
Kix 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 1.0 小时
Terribly optimized and crashes constantly. Don't even know if the game is fun cause it's still completely broken after so much time.
发布于 2023 年 12 月 9 日。
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总时数 40.9 小时 (评测时 38.4 小时)
I hate every second that I'm playing this game, which is why this is one of the best games I've ever played. I get a nauseating feeling whenever I even think about playing this game, but I can't stop and I won't stop.I spent three days watching the stock prices for the brains I harvested from dead police officers climb so I could sell them off and buy an extravagant suit that makes me instantly die from any damage I take. I'm not going to pretend I understand this game because one does not simply "understand" cruelty squad. This is a game woven together by Finnish dark magic. And it is beautiful in the most revolting way.

But in actual seriousness this is probably one of the best FPS games out there unironically. There is more to this game than its absolutely disgusting graphics and music (and trust me, they are revolting in both the best and worst of ways). It's not a game for everyone, but beneath the sewage and the crust and the fleshrats is an extremely unique and memorable game that will for better or worse stick with you for a long time.

I should mention that I dont recommend going into this game blind. Watch a video or two or keep the wiki open if you value having some sanity left after playing this game. Also the gameplay might feel obtuse at first but as you play more it gets a lot easier and actually plays smoother than most AAA FPS games.

10/10 This game makes my eyes water and my intestines wither.
发布于 2023 年 8 月 11 日。
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总时数 157.3 小时 (评测时 101.3 小时)
Teardown is a fantastic game, with an incredibly impressive engine and an expansive modding community. Very highly recommend.
For people looking to get the game, do note there were a couple false flags that put me off in the beginning.
The campaign has a very rocky and slow start. It's a bunch of heist missions in the beginning rather than demolition (which is what I was hoping for and expecting). By default, all of the cool tools are locked in sandbox until you've unlocked them. You can, luckily, change this in the settings. You can also increase the max health, which I found necessary. I quit the campaign for a while because I was just quite bored of it, but I was convinced by a friend to go back into it and try again. To my relief, once you get past the beginning the game picks up a lot. There's some very cool missions in the campaign and I actually got a bit invested in the story, albeit is a very simple one. Once again there's a couple low points later on as it gets back into boring heists, but overall the campaign wasn't as bad as I first thought.

The real highpoint of this game, obviously, is its engine. There's a couple lag issues with lots of debris (I recommend a mod that helps clean it up) which could be a problem for lower end computers, but I encountered almost zero bugs and its a very polished experience. The demolition mechanics are a ton of fun, vehicles drive well enough for a game about breaking things, and I've found quite endless potential for entertainment goofing around in the sandbox.

The vanilla game offers a diverse range of tools, which if you're more interested in the sandbox/demolition aspects I heavily recommend unlocking automatically so you can use them in the sandbox right away. However, the steam workshop has SO many quality mods on it that I feel like I could spend more time downloading all the cool ones than actually playing them. This is one of those games where installing a ton of mods really can't hurt the experience - it's just more stuff to blow up or blow things up with. They've just recently added a mod spotlight thing built into the game and so far everything I've seen on it is very well made.

Overall, very good game. Some flaws for sure, especially in the beginning of the campaign, but once you're past those its highly entertaining.
发布于 2022 年 10 月 28 日。
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总时数 84.8 小时 (评测时 68.2 小时)
An absolutely remarkable game that well exceeded my expectations in perhaps every regard. Do note that it is essentially impossible to describe this game in any aspect without spoiling it, and spoil it I do not wish to do, but I must give at least some small spoilers ahead to discuss the game in any detail.

This game is not what it appears on the tin - and in my opinion, I think it's all the better for it. But, do not expect the game to end in the infamous cabin where you begin. The gameplay changes up heavily throughout the game's different acts. There's dozens of secrets to find and while not essential to complete the game it very much rewards the curious explorer for their pursuits. The game is also peppered with plentiful humor that never gets in the way, and a truly climactic ending that touches off the whole journey I'd say rather spectacularly.

Excellent game, very few if any issues with it. Very polished, very fun, although not terribly challenging really. Perhaps my favorite game of 2021.

(Also worth noting there's a free expansion that as of the time of this review is in open beta that transforms the opening act in the cabin into a proper roguelike experience, which is also quite nice to see and I look forward to spending even more time with that)
发布于 2022 年 1 月 14 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 1,747.1 小时 (评测时 806.2 小时)
Tower defense games are a bit of an odd genre for me. So much bloat and copy/paste, but when you find a good example it usually stands out. I would say the bloon tower defense games are probably the best tower defenses out there. A bit quirky, but honestly I think that's part of the charm. BTD5 will always hold a special place in my heart, I played the hell out of the flash version (R.I.P.) in the past. BTD6 is definitely a direct upgrade from BTD5 though.
When you go into BTD6, don't expect amazing balance. This game has some crazy upgrades that are practically instant wins. But, this is true for all of the BTD games. The most entertaining part isn't grinding every map with the same broken strategy, but experimenting with all the crazy combinations. There's definitely some hardcore maps that you'll have to really put some strategy into, but for the most part once you find that one strategy that clicks nothing is really too far out of reach.
There's a lot to do in BTD6 as well. The knowledge tech tree has some really interesting upgrades in it, beyond just the boring "5% extra attack speed" nonsense at the top. There's a ton of heros with completely different playstyles that you'll probably be working on unlocking for a while, and some cosmetics for them too. CO-OP in this game is a lot of fun as well, though the rewards are pretty pathetic.
If you're a fan of the BTD series or just tower defenses in general, I would definitely recommend BTD6. Not a lot of stuff to really complain about honestly, love the game and I've gotten a ton of hours out of it.

