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Recenzii recente de 🍒Cherry🍒

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I think the idea itself and characters (primarily rambley as he's the one who gets most time for us to get to know throughout the chapter) seem to be enjoyable. I did see a few people say that they did not enjoy him, personally I think it's a good character that can become better or worse as the chapters develop.

For things I didn't like though, it's mainly the whole chase thing and killing off one of the characters before even giving us time to get any sort of attatchment to it.

Besides that, there was a few weird bugs (or so I'd assume) such as some textures looking bad even though I've been playing on highest settings, being able to solve puzzle code before even unlocking the code without 3rd party info (i.e watching yt vid and seeing the code), or being able to see Mollie walking in place in one part during the chase where you're dropping down (somewhere near the end if I remember correctly)

In addition (and that is just me but I feel like it should be acknowledged regardless) the strange design choices. Such as making doors and ticket gate open one way, no matter from which side you're going through them, or obstacles that you can climb onto and could realistically hop over to the other side (i.e when you first enter the park and are meant to pick up the band, the right side ticket gate has invisible barrier even though you could just walk over the obstacles to bypass said gate)

Overall: The game is nice intro, but could've used more polish before being released
Postat 19 mai.
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Great game that I loved since playtest phase back in summer of 2023.

Sadly it does have a few things that bother me such as the lack of usage for NPCs other than meaningless talk. You used to talk to them to upgrade weapons/armor.
Lack of crafting said armor and weapons is also upsetting as the only way to obtain them now is buying them from a shop which should've been only an alternative way of obtaining them. Not the only way to obtain new items. Another thing is the fact that you don't have an inventory anymore so you're forced to go back to where you spawn to see your obtained resources in a chest that I did not realize existed till a few hours into the gameplay.

Overall I do recommend the game itself. It is great, and hopefully the things that need in my opinion improvement will be improved as Klei devs are working daily on doing so.
Postat 29 aprilie. Editat ultima dată 29 aprilie.
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I drank beer and ♥♥♥♥ my pants
Postat 7 martie.
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I got banned for RDM on darkRP server, I need steam points to pursue legal actions against this unjust ruling
Postat 24 ianuarie.
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Spider man 2
Postat 21 noiembrie 2023.
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time me a good Show, Jack!
Postat 21 noiembrie 2023.
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This game is so great i decided to stay with captain from within the first 5 mins of the game...Almost as if i cannot move :)))
Postat 18 decembrie 2022.
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Game good, you get to shoot animals and touch grass while dancing on it
Postat 29 mai 2022.
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cant belive netflix ripped this game off
Postat 30 noiembrie 2021.
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Game good. I like game. Buy game. Game cool
Postat 27 august 2021.
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