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Shadow Ops LW2 Class Pack
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25 fev. 2017 às 14:10
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Shadow Ops LW2 Class Pack

Shadow Ops LW2 is a gameplay overhaul that replaces the Long War 2 classes with eight new classes. Requires Long War 2 to play.

Each class in Shadow Ops LW has two main paths with distinctly defined battlefield roles and strong synergies between perks. That doesn't mean that you can only build soldiers along those paths, though - every ability is useful in the right situation.

Combat Engineer
The Combat Engineer carries a shotgun and a grenade launcher for maximum destructive potential. Go down the Pioneer path to blow away cover with Breach and deal devastating criticals with Precision Shot and Aggression, or take the Sapper path and clear obstacles with Demo Grenades and protect allies with Dense Smoke.

The primary defensive class, the Dragoon's signature GREMLIN ability Shield Protocol grants allies damage-absorbing energy shields. Build a Paladin to stand in the front lines absorbing damage with Tank and blowing away cover with a cannon Barrage, or create a Ghost to go undetected with Covert and cloak allies with Stealth Protocol.

The Hunter's unorthodox combination of sniper rifle and sword makes them deadly at any range. The Marksman path can execute devastating ambushes with First Strike and then vanish with Fade, while the Tracker can fight on the run with Snap Shot and Double Time while detecting enemies beyond line of sight with Tracking.

The Infantry's job is simple: shoot enemies. Bring a Rifleman to rain bullets with Light 'Em Up and take precision arc thrower shots with Stun Gunner and Electroshock, or take a Support to provide constant overwatch with Ready for Anything and extra healing with Field Medic.

The main problem with the Juggernaut is deciding how to kill the enemies: with a cannon plus the gauntlet's rocket launcher and flamethrower, there are a lot of options. Go Strike for close-range flamethrower and cannon destruction with Quickburn and Eat This!, or Siege to fire rockets and bullets at enemies beyond visual range with Fire In The Hole and Squadsight.

A dedicated scout class, the Recon is well suited for either small-team stealth missions or supporting larger squads. The Vanguard excels in flanking with Hunter's Instincts and Shadowstep, while the Spotter stays hidden with Covert and paints enemies with the holotargeter with HiDef Holo.

The Scrapper is a close-quarters combat specialist. Its signature ability, Bull Rush, can stun an enemy unit from anywhere in dash range. The Thug follows up with powerful shotgun attacks with Close and Personal and Hit and Run, while the Brawler prefers to finish foes off with the combat knife with Bare Knuckle.

The Survivalist is a defensive sniper, able to neutralize multiple enemies each turn. Its backup sawed-off shotgun makes it quite capable at short-range combat, too. The Sentry can take overwatch shots even after firing or moving with Watchful Eye, while the Raider strikes panic into enemies' hearts with Fearsome.

Special Thanks
DerBK and TheProfessional, for design review of the LW2 version.
robojumper, for help with animation and graphics.
.vhs, for beautiful perk icons.
Varyar1g, for playtesting the LW version.
MantLemon, for the simplified Chinese translation.
Вecё/\b|й Kpo\/иk, for the Russian translation.
Everyone who played the Shadow Ops Class Pack for great feedback.

Q. Is Shadow Ops LW compatible with my existing mods?
A. Yes, Shadow Ops LW is compatible with almost all mods. It is not compatible with other Shadow Ops mods. There is a known incompatibility with the Reliable Smoke mod.

Q. Can I use this without replacing the Long War 2 classes?
A. Yes. Remove all lines starting with "+LWClasses" from XComGameCore.ini in the mod's Config directory.

Q. You did a balance update that changed perks. How do I fix my soldiers to have the right perks?
A. First, enable console commands if you haven't already. Open the soldier view for the soldier you want to change perks on in the armory, then open the console with "\" and enter "respec". This will reset all the soldier's perks and allow you to select new ones.

Q. Can I make a remix of this, or reuse your code and art in my own mod?
A. Yes! I love seeing what other people can make from my stuff. All I ask is for appropriate credit.
Discussões Populares Ver todos (6)
4 fev. 2023 às 5:12
Balance discussion
1 jan. 2022 às 2:53
Bug reports
17 set. 2017 às 2:23
Playing these with the original LW2 classes
457 comentários
Rusty | SkyPaladin 4 fev. 2023 às 4:13 
I'm playing LWOTC and have both sets of classes at the same time, which INI do I need to edit to remove the classes I don't want? I prefer Shinobi over Scrapper, there seems to be no point to the class. Hunters are way too OP and probably should have knives not swords and maybe even regular rifles (Strike Rifles from other mods are a nice compromise). Recons also seem useless, maybe give them sniper (or strike) rifle or stun gun? Dragoon healing ability is buggy, is there a way to replace it with regular Spec healing through INI / console?
4rrakis 6 jan. 2023 às 9:55 
The mod description says nope.
Loukha 6 jan. 2023 às 9:50 
Is it possible to play this mod without Long War ?
SuperDigga 13 abr. 2020 às 2:09 
Dont know if i have mentioned it but this mod hides defense value. So thats a no go from me sry.
Gratchoof 20 mar. 2020 às 4:24 
Half way through a campaign using this mod and some others.

Noticed things seemed to be getting slightly easier / enemies missing more than expected, and realised that my one dragoon with Inspiration is bugged.

It is classed as a "persistent effect" when you hover over the green arrows when on a mission, and the issue is it is too persistent.

People who end a mission within 12 tiles of the dragoon get the buff permanently, and it gets reapplied over the top on the next mission.

I have a grenadier who has +60 will and +60 dodge now because this keeps stacking.

Now, my concern is that the other skills in the dragoon tree for that tier seem to be coded the same and count as a persistent effect.

Would the +10crit chance keep stacking from sensor overlays?

Would the 10% reducted detection radius and 5% reduced infiltration time keep stacking from ECM?

Anyway to fix this?

I have tried looking in the save file but its jibberish to me, and not sure what else to do!
Online Addict 14 mar. 2019 às 6:22 
Nvm, seemed it fixed itself somehow today
Online Addict 14 mar. 2019 às 1:53 
Okay, something is screwed up and I'm kicking myself in the arse. I wasn't seeing 'Recon' so I thought about re-subbing to the mod to try and refresh the files, but now I'm not seeing the mod AT ALL. It doesn't even download when I select 'Subcribe'. It's really going to suck if I can't use this mod anymore. Please help.
Tether Me Daddy 10 mar. 2019 às 1:57 
Hi, i only use dragoon and recon, and i have other classes disabled.
problem is op awc skills from those classes keep showing up for my normal soldiers.
Is there a way i can completely disable all awc skills from this pack?
And can i do that mid campaign?
Apologies if it's been asked before.
xylthixlm  [autor] 22 jan. 2019 às 21:20 
You are welcome to use code and art from Shadow Ops with credit. It's actually in the FAQ. :)
Respect 22 jan. 2019 às 5:09 
Hey guys, I love this mod - I've played it for literally hundreds of hours and it has some of my favorite skill trees to date (such as the Hunter's Stealth tree). Thank you! I'm making a mod with 10 new LW2 classes, and I could really use your help. I'm also officially asking for your permission to use a few of your abilities with my classes (I'll credit Shadow Ops, if that sounds alright). The full spreadsheet of what I'm trying to do is found in this post: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1128707437/1744483505473343477/
I also am seeking help to various questions to things I encounter as I'm a beginner developer, here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/discussions/18446744073709551615/1744483505480980666/?appid=268500