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Senaste recensioner av littleone425

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
1,708.7 timmar totalt
♥♥♥♥ game dont bother wasting your time
Upplagd 19 februari.
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0.0 timmar totalt
The recent launch of the newest expansion lightfall has shown that bungie has lost its way with how a game should be developed. Much of the content regarding lightfall is weak and recycled garbage especially the weapons and story. The loot present within the actual campaign itself as well as the newest season that you are forced to buy even if you bought the standard edition is sub par and are identical to weapons available to us for years.

Most of the environment may seem nice to look at initially but are in fact reused assets from beyond light, an expansion from over 2 years ago. Many of the textures and rooms of europa are copied and pasted right back on here. All of the guns within lightfall are recoloured guns from the shadowkeep expansion and the current seasons weapons are from season of the lost which was a season from over a year ago before the launch of witch queen.

The story of lightfall can be described as filler as there is absolutely nothing substantial within. There are no spoilers within as there is nothing to spoil. The plot essentially progresses about 10 seconds from the start of the campaign to the end, so much so that the starting campaign cutscene was literally continued on directly without any sort of in universe pause at the end of the game. If our character literally sat on their ass and did NOTHING within the story nothing would have changed and arguably the story would have been better as we had to kill a significant fan favourite character at the end that resulted in the ending not changing at all. IF we are to look at the storytelling within the campaign, it relies on chasing mcguffins that are not explained whatsoever and every single character speaks as if we know exactly what is going on. As a result the entire middle part meanders all over the place helping with small insignificant go here shoot something quests which do not push the story forwards whatsoever.

The characters within lightfall are also unlikable to the point that i was rooting for their deaths. The main characters you interact with are such horrible people that their actions when contrasted to the world they are in are completely out of touch and make no sense. Cringe jokes and one liners make up the majority of the vocabulary of one particular character. The entire game between the middle and last mission could be cut without affecting the storyline at all.

The new subclass within lightfall called strand is more or less dead on arrival, the abilities present within are substantially weaker than the previous classes and instead of the idea that you discover this ability like is said on the trailers and vidoc, So much so that bungie had to prematurely release all of the upgrades to the subclass after 3 days due to how underwhelming it was and even then its still bad. Outside of needing the subclass for specific weekly challenges, it is barely used at all outside of those specific circumstances. The way you first obtain the power is also laughable, you literally just find the power on the side of the street just floating there. There is absolutely zero reason why it exists where you find it and barely ties into the story at all.

The newest season that is included in the purchase to inflate the price is also nonsensical in its storytelling. The story seems decent considering the trainwreck that is the lightfall story but falls off a cliff after a completely preventable death of another significant character. A cutscene plays in which we were in the same room literally seconds prior, and we are no where in sight which leads to a character death. And currently as of the final mission, bungie has handed another screw you to the dedicated fan base as the quest cannot be completed if you played the season too much.

The other game modes present within destiny are barely supported with the pvp mode having 1 singular map added over a year ago with the launch of witch queen. Gambit has not had an update to its general gamemode since the launch of shadowkeep over 3 years ago and even the removal of many maps.

The only positive about the game is that the gunplay and movement feels satisfying. The older content is still relatively okay but only get when its on a deep discount.

After the phenomenal expansion that was witch queen, the game as of the current state is not worth getting into as bungie has also increased the price across the board for less content. Buying the game separately also means that you do not get access to the dungeons that are released with certain seasons. Meaning that if you want to buy all the seasons on their own, it is significantly more expensive. This is already on top of the 100 bucks needed to buy the deluxe edition which is an insane price.

It might be worth checking out just cause the game is technically free but only ONLY get the expansions if they are on a deep discount of 75% or more AND you want more destiny. The newest expansion adds nothing and is not worth the buy even if they offer it for 90% off.
Upplagd 17 maj 2023.
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2,925.3 timmar totalt (2,547.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
The recent launch of the newest expansion lightfall has shown that bungie has lost its way with how a game should be developed. Much of the content regarding lightfall is weak and recycled garbage especially the weapons and story. The loot present within the actual campaign itself as well as the newest season that you are forced to buy even if you bought the standard edition is sub par and are identical to weapons available to us for years.

Most of the environment may seem nice to look at initially but are in fact reused assets from beyond light, an expansion from over 2 years ago. Many of the textures and rooms of europa are copied and pasted right back on here. All of the guns within lightfall are recoloured guns from the shadowkeep expansion and the current seasons weapons are from season of the lost which was a season from over a year ago before the launch of witch queen.

The story of lightfall can be described as filler as there is absolutely nothing substantial within. There are no spoilers within as there is nothing to spoil. The plot essentially progresses about 10 seconds from the start of the campaign to the end, so much so that the starting campaign cutscene was literally continued on directly without any sort of in universe pause at the end of the game. If our character literally sat on their ass and did NOTHING within the story nothing would have changed and arguably the story would have been better as we had to kill a significant fan favourite character at the end that resulted in the ending not changing at all. IF we are to look at the storytelling within the campaign, it relies on chasing mcguffins that are not explained whatsoever and every single character speaks as if we know exactly what is going on. As a result the entire middle part meanders all over the place helping with small insignificant go here shoot something quests which do not push the story forwards whatsoever.

The characters within lightfall are also unlikable to the point that i was rooting for their deaths. The main characters you interact with are such horrible people that their actions when contrasted to the world they are in are completely out of touch and make no sense. Cringe jokes and one liners make up the majority of the vocabulary of one particular character. The entire game between the middle and last mission could be cut without affecting the storyline at all.

