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0.1 hrs on record
The creator of this game spent 100 dollars to publish it on steam. The game doesn't run higher than 77 FPS and also has a bug where if you click on the egg and release the mouse button off the egg the egg will not return to it's normal size.

The DLSS also causes the egg to be super blurry when it scales on click.

There are no mechanics aside from the number increases by 1 when the mouse button is released and is over the egg.

I understand this is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ but you need to spend 100 dollars to publish on steam, so this was a really expensive ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Posted March 21.
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96.3 hrs on record (27.6 hrs at review time)
Better than WoW and Destiny 2 combined. I wish this was an MMO.

Posted March 20.
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0.1 hrs on record
Needs players.
Posted January 3.
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21.3 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
I was super excited to play and support the devs. I was sure things were going to be different, and that this was going to be the Baldur's Gate 3 of F2P FPS games.

Sadly, you dropped the ball.

It's a free to play game. You deserve to make money. You don't deserve to make money using the systems you implemented. The game is monetized in the same exact was as Overwatch 2, with the only difference being that weapons are not locked behind the battle pass.

The Battle Pass
Why must every game have a battle pass? For the love of god, I'm so tired of them. You could have taken notes from Halo and done away with the FOMO. It's already bad enough that you are charging people money for the opportunity to grind towards rewards, but when the battle pass ends, you can bet the rewards you purchased are going to be gone.

There's also the free part of the battle pass. The ratio and quality of free rewards to premium rewards is identical to Overwatch 2. Free players can earn very little premium currency through the free levels, and instead of the premium pass being layered on top of the free one, it replaces it. Instead of earning a tiny trinket every level, free players will only earn something every 4-6 levels, and it's usually some stupid sticker or particle. There is only one skin in the free tier that people care about and it's the diamond pistol.

Obviously you guys want money, and the free battle pass being ♥♥♥♥ isn't a massive problem. It just kills motivation for F2P players and will make them not want to spend money in the future.

A fun game like the finals doesn't need a battle pass to make people come back to playing it. The fact that it is fun is enough for everyone who isn't lobotomized.

Here's how you can fix it if you MUST have a battle pass:
  • Layer the premium pass on top of the free pass. That way, you will earn SOMETHING every level, whether it be coins or random little trinket nobody cares about. This will help boost motivation for free players and will put them in a better mood to spend money.

  • Don't let the battle passes expire. Be like Halo Infinite. Allow people to swap freely between battle passes. It's too early to see if they will do this, but judging by how they haven't made it a massive PR win to tell players that their purchases will not expire, I doubt this was their intention.
The Multibucks
I want to purchase things with money. I would have been more than willing to drop $6 to get a helmet for my characters on launch, but you guys once again dropped the ball here too. When will developers realize that if you implement virtual currency, people get turned off from participating in microtransactions?

Here's a more detailed example for those who are either too young or don't understand the psychology behind why games have these premium currencies:

Whether it’s Clash of Clans Gems, Overwatch Coins from Overwatch 2, Multibucks from The Finals, Silver from Destiny 2, or Runestones in Hearthstone, they all serve the same purpose: to blur the line from your money to what you are buying.

Premium currency serves more nefarious purposes, however. For starters, they are often dropped in small quantities for free players. This defines a perceived amount of value for the coins. A player will look at how long it took them to earn the coins from playing the game, and make a quick conversion of time to money. The goal here is for players to start looking at items in the shop as “how long do I have to play to unlock that”, and “how much time would purchasing this amount of coins save me”.

Aside from the psychological evidence that suggests that introducing a premium currency “middle man” makes players more likely to forget the actual amount of money they are spending, there are other nasty psychological tricks coins use. For starters, you cannot give a value of money and get a 1-1 conversion of money to coins. You must purchase bundles of coins. These typically go in steps of $5 - $10 - $20 - $50 - $100. The larger bundles give more “bonus coins”. These are only bonuses if you could make a 1-1 conversion of coins to USD. Typically 1 coin is 1 US cent, so consumers will see the higher bundles and assume that they are getting something like 30 dollars worth of coins for free. This is an illusion brought upon by the fact that you can’t actually buy the amount of coins you actually want and need.

