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244.1 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Blade and Sorcery is essentially the medieval mirror to Hotdogs, Horseshoes, and Hand Grenades. It has a bunch of medieval weapons and magic abilities for you to play around with, and a bunch of enemies to slash/stab/burn/zap/yeet. It also has skill based combat, so you better practice your stabs and jabs. I find endless 1v1 to be the best for this.

However, it's not without a few problems- one glaring one in particular. CPU usage.

See, this game uses complex calculations for how enemies block your attacks and behave in general. While cool and very fun, it's extremely taxing on most systems even for short periods of time. I've recently found a slight workaround by turning the physics quality from high to low. Even then it doesn't solve the problem, only slow it down. I can't play this game for more than 20 minutes before it goes from a buttery 90 fps to an agonizing 20 accompanied by motion tearing.

Other than that glaring issue, this is a must have game for VR users. And it's a WIP game, so it'll only get better!
Posted March 27, 2021. Last edited March 27, 2021.
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4,502.5 hrs on record (3,865.0 hrs at review time)
Wow, I haven't actually reviewed this game yet. Here goes.

Team Fortress 2 is the pinnacle of team-based action. From open map engagements to tight choke points, this game has modes and maps, weapons and classes, and all kinds of things that everyone will enjoy.

As a Free to Play game, you don't have to pay anything to play the game. However, numerous weapons and items are on sale to purchase if you're desperate. If you're patient, you can get items from random drops, trading, or crafting.

The core mechanics of the game are fairly straightforward: You have a selection of nine playable characters and an arsenal of weapons at your disposal to complete whatever objective is currently available. The Scout is a nimble, duck-and-weave class. Soldier is an All-rounder with impressive mobility despite his slow speed. Pyro is a close-range ambush class with an affinity for fire (And rainbows!). Demoman is a drunken demolitions expert that excels in traps, defense, and aggressive pushes. Heavy is a close range powerhouse with a minigun. While there's not much nuance to playing him, it's your environment that needs your most attention. Engineer is a primarily defensive class focused on supporting his team with his Sentry, dispenser, and teleporters. Sniper is as expected- a long range assassin. Medic is the primary and only healer of the game, with the ability to change the tide of the game with a single right click. Spy is the master of disguise and espionage, coming equipped with invisibility, an instant-kill knife to backstab your targets, a disguise kit, and a sapper for harassing engineers.

Each class may have a core playstyle, but all can be played YOUR way. And to augment that, there's a slew of weapon sidegrades that make playing each class a new experience every time. Want to have two powerful knockback shots instead of the regular six? Use Scout's Force-A-Nature! Want to combo enemies with your secondary instead of blasting them with fire? Use the Pyro's Degreaser flamethrower. There's so many options that I just can't go into detail with- you have to try it for yourself.

Alongside the official maps and modes that Valve has created, the community has dozens of community-run servers with thousands of hours worth of original content. From the boss-fight mode of Vs. Saxton Hale, to the crazy weapons of x10 servers, you'll never run out of things to do. If you want to find custom competitive maps, go right ahead. If you want to play on a giant map where everything is a sandwich, you can do that too.

TF2 has brought me so much joy, and helped me meet some of my closest friends. If you haven't already, give it a try.
Posted December 6, 2020. Last edited June 3.
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57.4 hrs on record (49.5 hrs at review time)
Holy Hell what a wild ride this game has been.

First thing I want to make clear: The game itself is phenomenal. Ten outta ten. The greatest display of gratuitous digital violence to ever grace my eyeballs. I got it on release day, and I don't regret a thing. I played through the campaign 100% and wanted to go back for more.

Now, onto what you were probably expecting: Denuvo. It's a dealbreaker. In one fell swoop, Whoever was responsible for this single-handedly murdered the game in cold blood. If you look at those review numbers above, you'll see just how bad they screwed up. It's a shame to see that the game's first update ruined the game, rather than making it better.

It's an even bigger shame that this may be the last thing the game is known for before it fades into obscurity.

There's a lesson to be learned in all of this though: Don't EVER ♥♥♥♥ with Doom.

Edit 5/27/2020: I rescind my complaints about Denuvo, as of today it has been removed. It's A-OK to purchase the game now.
Posted May 19, 2020. Last edited May 27, 2020.
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15.0 hrs on record (9.8 hrs at review time)
After only nine hours of Mordhau I can safely say it's worth the price, even if I'm absolutely terrible at it. It's a great game that does interactive sword combat extremely well. The gamemodes are fun, and blend well the the absolute clusterf*ck of a match, making some rather silly moments that remind me of the chaos realm that is Team Fortress 2.

