RubbermanBall TTV
Jacob Enjoy the flashback.
Look, I'm an angry man. I'll try not to yell at you. Just don't play worse than me. :csgogun::OhNoBlue:
Here for a good time, not a long time. Used to play TF2 daily, now I play hunt. Why? Because I am a sucker for the abuse that the game provides. Expect me to carry you? Naw fam, I barely carry myself.
Inquire with me for plumbing advice or to let me practice my car selling abilities as we play. Imagine driving a Chevy in the bayou.
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Siphon 14 avr. à 19h11 
Trash stats but thinks hes hot stuff
RubbermanBall TTV 9 aout 2023 à 20h30 
i get it, i hope to see you around again soon. miss ya man
Darkone2e 6 aout 2023 à 21h11 
working hard out in the boondocks.
Boomcycle 29 juin 2023 à 11h41 
lit·er·al·ly used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true. MR. Grammar nazi
RubbermanBall TTV 1 avr. 2020 à 13h12 
i know, i reported them
Infekt 1 avr. 2020 à 2h07 
I/m sure you probably know, but it looks like your old group was hacked or something and now its posting spam link about a fake giveaway