Suppose you want to purchase something that costs 1,600 coins. You look at the bundle options. You have a $5 bundle for 500 coins, a $10 one for 1,150 coins, a $20 one for 2,400 coins, a $50 bundle for 6,250 coins, and lastly, a whopping $100 bundle that gives you 13,000 coins. You observe these calculated offers, and say, “well, I only need 1600, but that isn’t offered, so I’d need to get the new higher up one. But wait, that’s really expensive and nothing in the shop costs the leftover 800 coins. What if I just get the $10 pack and the $5 pack. I’d be left with 300 coins leftover and nothing in the shop costs 300 coins, but hey, I only had to pay $15 dollars for something clearly worth $16 and I got 300 bonus coins from it.”. This is the start of a vicious cycle of the game holding your money for ransom. You could stop now, but you have three dollars worth of real life money in the game that you can’t extract. Letting that sit there would be a waste, so I need to buy another bundle so I can get something else from the shop, and the cycle repeats itself.

Here's what you can do to solve this problem:
  • Keep the currency to allow free players to get things from the shop, albeit at a much slower rate.
  • Allow everything to also be purchasable with real money.

The Shop
The cosmetics are expensive, but that's not a problem. The multibucks are what make the shop unusable. The rotating shop also is a small problem because it introduces more "FOMO" mechanics. "Buy now because you don't know when the item will return".

Here's what you can do to solve this problem:
  • Don't make the shop rotate.
"Shut up, I don't care, I'm having fun"
Fantastic! So am I. I don't want you to stop having fun. I want the developers to be ethically rewarded for their work and for us players to have a simple, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ free way of supporting them. I want to spend money on this game, but I can see straight through all your tricks and it puts me in a terrible mood to spend money. Will you please just take my $6 and do away with the premium currency?

This is a sentiment I've heard a lot. People tore Overwatch 2 apart because of it's monetization, but this game is nearly identical as a product. The only difference is that this game is actually fun, unlike Overwatch 2. A lot of my friends basically tell me to shut up and that they don't care when I bring up the monetization. It's possible to have a great game with problematic monetization. Just because it's not pay to win and just because the transactions are option doesn't mean it's okay.

Just because somebody sees through the industry tricks does not mean they are poor or don't want the devs to make money.

Embark Studios, Please remember this. You are industry veterans so you should know this: Happy customers who feel like they are respected does not necessarily equal more money, but it ensures the money is not blood money.

We as players need to have higher standards for how games are monetized.

That being said, on a positive note, this game's gameplay is a masterpiece and is incredibly fun. Keep up the hard work, developers.
Posted December 7, 2023. Last edited December 8, 2023.
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457.4 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
As of season 10, the developers removed the pay-to-win element that they introduced at launch. As such, the game is a 6/10. It's still impossible to get cosmetics without paying, but that's not a huge problem now that heroes are free.

Some suggested changes to make this product a 10/10:
  • Allow the activation of old battle passes.
  • Limit the price of skins to a maximum of 15 dollars.

OLD REVIEW: (previously negative)
This game is pay to win. You can either pay 10 dollars to unlock the new hero, or grind until level 45 in the battle pass.

If they removed that, the game would be a 6/10. However, with this pay-to-win element, the game is a 0/10. The game is also terribly balanced, Open Queue is really unfun and role queue isn't fun either because I may want to switch roles mid-game. 6v6 was more fun than 5v5 because it translated to less individual responsibility.
Posted August 10, 2023. Last edited March 20.
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9.7 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Very powerful tool!

... that I have no ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ clue how to use yet.
Posted April 29, 2023.
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0.1 hrs on record
Doesn't run anymore.
Posted December 29, 2022.
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3.8 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
There are bugs, but aside from that, it looks amazing. Some bugs NVIDIA might want to fix are:

- Half the personality cores don't speak
- Game crashes when completing the game
- No automatic respawn
- Steam overlay won't close once opened
- Most achievements don't work

Despite being buggy, it's nowhere near as bad as other AAA games released in the modern day. Plus, it was free, so we aren't owed anything. I recommend this game. Thank you for participating in the Aperture Science Computer Aided Enrichment Activity, NVIDIA! I can’t wait for you to give other Valve games more love than Valve themselves.
Posted December 8, 2022. Last edited December 8, 2022.
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7.0 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
I can roleplay as Wreck-It Ralph. ∞/10

Seriously though. I don't understand how this game works from a technical standpoint. This is (literally) a groundbreaking game. What engine does this use?

I also can't believe I got it for just $16. This is the best purchase I've ever made. This is easily one of my favorite games of all time. I'm speechless.
Posted December 6, 2022.
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23.3 hrs on record (18.3 hrs at review time)
Awesome game. Only downside is the AI is somehow worse than Half Life's.
Posted December 4, 2022.
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