THE PROS: The bread and butter of the game is the swordplay. You and you alone have total control over which direction and type of attacks you use. Let's say you have a simple longsword. You can swing it in ANY direction. Want to do a horizontal slash? Go right ahead. Vertical? No problem. Right uppercut? That too. You can even parry attacks and certain projectiles if you actually hit them. Engaging in combat with another player is almost visceral, because both of you immediately know either of you could die with one misplaced swing or parry. There are some advanced combat techniques to learn, but aren't a total priority. I have no problem with the various game types, though I do wish there was some variety in matchmaking. In addition, earning new equipment uses gold that can be earned by just playing the game. No microtransactions here!

THE CONS: Remember how I said either of you could die at any moment? Here's where that comes in. Whatever you can do to avoid attacks, your opponent can too. This puts both players at a clashing standstill over who runs out of stamina or screws up a parry or strike first. This gets even worse in team fights and large crowds. Enemies can easily be ganged up on, and that goes for you too. You could be surrounded on all sides and be able to do NOTHING about it. Might as well accept death at that point. Couple all that with the rather wonky physics, and the combat can sometimes feel unfair. Not to mention your weapon can collide with the environment or YOUR OWN TEAM, so messing up a swing is even more punishing.

IN CONCLUSION: Mordhau is pretty damn good. It's not perfect, but it's not bad either. It's a gold nugget in a diamond mine. Not what exactly what you were looking for, but still good nonetheless. I recommend getting it if it goes on sale or if you have the money to spend.
Posted December 8, 2019.
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107.1 hrs on record (74.0 hrs at review time)
Posted May 20, 2018.
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9,858.4 hrs on record (30.4 hrs at review time)
Well....It's certainly been a while since I made my initial review. And I've learned quite a bit about this game and can finally give a proper review. Fasten your seatbelts, kiddos.

Warframe is a third person action-adventure looter shooter. The entire game is free to play with new free content being added semi-regularly. The world is fascinating and the story pretty enjoyable, if disjointed at times. As for the gameplay, it's very fast paced with a focus on sheer overwhelming power on the part of the player. Imagine running around as a bio-mechanical suit of armor that can use eldritch space magic- that is you.

The pros of warframe fall under one single bullet point: Power fantasy. This game makes you FEEL powerful. Over 40 different "Frames" to choose from, each catering to a specific playstyle. Want to run around with a lightsaber? Excalibur, the starter frame is for you. Want to mix it up and take some hits? Play Rhino for the authentic bullet-sponge experience as you barrel through hallways. Not your thing? Why not support your team with Trinity? You will be appreciated. Along with unique characters are dozens upon dozens of unique weapons, from the mundane and standard issue to the pristine and gold designs of Prime weapons.

Across your journey you will face several different factions: The Grineer, a militaristic race of genetically decaying humans. The Corpus, a technologically advanced money-cult with high-tech robot proxies. And finally, the Infested, which are basically the Flood from Halo but stupider and more aesthetically pleasing.

With enough expositing about the setting, you'll want to know the details on the technical side. Like microtransactions and crap like that. Well you're in luck, because unlike most games these days, you don't NEED to do them at all to acquire everything in the game. You see, the premium currency, Platinum can be entirely ignored and everything farmed/grinded for yourself. You can also trade platinum between players to partially ignore the grind without spending actual money. As items can be traded between players, it's natural someone will pay a bit for something they need.
Another note is the "Prime Access". This is not paying for shiny golden stuff, this is paying to get shiny gold stuff DAY ONE. You can still acquire these gold items as soon as they're released provided you have luck and time. Speaking of Time, this game eats a lot of it. You best have a free or flexible schedule otherwise you probably won't get much out of this game often.

The CONS of warframe are quite plentiful, I'm not just singing praises here. For starters, this game does a very BAD job of teaching you how things work. The best you'll get is a basic explanation of how to do something, not how something WORKS. The game gives you lessons how to put mods on your guns and frames, but does not tell you what is effective on them. Likewise, the game does not give information easily as to the whereabouts of a certain item you may be looking for. Nor does the game plot a proper path of progression for the player, giving vague hints and letting them sort it out for themselves. This hands-off approach is a double edged sword, as a player could feel liberated to do as they please, or be hopelessly lost without another player turning them in the right direction like a lost kid at a shopping mall. Another major problem, or rather core mechanic, is the grind. This game is a grindfest and a half. If you need to do something, you're probably going to have to work for it. This game does not give you ANYTHING right off the bat unless you're insanely lucky.

There are a bunch more things I could ramble on about, but you're probably sick of reading now. TLDR: Would I recommend Warframe? Yes, but depends on you the player. I'd suggest finding a buddy who also plays to help you. good luck Tenno.
Posted August 9, 2017. Last edited December 25, 2021.
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177.0 hrs on record (117.3 hrs at review time)
Well, after completing the campaign, playing multiplayer, and publishing a map of my own, i can definitively say that this is the best shooter to ever crawl its way from hell.

Posted August 4, 2017.
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