A Sexy Orange
Ronald Barnhart   United States
:2017stickyorange:"They live and die by the meme"- Izuru Kamukura:2017stickyorange:
"Dab, get some good ones"- Andrew
Yukiko gaming

me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZDcDJda3qg

And that's the end of that...
作成者 - Fat Mac
For those cultured degenerates
Oh my how LEWD
6 5
記録時間: 147 時間
6月3日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 0.9 時間
6月3日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 71 時間
6月3日 に最後にプレイ
batmanspy 1月31日 14時48分 
stay poor stay bad u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bozo lmao
claudia 1月6日 18時51分 
Cup # 17 2023年11月18日 13時14分 
My original idea was "lainpilled hikkikomori femcel beautymaxxing poster girls" actually, but they told me it was too girlboss and I had to be girlbossing less as to not shock the general public so I settled for mediocre because a pretty girl needs to know how to compromise... do you like it☺️
King Zarus 2022年11月30日 2時30分 
The more I think about not thinking about the song, the more I lose touch with reality. My family keeps dragging me away from this song, as they hope that it would improve my mental health. They don't seem to get that it would only make it worse. My friend set up a challenge for me to watch the song for 24 hours straight. I ended up staying up four days straight watching it, and I enjoyed every single bit of it. The only reason I stopped is that I passed out hard. I could still hear it in my dreams. I have been pushing to change my legal name to Undertale The Musical, and they just stared at me. They don't get it. The world has to judge me and it has been very limiting. My internet bill has been very expensive because I watch the video all the time. I think I'm done here, I'm gonna go back to focusing my full attention on Undertale the Musical.
King Zarus 2022年11月30日 2時29分 
So I promptly littered the whole project with links and screenshots of Undertale the Musical and ended up crashing the Google Servers because I manually typed the link in over 2,300 times in the span of 3 minutes without one mistake, because I could NEVER EVER make a mistake while inputting anything related to Undertale the Musical. 2,300 divided by 3 is 766.6, so that means I typed in the links at 766.6 words per minute. That isn't fast enough, I still feel guilty for that. :( ... I attempted to do this before, but the computer I had lit on fire due to my fast typing, and my keyboard keys flew out faster than a jet. I had to buy a diamond keyboard and steal a supercomputer from NASA to do this again. I shame myself for my past life to not even ACKNOWLEDGE the song before it was ever released. It should've been burned into my memory before LHUGUENY even THOUGHT about it.
King Zarus 2022年11月30日 2時29分 
But I refuse as that would have the slightest possibility of distracting me from the song for a couple of seconds, so I wrote down the lyrics as many times as possible. I got a little too into writing the lyrics and drooling at the lyrical masterpiece that my parents and teacher had to drag me out of the seat and quit writing. At that point, my hand got so tired that I had to write with my mouth. I was so proud and I'm still keeping the piece of paper with me to this day. I've been obsessed with this song since Day 1. When I clicked the YouTube video on April 3rd, 2016, it was love at first sight. I couldn't quit watching, this instantly led up to this obsession. 4+ years of goodness has gotten me to the best life I've ever lived. One day, we had to do a slide-show presentation through Google Docs with a group as a project. At that point, I knew I had to do a few things. The slide-show didn't have a single friskin sign of Undertale the Musical by LHUGUENY in it.