TL:DR monke game good
发布于 2021 年 1 月 25 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 1 月 25 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 369.6 小时 (评测时 369.0 小时)
This game is a mystery to me. I... maybe I'm just too small brain for this "game", but I can't really say I enjoyed my experience with Kerbal Space Program. I went in expecting a fun, entertaining, semi-sandbox space ship building simulator, and instead I got a math homework assignment. Beyond the immeasurable quantities of bugs this game suffers from, the actually gameplay of KSP is more like a chore. If I wanted to simulate the experience I get from KSP irl, I would grab a sponge and spend 3 hours making my bathroom spotless, and at least by that I did something productive.
So yeah, can't say I recommend KSP. It's a buggy mess, not much I can say in that regard that hasn't been said a million times already, and I get more fun out of watching paint dry than actually trying to do something in this game.
发布于 2020 年 11 月 23 日。
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有 19 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 11 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 592.1 小时 (评测时 589.4 小时)
I have to say after the decent amount of time I've sunk into this game, I honestly can't recommend it. It's an interesting concept for sure, and your first couple runs will definitely be fun... but like all tower defense games, this one comes down to the same sort of core principle, it's basically the same game over and over and over and over. The difference here however is the balance is beyond broken and the core gameplay loop is more mundane than entertaining. Everything is either a cakewalk you can leave running in the background while you afk, or impossible unless you've grinded (which of course is really boring since there's so little variety in gameplay) beyond comprehension. Bosses are either pushovers or nightmares, and there's basically no inbetween. Every game's start is the same too, you do the same process over and over. Unlike your typical tower defense however, experimenting isn't really an option. There's not a lot of variety, just some occasional map limitations that make runs more boring rather than more challenging. It's too complex to feel rewarding and mostly just feels like a punishment when some overpowered boss comes and demolishes a defense you physically couldn't have made any stronger, but too mundane to actually be entertaining for the few times you have the mental will to actually try it.

I wrote this review when 6.0 was in beta, but now that 6.0 is out... my opinion has not changed at all. Even worse, the game seems to have gotten buggier and far more unstable, which is a bit counterintuitive. I remain somewhat hopeful, this game has a lot of potential. It's just... not there. It's far from there. I still can't recommend the game in its current state, but I hope somewhere along the line there's an update that changes my mind and really brings a great change.
发布于 2020 年 11 月 7 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 1 月 25 日。
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有 54 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 5 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 248.1 小时 (评测时 131.7 小时)
This game is a masterpiece of the finest kind. Not only did this game practically define my childhood, but it is pure gold in its own right. The world needs more of this witty, sarcastic, and just totally insane and unpredictable humor. All of the Henry Stickmin games, from BtB with literally only 6 options to CtM with unimaginable amounts of options, hold up to this day, and the remastered artwork makes literal stick figures look like masterpieces worthy of being hung in a museum for the world to see.
That being said, I would only recommend this to people who played the Henry Stickmin games when they originally came out and have fond memories of the game. While this game certainly doesn't need that silver lining of nostalgia to be enjoyable, it is a certainly better experience if you remember playing these games in pure awe eons ago. A lot of the humor is references to other media, and unless you remember the sources of said references when they were still relevant most of the humor there will be lost on you. Though, I think this goes without being said.
Frankly, these aren't games, they're an experience. An experience certainly worth the time and money mind you, and I enjoyed every second of grinding this to 100% looking for those last few pesky bios that escaped my grasp. It certainly speaks volumes when you can watch the same scene over and over trying to click on a guy who only exists on screen for less than a second without ever once getting bored of rewatching it.
10/10, revisiting the Henry Stickmin series and finally seeing the conclusion(s) I never actually expected to get has certainly been worth it.
发布于 2020 年 8 月 15 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 2,648.4 小时 (评测时 173.1 小时)
FTL is perhaps one of the best game I've ever played, and I've been an active member of it's modding scene for over 4 years now. Few games I think can really reach this level of, for lack of a more scientific or elevated term, "pure awesome". Is it perfect? Far from it, but it's beyond competent at what it does and for every little nitpick I've gathered over the years of digging through the game code not a single one truly detracts from the experience.
FTL is pretty damn hard when you start off, but that's the name of the game. FTL without the difficulty wouldn't be FTL, and despite the somewhat heavy RNG (not really more than you'd expect from a rougelike though) failure usually feels like a fault on the player. It's truly a joy to not only master this game, but to also experience all there is to see. There's quite a lot of content that chances are you won't find everything even after hundreds of hours of playing, so much so that even I continue to discover new things now and then even though I've analyzed this game to its core.
So yeah, I heavily recommend this game, but don't go into it expected to get a win on the first, or second, or third, or 20th try. There's people who take hundreds of runs to get a single win, but it's all worth it. There's 28 player ships with different equipment, gimmicks, and difficulty levels to experiment to, and lots of things to find in the immersive galaxy this game provides.
Now go play the game.
发布于 2018 年 7 月 21 日。 最后编辑于 2020 年 11 月 9 日。
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