The new subclass within lightfall called strand is more or less dead on arrival, the abilities present within are substantially weaker than the previous classes and instead of the idea that you discover this ability like is said on the trailers and vidoc, So much so that bungie had to prematurely release all of the upgrades to the subclass after 3 days due to how underwhelming it was and even then its still bad. Outside of needing the subclass for specific weekly challenges, it is barely used at all outside of those specific circumstances. The way you first obtain the power is also laughable, you literally just find the power on the side of the street just floating there. There is absolutely zero reason why it exists where you find it and barely ties into the story at all.

The newest season that is included in the purchase to inflate the price is also nonsensical in its storytelling. The story seems decent considering the trainwreck that is the lightfall story but falls off a cliff after a completely preventable death of another significant character. A cutscene plays in which we were in the same room literally seconds prior, and we are no where in sight which leads to a character death. And currently as of the final mission, bungie has handed another screw you to the dedicated fan base as the quest cannot be completed if you played the season too much.

The other game modes present within destiny are barely supported with the pvp mode having 1 singular map added over a year ago with the launch of witch queen. Gambit has not had an update to its general gamemode since the launch of shadowkeep over 3 years ago and even the removal of many maps.

The only positive about the game is that the gunplay and movement feels satisfying. The older content is still relatively okay but only get when its on a deep discount.

After the phenomenal expansion that was witch queen, the game as of the current state is not worth getting into as bungie has also increased the price across the board for less content. Buying the game separately also means that you do not get access to the dungeons that are released with certain seasons. Meaning that if you want to buy all the seasons on their own, it is significantly more expensive. This is already on top of the 100 bucks needed to buy the deluxe edition which is an insane price.

It might be worth checking out just cause the game is technically free but only ONLY get the expansions if they are on a deep discount of 75% or more AND you want more destiny. The newest expansion adds nothing and is not worth the buy even if they offer it for 90% off.
Upplagd 19 april 2023.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
19.2 timmar totalt (4.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
in a similar state to battlefield 1 in which every server has a hacker in it, alongside the overpowered weapons and upgrade system that makes high level player weapons statistically better than anyone starting out makes it completely unplayable and not fun whatsoever
Upplagd 24 januari 2021.
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2.7 timmar totalt
Game is infested with hackers with at least 2 or 3 in every match and is completely unplayable

Upplagd 24 januari 2021.
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3 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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340.0 timmar totalt (340.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
do i even need to explain
Upplagd 18 juni 2017.
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1,881.9 timmar totalt (918.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
First of all i will say that i have been playing the game since its launch in Dec 15 2014 when it wasnt on steam yet and i feel its due time i write a review for this game. The key was obtained through frontier directly as they provided steam keys for players who bought the game originally through their store. Although there have been some controversy over the horizons DLC/Season pass i would definitely say its getting better with each update bringing a good amount of content plus guality of life improvements. i got it for 15 bucks in my currency which is about 12 USD so its definitely a good deal for me

There are 2 more major updates to the horizons season pass as planet landing,engineers and ship launched fighters are already out. The horizons season pass can be considered essential in maximising ship potential in pvp combat but in other areas the base abilities of ships are adequate. The next update would be the ability to do multicrew with friends on the same ships followed by a mysterious update that we have no idea what it contains yet Thargoids i hope .Oh yes its thargoids and they are deadly. It took about 7 ships in a group of friends to take one down.

The ship handling in the game is absolutely great as it follows a newtonian flight model. The supposed grind of the game is definitely a factor in which many consider when buying the game but then again it is only to get the largest ships in the game. The smaller ships are able to accomplish what most large ships can do almost as well and in some cases even better. It is highly advisable to play the game at your own pace and not to just grind out the credits or ranks. That will definitely cause most to be burned out and feel the grind but everything can be obtained as long as you play the game normally. It might take awhile but everything can be achieved eventually. The learning curve for the game is rather steep and a quick look into the controls for your ship can give some a heart attack.

There are also a massive amounts of HOTAS and controller setups that are fully rebindable but the most popular joysticks have already been setup by the devs and it is as simple as plug in, select the joystick from a list and play. Personally i use just the keyboard and mouse so thats completely applicable too

The game is a very niche title that will definitely bore those who want instant gratification. The times where nothing happens and the universe simply exists is always more than the exciting moments. Unless of couse you decide to do bounty hunting or carry a single ton of cargo in which pirates will hunt you down mercilessly. Everything in the game takes patience and a lot of time to accomplish such as supercruising to a starport or jumping to multiple systems. It is definitely possible to simply have a youtube vid or a podcast playing in the background while you play the game.

Finally for those new players who actually decide to buy the game, the elite subreddit is a great place to ask your questions without having them shot down immediately. The community is always ready to help new players regardless of what questions are asked and will come together for special events in the game. The tutorial missions are also overhauled with the ship launched fighters update as they now provide fully voiced tutorial missions and instructions.

Also a small heads up, im not too sure why people with many hundreds of hours are not recommending the game as that kinda makes the game worth it.

Thanks for reading! o7 CMDRS

updated as of 23/11/2017
Upplagd 25 augusti 2016. Senast ändrad 22 november 2017.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
571.2 timmar totalt (415.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Recension av CS:GO
i cannot recommend the game due to the mass amounts of hackers cheaters and especially the new deranking system. Most of the fun i used to have in the game is now replaced with the constant struggle for getting new ranks. Its completely absurd with me starting off at MG1 and now at SEM for no reason other than to thin out the ranks and to make people spend more time on the game. While the mechanics are good enough for a game especially one such as this that is so old and venerable, its time for me to put it down. I finallly had enough and i am writing this negative review because of it.

GG valve GG.
Upplagd 23 januari 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
1 person tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
105.1 timmar totalt (78.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
fun and addicting to a certain extent but after u finish the game it gets boring fast i also reccomend playing with a co-op partner
Upplagd 22 december 2012.
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