedback. Hopefully I've modified and republished this map for the last time. =)
Oz Wizard 2013年3月31日 1時06分 
EliteHelgrind 2013年3月30日 23時38分 
I thought this one was really cool, especially the fun little roller coaster at the end. I will definitely check out your other maps :)
󰀉tempeh󰀉 2013年3月30日 15時06分 
I can't beat it. I get stuck at the faith plates, when I realize I can just drop back down and push the button to ride the faith plates again. And again.

Oh, and it's possible to stick a portal in the small room with the pedestal button without doing anything else first.
Johannes-im-Dampf 2013年3月30日 5時49分 
A nice one, but there is more than 1 way to solve.
oh_bootyshorts 2013年3月29日 20時49分 
very nice! i felt quite clever each time I figured something out. I also like the design you had for the area outside the grating :)
gloomshine  [作成者] 2013年3月29日 8時19分 
Thanks a lot. That laser catcher powered the 1st laser field.
Dim Allord 2013年3月29日 7時43分 
awesome map. but there was a laser catcher at the end that seemed to have no purpse unless it did.
--Andi--[AUSTRIA] 2013年3月29日 7時21分 
Mr Fraggle (UK) 2013年3月29日 2時09分 
Another excellent map.
Romad 2013年3月28日 22時18分 
Very well done and lots of fun ! Romad
your friend 2013年3月28日 11時44分 
Bayram 2013年3月28日 7時33分 
Another very enjoyable chamber from GloomShine. Thumbs up! More difficult than sone of the others, but still very approachable when you think with portals.
Please try my chamber "With a Little Help From My Friends", which is getting some good comments : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=129695994 .
markl69439 2013年3月26日 17時49分 
The end looked very hard, But was super ez.........
Phrendon 2013年3月24日 19時04分 
Tricky. Took me over an hour. Nice job.